Talk:Virtueverse Slang

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I hate to break this to you...but nobody uses this slang. - JT

Theres atleast two on there that I use IC that are on this list, and two others that I've seen used. As all of these were suggested to the page creator on the CoH forums, I guess what wordsmithing you clock depends on the froods you natter to. - Lunk

...What? Xeden 04:08, 10 June 2011 (CDT)
Sorry, what I meant to say was The slang you gander depends on the julius' you rabbit at. - Lunk

lulz Lunk, you're talking above their comprehension level! :P -- Ant

They were suggested on the thread, however let's be honest. The majority of these posted were made up on the fly. They were never actually used. Jus' sayin'. -RedH

Bluside, Redside, supers...These are the only terms I use. These nicknames would be great to use in fictions, though. (Candy Cane Patrol - lulz!) :) -- Ant
A few of my characters refer to Longbow as the Candy Cane Patrol or red and white retards. Others I can think of is "Capes" for costumed heroes, Cinnabon for Cimeroa, Spiders for Arachnos, Marvins for Rikti and the PMS Brigade for Knives of Artemis. All actual ones I've used in game IC and probably in stories. - Ransim 12:08, 10 June 2011 (CDT)
'Sides the Longbow one, none of those are on the list. That's what I'm saying. Most of the names from the original thread seemed like they were just made up on the spot for the sake of it. They seemed very "forced" like someone trying to come up with something simply for a laugh - and failing. Not all of them, but a good majority. -RedH
Ok on that I think we can probably agree. But this seems more like a community page then a page owned by a specific user so I see no reason why other people shouldn't just come in and edit this with their own additions. - Ransim 12:57, 10 June 2011 (CDT)
I'd delete everything except Candy Cane Patrol and Shovelheads (Cause I've heard those used), the rest are so unfunny that it hurts me. - JT
This. I agree with all the above points, and I myself wouldn't really contribute to this page in such a state (and I do have a few I have used and would like to add.) But it's not my place to "clean up" someone else's work. (Sheyon 20:15, 11 June 2011 (CDT))

You seriously used the the word "Sluts" to describe Dominatrix and her minions? Come on, you can do better than that. ~ Stec

Weird part about it is, it wasn't suggested here. And a few of the ones I passed along didn't make it on this list, either... -- Denji


I dunno. The only thing I really see problematic with this is the title. It's not officially sponsored by VV in any capacity, is it? That's sort of a false presentation. If it were "City of Heroes Slang" or "Virtue Server Slang", I don't think it would be a thing. Xeden 14:51, 11 June 2011 (CDT)

Well, virtueverse itself is slang for the virtue universe. Like the millerverse Lunk
Totally irrelevant to the point, but thank you. Xeden 20:23, 11 June 2011 (CDT)
Yes, thank you for COMPLETELY removing my contributions to the discussion. But I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that it was an accident and you seem to be addressing Lunk. So as to avoid rolling back other people's contributions, I'm reposting below. (Sheyon 20:58, 11 June 2011 (CDT))
I'd say another accurate title for this page might be "In-game Slang" or "Virtue RP Slang". Anything along those lines, really. But yeah, "Virtueverse Slang" just feels wrong. (Sheyon 20:15, 11 June 2011 (CDT))
T'was an accident, my apologies. Xeden 23:37, 11 June 2011 (CDT)


So this doesn't fit into any of the other Player Content Categories, any suggestions? I was thinking Player-Created Languages, but that doesn't seem quite right. - Ransim 09:07, 10 June 2011 (CDT)

Chiming in to say I'm not 'bothered' by this, though I do think that it could use a page title adjustment. Again, if this is purely in-game IC related and not just a VV thing, it doesn't seem fit to be called Virtueverse Slang. Maybe along the lines of Player-Created Slang. -Unhearted 20:45, 11 June 2011 (CDT)

This actually makes more sense than anything. I also believe this is more Player- or even Character-created Slang than actual VirtueVerse slang. -- Denji 04:03, 12 June 2011 (CDT)
Agreed, so the page name should probably be changed to reflect that, maybe Virtue RP Slang, or Virtue Universe Slang. Though I will say the moment a character uses the slang especially if its picked up by a few others it really becomes VirtueVerse slang. Its the player created stuff for the lulz that I'm not so sure should be here. But definitely agreed the name should be changed. - Ransim 11:01, 12 June 2011 (CDT)
Tossing a vote for "Player-created Slang". It's better than my suggestion earlier in the discussion. (Sheyon 06:09, 14 June 2011 (CDT))
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