User talk:Jupiknight
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
I was wondering when you'd see that! XD - Betch New page! ilu jupi cakes. ~-~ Aqua
THIS BITCH IS FO REAL. - >:C "Whilst "magician" might sometimes imply tricks or stage magic, in this case it is used to describe all arcane practicionersor "spellcasters" - according to their particular style, these characters might alternatively be identified as cultists, druids, elementalists, enchanters, geomancers, illusionists, mages, ritualists, shamans, sorcerors/sorceresses, WITCHES, wizards, voduns, or any number of similar terms." I Win You scare me! o.O I like Gasmask. You have a lot of great concepts! Also: