Shocking Spectral

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Player: @Aylee
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Corruptor
Threat Level: 42
Personal Data
Real Name: Heather
Known Aliases: Shocking Spectral
Species: Ghost (resurrected human)
Age: Confidential
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 50-60 lbs at full ectoplasm
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: White with light blue tints
Biographical Data
Nationality: The realm of the dead
Occupation: Confidential
Place of Birth: Confidential
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Confidential
Known Powers
Electricity Control, Ice Control
Known Abilities
No additional information available.



There are a lot of ways to describe Heather, and shy is certainly not one of them. In fact she's very open, sarcastic, somewhat crazy, and quite flirty toward many of the male persuasion. It was the latter that got her into a lot of trouble in fact, and probably still will.

Her craziness is nothing compared to that of her best friend Anthony, however, and Anny (as she is known to Heather) is perhaps the biggest source of Heather's problems. This would be because our dear ghost girl is prone to agreeing with whatever crazy plan Anthony comes up with. The only time she really gets it into her mind to argue with Anny, in fact, is over men.

Due to her mind having become Obayifo's play thing at one point, Heather has lately been very timid and extremely obedient to Yun. She does well hiding it around most people, but when talking to Yun there are no end to the apologies.


Heather wasn't always a ghost, although one hopes this would be obvious. No, in fact Heather spent quite a lot of time alive. She grew up in the same town as Anthony, and she was at least a little bit of a gossip. This was probably influenced most my her mother, who knew everything about everyone living in the town, and usually everything about everyone visiting or even just passing through.

What eventually got Heather into trouble, however, was not that she liked to know everything about everyone, but that she likes men. A lot. Probably too much, and her taste was always based more on their looks than their personality. Her downfall? A man named Devon Dovell, three years older than Heather. She had been quite taken with him and had been just about blind to all of his faults, including his tendency to beat her when he was drunk. Or even just angry.

But hey, everyone has faults, right? Either way, Heather was able to look past all of this until the day she... couldn't. This would, of course, be because he killed her. Even after being resurrected she still has a very blotchy memory of her death, barely remembering any of it. But she's seen pictures. Oh yes, she's seen pictures.

This hasn't stopped her from flirting with men after death, of course. They can't all be that bad, right? And anyway, she figures it would be kind of hard to kill her again.

Recently she's taken it upon herself to study up on ghosts and the Circle of Thorns, and ways to remove possessed ghosts. Her interest in this is because of a man named Yun who has caught her eye but appears to be possessed by a rather malicious ghost. Solution? Study all she can to get rid of his ghost for him.

Unfortunately, Obayifo (the ghost) is rather annoyed by Heather's intrusion and has been placing visions into her mind to try and scare her away. Or break her. Or both. Either way, this has had an unfortunate effect on Heather's mental stability.

Ghost Information

Most important is the fact that, in order to be resurrected, Heather's body was consumed by the ritual. In other words, she no longer has any body to be truly resurrected back into. This is perhaps not a big deal as her body was a little past ripe anyway. Yes, isn't that a wonderful mental image? This ritual does seem to have had a few other side effects, however.

As a ghost there are plenty of things Heather can and cannot do. Even she doesn't know the reasons behind some of them, although she hopes soon she will know more.

What she can do

Ice: As a ghost Heather gained ice abilities, something she didn't have when she was alive. Her lightning magic was something she'd already had, but ice powers not so much. But she's quite satisfied with having them, and they make if fun to freeze peoples drinks while they're not looking.

Ghosts: Heather can sense other ghosts, or at least others like herself, souls unbound to a body. She calls them 'untethered souls', and there are quite a few of them about, although they don't have a corporeal body like herself. Unfortunately she doesn't know what creates an untethered soul (short of a resurrection ritual such as Anny did for her), but she's more curious to know why the soul of a boy she's affiliated with doesn't appear to be tethered to his body.

