Talk:Reapor Demon Ninja

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Feature Article Nomination Declined - Review

Here is a brief review provided by a sysop for your page and why it is currently not accepted into the list of approved pages for Feature. This review is meant to be helpful in updating your page to Feature article qualified.

This page is far from complete and lacks a character picture for the info box. The writing is also a bit jarring and is often hard to follow the narrative. It seems odd that it would take his brother being merely knocked out to drive him into an animalistic rage rather then the brutal rape and murder of his mother or the brutal murder of his father, was he perhaps not close to them? The story is also a bit to close to the story of Wolverine and Weapon X for comfort, there is a difference between being inspired by something and directly copying it. The word Rogue is also misspelled throughout as Rouge. This article needs quite a bit of work before it will be approved for feature. (Review 05/23/2011)
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