
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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A rare side of Maga, nonviolent picketing at an illegal commercial whaling ship. This peaceful stance didn't last too long, minutes later the crew atop the ship were mysteriously convinced to riot and impale each other with harpoons.
Origin: Science
Archetype: Dominator
Threat Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: Maga Torres
Known Aliases: Magawatts/Flor de Maga
Species: Human
Age: 23
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 155 lbs
Eye Color: Brown with silver pupils
Hair Color: Natural black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Puerto Rican
Occupation: College student and head of a "terrorist" animal welfare/wildlife conservationist group
Place of Birth: Carolina, PR
Base of Operations: Central Falls, RI
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: '
Known Powers
Mind manipulation and electrical control
Known Abilities
Outside her psychic and electrical abilities, Maga can teleport herself and others by use of electrical currents
Always carries a panda plushie, the mascot of her conservation group


Paradoxical and reclusive. Maga sees the world in very black and white terms which makes her skewed perception of the world even more maniacal. Her misanthropic views on humans make her seem self-loathing and brooding, which is not far from the truth. She sees it as her duty to right the wrongs of the human race by eradicating those that stand in the way of her pursuit to achieve "balance" in the natural world. She has strong feelings about animal rights and the overexploitation of the planet.


Maga grew up an average human child to average human parents. She was born in Puerto Rico but by the time she was 2 years old, her parents came to the United States in search for prosperity. They moved into a duplex, her father found a job in the biopharmaceutical field and her mother settled as a seamstress. Maga grew up in the black and Latino district of Central Falls so she was never far from her Puerto Rican roots. Instead of playing with the unruly children of the block, Maga spent most of her time with her elderly downstairs landlord, Miss Alice.

Miss Alice’s apartment was like a mini zoo to little Maga; she had 3 exotic birds, 2 hairless cats, a tank full of exotic saltwater fish, a pen with 2 hamsters and a white rat, and an old dog that always sat by Miss Alice’s feet. The animals all had one thing in common, in one way or another each animal had a history of abuse. The birds were either blinded in one eye or had their beaks clipped off; the cats were once typical tabbies but lost all their fur and had terrible seizures; the fish that swam around in the tank had large chunks of missing scales and flesh, some had extra lumps of cancerous growth; the 2 hamsters had severe lacerations down their bellies that healed into unsightly scars; the rat was missing 3/4ths of its tail, and the old dog was missing a hind leg. Although Miss Alice openly talked about all the exotic places she’s visited, she never once spoke as to how she came to possess all her pets. Nor did she ever explain what happened to the bonobo photographed and kept framed across from her writing desk.

Miss Alice was a retired zoologist and used to do research for the same biopharmaceutical company where Maga’s father was employed. Miss Alice never liked to talk to Maga’s father, a fact that always bewildered Maga. Although Maga wondered about the weird tension, she was more occupied with the mysterious history behind each of the animals. Miss Alice would avoid the question with a pat on the head while saying, “You’re much too young to worry your little head about the follies of human nature”.

Every day after school Maga would rush into Miss Alice’s apartment and listen to Miss Alice talk about her adventures. As Maga grew older she would read passages from books by Jane Goodall and Frans de Waal, books that were hand-me-downs from Miss Alice’s considerable library. ( to be continued….)

As her villain alter-ego


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