
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Ultrasound Color.jpg
Player: Ultimogirl
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Maura Connor
Known Aliases: Ultra, Mo
Species: Human?
Age: 19
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 115 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Red
Biographical Data
Nationality: Irish American
Occupation: '
Place of Birth: Paragon City?
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Known Relatives: None Known
Known Powers
Sound Manipulation
Known Abilities

Ultrasound was originally created one night in the Ski Chalet, when 5 friends made plans to play a new 5 person RP group of young heroes with a mysterious connected past(unknown to them). Her Pentad teammates were Brightspell, Lunar-Blade, Splendor, and Stormrager. With the Pentad group never taking off, I had to rework her past a bit to make her a character I could play by herself. This lead me to RPing her origin as a Mutant so I could hide her "mysterious past" storyline til a later time if I chose to go there again.



As an infant around 4-6 months of age, Maura was found abandoned one morning in Perez Park by a pair of joggers back in 1991. It was this same day that headlines reported 4 other abandoned infants were found throughout the city in 3 other areas (a pair of twins were found together). Placed in child services, Maura grew up most of her life bouncing between orphanages and several foster homes that never seemed to go well. Around the age of 10, it was discovered one day when throwing a fit after fighting with her foster parents at the time, that Maura could amplify her screaming where she wound up breaking several windows throughout a city block in King's Row. After seeing a few Specialist's, Maura was assumed to be a Mutant, though there was some complications in examining her blood work.

Recent days have found Maura in the care of another foster family, that only seem to care for Maura for the paycheck they receive from the state. Maura doesn't find them so bad, because she gets all the freedom to do what she wants and since moonlighting as a hero, she's been spending many late nights away from the house. After her 18th birthday, Maura decided to accept Chad's invitation and move into his apartment in Overbrook with him.
Singer Hayley Williams as Ultrasound


If Ultrasound was ever portrayed in a live action movie, she would be portrayed by singer Hayley Williams (pictured left). Maura is also a singer, but her singing style is more like Lacey Mosley of the Band Flyleaf, as Maura uses her Sound Manipulation powers to change her voice pitch.


Ultrasound is a bit of a loner and has some issues trusting others. Those she does allow herself to become close with, she is loyal and will do anything for. She becomes uneasy when others talk about family and rarely talks about how she grew up as an orphan. Maura can also be pretty stubborn when it comes to asking others for help, this often leads her to trying to take on to much on her own and she has been severely injured on multiple occasions because of this stubborness. Maura has recently been taking time off of patrols to dabble into singing in a band. Maura's always had a great singing voice, but she was always embarrassed to sing thinking others would call her singing into question because of her mutant powers. After some encouragement from her friends, she decided to give it a try and is beginning to really enjoy it.
Ultrasound by John Becaro


Ultrasound can manipulate all sound to do what she wishes. From manipulating the sound barrier to protect others, projecting hard hitting sound waves, and silencing all noise in a small radius around herself. Maura has proven she can be pretty creative using sound as an effective weapon.

Recently Maura has decided to better herself by learning how to fight in hand to hand combat. At first she wanted to learn to use bigger fancier weapons, but she has since found she prefers the smaller weapons like Daggers and Sai's because of their speed.



Maura has always kept to herself, but this does not mean she doesn't enjoy the company of friends once she gets to know someone. It may take her a little longer to trust someone, but she does eventually open up.

Teen Templars

In more recent days, Maura has found herself crossing paths with several members of the group known as the Teen Templars. Admiring how the group works so well as a team and how they seem to be a tight knit family in their downtime, Maura has definitely found her time fighting along side the group a pleasure and they have made her feel safe for the first time in a long while. It wasn't to long after, that Maura finally accepted the Templars invitation to join the team as an official member.

Templar Friends

Other Friends

Ultrasound by leohirok


Maura may be a grump and roll her eyes at a lot of people, but she is usually way to laid back to actually hate someone. A person would have to really be evil or extremely creepy to be considered an enemy to her.



  1. Stryker is an NPC in Bow-Slinger's background and not a real player character.
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