Split Voltage

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Split Voltage
Player: @Walterros
Origin: Technology / Science
Archetype: Brute
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Zachary Trent
Known Aliases: Punishing Shot
Species: Human
Age: 20
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 145lbs
Eye Color: Light Blue
Hair Color: Dyed Blue
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Intern at TechBiz
Place of Birth: Norfolk, Virginia
Base of Operations: Paragon City, Rhode Island
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Susan and Johnathan Trent (Parents)
Known Powers
Known Abilities
Genius-level Intelligence, Static Field Manipulation, Agility,
Modified MacManus Power Generation Gloves, Trent-Workz Sonic Blades

What's to say about Split Voltage, the hero formerly known as Punishing Shot? Well he's none other than Zachary Trent, the twenty year old genius, inventor, and businessman from Virginia. So why the change of name, you may be wondering. Well, let me tell you...


The Beginning

The year is 1991, and Johnathan and Susan Trent are about to be the happy parents of what everyone thought to be an average boy. I mean, what were the chances that two mundane parents would produce an extraordinary prodigy. But it seems like fate struck and the odds were beaten when Susan gave birth to her first and only son, Zachary, on a cold day in November. But the two proud parents had no idea that their son would grow into an individual who would affect the lives of so many in a positive fashion, well, mostly positive anyway, most the time. No one's perfect, right?

The Early Years

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