Float: Well, yes. Heather can float. In fact, she prefers to do so instead of stand like a normal person because it's simply more comfortable. Besides, it's funny to watch people do double takes when they see someone sitting in the air as they would a chair.

Sleep: Or something like it, anyway. It's really more or less putting her mind into a sort of stasis so it can recharge. When she uses up too much of her energy, usually done by just floating around for four or five days (but can also be caused by her trying to move objects long distances that she shouldn't try, or using her other powers too often), her mind will start to shut itself down, unfortunately shutting down the rational part first. This essentially means her mind stops realizing it needs sleep, and she not only ends up hallucinating, but also her otherwise checked personality traits are let loose. Like flirtation, and her general interest in men. She seems to lack any sort of boundaries when she's working on no sleep. So she usually has the sense to sleep at every three or four days. Unfortunately if she is engrossed in research, she may not notice until it is too late.

What she cannot do

Movement: One of the more annoying things Heather cannot do is affect other things. Well, not easily, anyway. Even pushing over a stack of paper seems to take a lot of energy, and the more mass an object has the harder it is for her to affect it. Most objects feel like brick walls to her, including people. This is why she doesn't sleep in a bed; it's not really all that comfortable. It also means that she can't fight people with hand to hand combat, and is extremely susceptible to being held or immobilized. She has been getting better at this, however. Researching through books offers lots of practice.

Feeling: At least internally. Other than her emotions, Heather has no internal feelings. It comes with not having a body, really. She can feel outside temperatures, and can feel when she's touching someone or something, or when someone or something is touching her, but it's more of a mental ability to sense those than an actual sense of feeling.

Healing: Well, Heather is a ghost. She can't really be healed, in the normal sense of the word. If she's wounded she can 'sleep' and regain ectoplasm, or some healing spells can replace it as well. But normal healing spells will have no affect on her because her wounds are not like those of a normal person.

Mine for fish: If you don't get this then, well, you don't need to. Moving on.


Anthony: Anny is clearly Heather's best friend, and Heather will side with her on every issue short of those whatever boyfriend she's currently dating disagrees with. Because, well. In any case, Heather goes along with just about every one of Anthony's crazy plans, because they're fun. Really, does she need more of a reason? It seems that Anthony has a bit of loyalty to Heather, too, as she is the one who resurrected her.

Yun: What is there to say about Yun? Well, Heather is practically head over heels for him, for a start, even if he doesn't seem interested in her at all. But she plans to keep trying, anyway. After Yun's ghost played mind tricks with her, however, she has actually become very subservient to Yun, even if he doesn't quite realize to what extent. And after she... went a little crazy from lack of sleep and kissed him, well, things are going to be more awkward than ever.

Max: Max is very likable indeed, and Heather is of the mind that she would probably -really- like him were she not pursuing Yun at the moment. But she is, so, whatever. Either way, Max has been helpful in helping Heather think of more ways to find things out about Obayifo, and also helped to stabilize her after Oba screwed up her mind.

Lucy Xiao: The owner of the church Heather and Anthony were living in. Heather's only spoken with her a few times, but she's babysat Lucy's son often enough.

Graff: Heather hit on Graff until she found out he was dating Lucy. That was the end of that. But it's fun to creep him out, something Heather and Anny are very good at doing.

Ray: Lucy's son, whom Heather and Anthony have babysat often enough. Very quiet kid. But there's something a little... odd about him.

Richard: Heather may have caused Rich some problems when she casually said she thought Max and Dexter were both more attractive than him. Or implied it, at any rate. She didn't realize this, but does find it hilarious that he was trying to set her up with Max.

Dexter: An acquaintance that Heather met one day while talking with Max. She has seen him a few times since, and once unintentionally offended him when she said she didn't like rich people all that much. Ooops. After apologizing profusely to him after Max set her straight, she decided to be more careful with her words from then on. Whether she actually will or not is anyone's guess.

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