Talk:Dr. Forsythe

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This character was inspired, in no particular order, by the following:

He's been everything I hoped, and a lot of fun to play. -- Megajoule

Oh my god... Cyberman 8 would be in terrible trouble from this guy if Dr. Forsythe ever heard of him. He represents everything that the Doctor has been researching! Det. Peter Brady was "uploaded" and lives on as the "ghost in the machine" soul of his android body.
Too bad the process died with the (somewhat mad) genius of Dr. Tani back in the 70s. C8 himself has no clue how it was done. But I get the impression that the good Dr. Forsythe would be more than willing to sacrifice him on the disassembly table to find out how he ticks.
Maybe Dr. Forsythe -has- heard of the super-speedster android from his career in the 60s. Might even have considered him an inspiration. And now that he's resurfaced, might be making plans on how to capture him. Story possibilities abound...
(Sorry for geeking out there, as you may be able to tell, I love your character concept. I get the whole "Mr. Glass" aspect of the intense regret of his actions, yet still doing them. Great stuff!) --Logand
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