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Everyone's entitled to one, right? Sometimes I doubted he'd make it to 50 - I would have been happy as long as he got to 22, for his cape and the "Conjunction Junction" badge, which he still wears - but everyone I've met seems to love the character. I love him too, and have tried to make him more than just a joke or a ripoff. And honestly, just look at him! He fits.

Obviously his biggest influence was the Schoolhouse Rock character, but he also owes some to John Shaft, Taurus (of Interstate '76 and its sequel), and all the other blaxploitation heroes of that era.

VERB became my fourth level 50, and second hero to reach that level, on April 15 2007. Here's to ya, big guy. -- Megajoule

Oh YEAH! Now this is a concept I can get into. :) And good to see someone else who enjoyed Interstate 76/82. "That's Mister <blam!> TAURUS! <blam! blam!> to YOU! <blam!>" -- Soul Train 11:53, 12 May 2007 (MST)
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