Starlight Blue
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
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Starlight Blue | |
Player: @Floral Madness | |
Origin: | Mutation |
Archetype: | Dominator |
Threat Level: | 1 :( |
Personal Data | |
Real Name: | Veronica Novaner (No-va-ner) |
Known Aliases: | Star, Light, or Blue |
Species: | Human, S.T.A.R. |
Age: | 39 |
Height: | 6' 6" |
Weight: | 145 |
Eye Color: | Blue |
Hair Color: | Black and short |
Biographical Data | |
Nationality: | U.S.A. |
Occupation: | N.A.S.A. Scientist |
Place of Birth: | New York, New York |
Base of Operations: | Port Oakes, Rouge Ilse |
Marital Status: | Married to the deceased Herald Novaner, mother to Stella Novaner |
Known Relatives: | Stella Novaner, Herald Novaner (deceased), Monica & Phillip Larsen (Parents) |
Known Powers | |
Gravity Control, Energy Bolt | |
Known Abilities | |
Fly, run at Superspeed level, Teleport (Ofcourse she can't right now. See Level) | |
Equipment | |
None | |
Came to Rouge Ilse to start a new life, since the "Accident" could of caused her to stay in a lab for the rest of her life. |
Contents |
The "Accident"
It was that day were Dr.Zeldous had finalized his new invention, a car that can travel universes without the need of constant fuel. The Invention had some source that made it defy gravity. Since no one volunteered to test his mad machine, he purposefuly volunteered Veronica, since they had many conflicts between each other. He must of knew what the machine did. A Genetic Mixer that would cause one human being to become a Super-Sonic, Teleporting, Accelerating, Radar. Aka, S.T.A.R. There are many questions for "R" to stand for "Radar". Some asume that the reason why it is "Radar" is because they will use this to make astronauts less vaunerable to the dangers of space when they go up there. When Veronica stepped in she even felt weird. The grin on Dr.Zeldous's face wasn't very convincing of survival. When the technology rose up, airborne. Looking down below the other scientists exaiming the presentation looked shocked. She thought Zeldous is an idiot for making a school science fair project, and claiming it for being his invention. When she made the blue-prints in the first place. She felt confident it would do nothing untill many bright lights of many colors glowed, strait into her eyes. Then as her blood cells tingled, and bones rattling, she became unconscious. When she had awoken, Doctors peared over her head. One of them, Zeldous.
"Zeldous! Why did you do that?! You monster!"
"Don't worry Dr.Novaner, you will be in the world record books soon."
"Ya? Is it 'cause I'm the first human-being to become a science fair project for you?!"
"No no Dr.Novaner, your the first S.T.A.R."
"Super-Sonic Teleporting Accelerating Radar."
"Radar? Radar?! Look Zeldous! I'm not going to be your 'STAR' or your living, breathing, Radar either!"
"Those Blue-prints were mine too! You just have a cold enough soul to go through my files!"
"Ha! But Dr.Novaner, I needed those, because you stole blue-prints from me. Remember?"
"No I didn't! Which ones were they?"
"The Genetic Modifier 6723. You already published that one I believe..."
"No I didn't! I'll tell you who did! It was stolen when the raiders striked! Remember?!"
"Thats what Dr.Larson said! Ask him yourself, he'll tell you!"
"Well that doesn't matter any more Novaner, you are now my specimen to test on the results of the STAR project."
"Ya? How long would testing be?"
"Rest of your life... Your no longer 100% human... Your far beyond that percent now."
"Aw! Thats just crap! I'm out of here!" She began to sit up, when she noticed that she was strapped down to the bed.
"You can't leave now. Your escape is impossible! Your our test subject!"
"What about Stella? How would I care for her?!"
"What? I did not know that you were a mother Doctor. I believe this would be Heralds daughter?"
"Hec ya! Now what do have to say about that? Stella will now live a life with no parents."
"I am sorry Dr.Novaner... I wish I knew. That way I wouldn't have to take revenge on your husband. But now that doesn't matter, you will live in this lab for the rest of your days."
"That is just crap Zeldous. Just crap." Then she suddenly flashed, then dissapeared. Her destination, Rouge Ilse. when she had hoped for Paragon City, Rhode Island, Her home. But Rouge Ilse was ok, now that she can no longer trust the U.S. government. Besides, Rouge Ilse is better for outcasts to society like her to be.
Veronica had Stella at age 38 (9/16/2008) Soon after, Herald died in a prototype test. When Veronica returned to N.A.S.A. since Stella was at a good age to looked after by baby-sitters. When she arrived she learned that Zeldous lead the project Herald died in. Although, she had better name with N.A.S.A., so she had doubts that he would be after her too.
She is highly wanted. Since the U.S. Government technically "owned" her since Zeldous convinced them that after the transformation she is no longer a human-being. Which is not true. The one to bring in Veronica Novaner in will recieve billions of dollars. Although, the hunt was assigned to certain bounty hunters. Hopefully no one will find her in Rouge Ilse. Thinking joining Arachnos would help, she went to Kalinda. Finding her annoying, Kalinda put the job on Floral Madness.
Midnight Annihilation
Since Kalinda found Veronica very annoying, disturbing, and quite a drag, she sent Veronica to talk to Floral Madness. Who needed recruits for a new Arachnos branch for Super-Villains. Floral also found Veronica quite annoying at times, but she found a job for Veronica, the interuptions decreased dramatically. Now, working at the "Front Office" of the base. Sometimes she would be asked to train in a training room, or, go out and do some villainy. Floral also provided her with a suit. Which was going to be a uniform for the Midnight Annihilation, but decided not use them since the thought of diversity came into mind. Now wearing a nice, galactic-looking costume, she is now known as Starlight Blue.
"Here take this." Floral tossed a stack of clothes to Veronica.
"Thanks. I bet my daughter would like it, that is, if she were big enough."
"You're a mother?"
"Yep, have been for a few years."
"What's her name?"
"Stella. But Herald is dead, so I'm a single mom."
"Where will she go now that your here?"
"Orphanage I bet... that's where they all go. Unless my parents want to take her in."
"Hmm... well anyways, make yourself at home, the defense shields are up, the desk is right there. Anything else you need?"
"That should be it... where shall I sleep?"
"You will figure it out... I guess that means the couch will have to do, that is, if you don't mind."
"Got it... and why is it so dark in here again?"
"Enemy issues, I'll explain it later. You need sleep from an tiring day."
"Alright then, good night Floral..."
"Goodnight Veronic- er-...Star."