From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
The Player
Hey, I'm a nineteen year old male University student, reading English literature, which is why I have plenty of time to play games all day.
Dr. Adrian Alexander is my first City of Heroes character, I haven't role-played on an MMORPG for a few years and I had heard some good things about this particular game. I figured I was doing anything better with my time, so here I am! I'm a big fan of creating character back stories, as you might have guessed by the mammoth history I did for the good Doctor one night. As of writing this, er, 07/06/2011, I have yet to actually do any role-playing, but look forward to getting into it. Although, now that I think about it, having not done any role-play in City of Heroes yet, no one will know about this character, so no one will be reading this yet.
I designed my character on the simple premise that robots are great. I hope I haven't stepped on any toes with regards to game history, or other character histories with my own, please let me know if I have. From the basis that I wanted to create a robot my next step was to figure out where he was from. So yeah, no important back story stuff, no motivation or power, or look, just robots are cool and Switzerland is pretty.
I figure I should briefly mention my musical choices. I was born about aged sixty-five, so have few musical preferences beyond the nineteenth century, so it was quite difficult to find anything to my taste until Lauren Laverne introduced me to Scala and the Kolacny Brothers' cover songs. I found a suitable playlist on Grooveshark and selected the songs that I thought pertained best to my character's history. Song one is Samuel's, two is Ehrlichmann's, three is Maximilian's, four is Verger's, five is the Incident, six is Adrian's Loss, seven is Freedom, and eight is On The Run. As his history grows through role-play, I'll have to trawl through some more, I guess. I'll put them here too.
Feel free to contact me in game if you read this, bear in mind that at this stage I am still acclimatising myself to the controls and nuances of the game. Looking forward to it.