From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
The Androgyne first came to prominence following the events of the homecoming dance massacre at Kings Row's Ida Lewis High School in October of 2005, an event that saw em lose control of eir powers and unleash a radioactive onslaught that killed 62 classmates and chaperoning faculty. Ani Hess was born without gender, a condition eir parents chose not to correct with surgery, and the press latched onto this in christening em "The Androgyne" in news reports following the incident. -
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse in nisl eget leo viverra luctus. Curabitur posuere rutrum nulla, vitae convallis ligula rutrum ac. Nulla tristique lorem nec ante aliquam semper.Donec non purus nec enim venenatis vulputate. Curabitur congue, libero et pharetra posuere, enim risus adipiscing magna, ut accumsan ante eros ac urna. Etiam nec venenatis urna. Sed quam nisl, aliquam at euismod vitae, tempus sed nisi. Sed a lorem dolor, ut hendrerit mi.
Donec varius metus condimentum ipsum sagittis ac egestas mauris ultricies. Praesent eu augue vitae metus dapibus tempor vel non nisi. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce pulvinar metus vel purus consequat eu sollicitudin massa aliquet. Duis commodo consectetur nisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam quis dolor in leo lobortis ultricies ut vitae nibh. Donec pharetra nisl ac nulla porta a vestibulum elit lobortis. Donec sed mauris arcu, at ultrices tortor. Fusce pretium leo vestibulum nisi malesuada interdum. Fusce posuere, est non sagittis pellentesque, lorem nulla volutpat massa, quis cursus augue justo accumsan lacus.
Twin columns of bright blue pyrotechnic sparks arc over the entryway, hard rock pounds through the arena, and the massive steel doors emblazoned with the World Metahuman Wrestling logo slide open at the top of the ramp. The Bovine Barbarian emerges to thunderous cheers and thrusts his barbed-wire-wrapped fists up into the sky. On the way to the ring he stops, kneels by the security barrier to give a young fan a piggyback view of the crowd. He kneels again so the boy's attractive mother can retrieve her son -- the camera cuts to audience reaction, and thus misses Babe's lascivious leer down Mom's shirt. -
As a Vanguard Herald Advocate, Michelle Thompson's caseload consists primarily of arranging pardons and clemency agreements for super-powered individuals who came to the Vanguard as fugitives. Her specialty is arranging defections for meta-humans who have previously displayed loyalty to a corrupt or hostile regime. Few of the U.N.'s members are willing to accept such defectors without stringent scrutiny; it is Thompson's job to ensure her clients pass this scrutiny and to negotiate the conditions of defection. -