The Gray Griffon

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The Gray Griffon
Player: @coyotekid
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: 20
Personal Data
Real Name: Secret Identity
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human
Age: Unknown
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 225
Eye Color: Unknown
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: USA
Occupation: Crime fighter, World Traveller
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Ability to summon dark energies for protection and concealment. Incredibly low pain tolerance.
Known Abilities
Investigation, Combat Skills, World Cultures, Survival Skills, Small Team Tactics, World History
Comm unit, Hospital transporter, Criminal transporter tags, Heightened vision goggles
The Gray Griffon has recently returned from an 80 year period of inactivity. It is unknown if it is the real Gray Griffon or an imposter.

The Gray Griffon was created by coyotekid and is my homage to the pulp comic heroes of the 1920's and 30's. Features like The Spirit, The Shadow, Doc Savage, The Spider, The Green Hornet,and, yes, the original Batman.



The first documented appearance of the Gray Griffon occurred in November of 1930 on the docks of London, England witnessed by two dockworkers. The two men recounted a fight between someone who would later match the description of the Griffon and a sizable group of darkly clad men during a severe and sudden thunderstorm. The witnesses speak of the hero surviving severe attacks and striking back with an inky darkness swirling around his body and fists. The dockworkers gave their account during an investigation that followed with Scotland Yard wherein one of the workers had spoken to the hero who had, in turn, claimed to be, "The Gray Griffon."

From there, accounts of the Gray Griffon begin to dot the globe. Most of these sightings occurred throughout Paragon City but he was also seen in other locations throughout the world during this period. The stories stretch from Western Europe, to China, and as far south as South Africa. Finally, the official appearance in the States of the world adventurer and hero occurred in Paragon City in 1933 during the clean-up of that city begun by Statesman. The Gray Griffon was noted with several appearances but always preferring an air of secrecy, declining all interviews. He was known to work alone and to avoid encounters with the Freedom Phalanx during this time although it is rumored there were minor interactions between them. Observations of the hero increased from 1933 and onward to 1939. He then disappeared around 1942. Throughout his career, The Gray Griffon preferred to stay within the shadows, focusing on organized crime and areas within Paragon City such as King's Row. Also, given several key documents, it is believed that The Gray Griffon had some ties to the mystical research group known as The Midnight Squad though no confirmations have been attained.

A small memorial was held by contacts and friends who remembered him in 1972. A handful of attendees paid their respects at a small park gathering in Paragon City. Otherwise, The Gray Griffon passed into obscurity and quickly became an unknown part of history until recently when rumors of a hero wearing The Gray Griffon's costume began to circulate in Paragon City once again.




The Gray Griffon up against another demon

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