The Reapers Grim

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The Reapers Grim

A group of eccentric survivalists at first, founded by Rowan O'Neil, the Reapers now seek to grow their sphere of influence on a global scale, so that they may combat specific weapons and organizations that threaten the overall existence of life on planet Earth. While they oftentimes do mercenary work, it's nothing more than a quick way to get funding to continue their expansion and building. The Reapers are by no means evil, and actually try to avoid making enemies if at all possible.

History of the Group

The Reapers were originally founded within an artificial pocket dimension, led by Major Winston Goldwyn. The original team consisted of roughly six men, and their primary function was as soldiers of fortune. They were discriminate in their job offers, of course. Most of what they did was bodyguard work, or extra security. But beggers can't be choosers, and they'd resort to some unsavory forms of employment when necessary.

However, it all changed when the Cutter virus emerged. When one is faced with the extinction of your species, action is taken. Goldwyn dropped all job offers. He and his men began ferrying people outside of contaminated areas to relocation camps. During two such operations, the Reapers encountered Rowan and her soon to be adopted brother, Eric Randolph. When the original members died at the hands of the younger two, Rowan and Eric would go on to reform their group, their family, on Primal Earth. They would follow the Major's example, walking a grey line...even if what they do is to save lives.


While we are a pretty grey-area group, we are not evil by any stretch of the imagination. We use lethal force sparingly, but assassination is not beyond us so long as it prevents a known threat getting bigger. Remember, we're /survivalists/, not villains. Rowan herself is used to a chaotic world where there isn't much in the way of laws or government, but she is quite willing to adjust. After all, as long as the Reapers are seen as law abiding citizens publicly, they can be left alone for the most part to make any preparations necessary for their covert work.

As such, extreme characters aren't really welcome. We don't accept characters that will run off and create conflict with other groups at the drop of a hat. The survival of the group depends on being able to put aside your differences and be able to protect one another. We accept a lot of different kinds of characters, however. We even have a few Arachnos as "liasons." We have normal humans with military backgrounds, psychics, mystics, mutants, and even undead to a lesser degree.

We also do not accept spies or characters that would join specifically to turn on other members unless first discussed with the Captain and with the players involved.

Base Defenses

Reaper Grim HQ is a modern day self-sufficient fortress. It has magic wards to prevent it from being scried by magical or psychic means, as well as technological devices to cloak it. Psionic intrusion, astral projection, radar, and several other methods of detection are virtually useless. They keep their own power generator running just enough to keep the base functional, with the base itself positioned in just such a manner between two larger power sources to disguise their own in safety. In short, their home is almost undetectable. Only almost in that it is possible to randomly stumble upon it, but then intruders have to deal with turret guns and other weapons and traps.

As such we do not allow for "breaking into the base" as a means of introduction into the group. One must approach a ranking officer with invite abilities. All Reaper bases are interconnected by not only teleporters, but also by underground escape tunnels (except when considering Paragon/Rogue Isles travel. Those are teleporters only).

Rules and Regulations of Behavior for Reapers Grim

Questions to Consider Regarding Lethal Force


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