Verdant Vera

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Verdant Vera
Origin: Science
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Vera Leslie Miles
Known Aliases: "Verdant" Vera
Species: Human (Troll)
Age: 28
Height: 6 Feet, Six inches
Weight: 301 Pounds
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Green
Biographical Data
Nationality: American Citizen
Occupation: Paramedic (Part Time), Dancer/Waitress (Part TIme)
Place of Birth: Crowne Memorial Hospital, Paragon City, RI
Base of Operations: Paragon City, RI.
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: <Deleted for Privacy>
Known Powers
Increased Bone/Muscle density, Very high metabolism.
Known Abilities
Superhuman strength, durability, and endurance.



Vera isn't currently associated with any known superhuman or law enforcement organizations. However, she has indirect ties to the Family.


Vera strives to remain upbeat and cheerful as much as possible, since according to her "Being Emo all the time really isn't productive". She takes her situation in stride, even capitalizing on her mutation. (i.e.: There exists a photo of her in a popular automotive magazine, posed in a bikini, with a Plymouth Prowler held above her head.)

She holds strong opinions on right and wrong, but is strongly reserved about displaying her power in public. She has a phobia of 'losing control' and accidentally killing someone. That said, she will defend herself and others, if necessary.

She rarely leaves the city, since she earns just enough money to keep up with her expenses most of the time.


Due to a mutation in her bone marrow, Vera is, in fact, a Troll. However, she has none of the 'bad' side effects. She is very bright and well spoken. Due to the unique nature of her particular situation, instead of becoming sexually ambiguous as most Trolls do, she became lean and toned.

The mutation had several effects:

When the change manifested, her metabolism took a quantum jump, her body suddenly building dense muscle and bone mass. In the space of fifteen minutes, the mousy, five-foot-tall Vera Miles had become a towering, green Amazon

Her skin is soft to the touch, but very tough to break. Bladed weapons can slice through with ease, but are usually caught by dense muscle within a few centimeters of penetration. It is extremely difficult to land a disabling or lethal blow on her, due to this. Pistol-caliber firearms will bruise her, but rarely penetrate her skin. Rifles stand the best chance of landing an effective blow, particularly large (.30 caliber and above) military type rounds.

The mutation also prompted an exponential increase in her body's natural healing rate, slowing her aging dramatically. She regenerates rapidly-most wounds can be seen closing visibly, moments after they're inflicted.

The physiological changes had other effects as well. She's very energetic, and during idle periods she can often be caught fidgeting, tapping her feet, or otherwise moving. She's assertive and aggressive, though this is tempered by her gentle nature. She remains even-tempered, and it's not likely that she'll 'lose control', even though she fears such an event.

Living in King's Row, she normally gets around on foot. However, when the mood strikes her, she rides a 1948 Vincent Black Shadow motorcycle inherited from her grandfather.

Weaknesses and Limitations

Though she got mainly the 'Good Parts' of the Troll mutation, it still poses some issues. Since the Hollowing, she gets hostile looks in most normal company. Travel is nearly impossible, because of the assumption that since she is a troll, she's prone to violence, and possibly trafficking superadine. After a few run-ins with TSA personnel in airports, she decided that the effort wasn't worth it.

Her enormous appetite is a serious limitation as well. She has to take in carbs and protein almost constantly to feed her insane metabolism, resulting in a hefty grocery bill every week.

Vera also has to wear thick prescription eyeglasses, otherwise her vision is extremely poor. Attempts at correcting her vision via surgery have failed due to her regeneration.

She is also hampered in that she is extremely distrustful of organizations. Due to bad experiences with various Hero groups, as well as larger entities such as Crey and Freedom Corps, she is shy about situations involving such organizations. Her mistrust of large entities and corporations has been detrimental, steering her away from more widespread recognition and a possibly lucrative modeling career.

Due to her rather rare condition of being a troll with few 'negative' effects, she is frequently the subject of capture attempts. Poorly planned and ineptly executed for the most part, she's been attacked no less than sixteen times in the last two years by factions from both sides of the ongoing fight, including a couple of purportedly 'Heroic' organizations.

There are a handful of people she trusts implicitly, all of whom work at 'After Midnight' with her in some capacity or another.


Character History

Vera Leslie Miles was born on 2 February 1979 at Crowne Memorial Hospital in King's row.



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