Blackstone Hills Preparatory School/Canon

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Villain Groups for Blackstone Hills Preparatory School

The groups not listed below are considered to be as is basically written in canon. Further, these could be considered to be the main groups that Blackstone Hills students come up against: The Warriors, Freakshow, The Hellions, The Family, The Skulls, the Outcasts, the Trolls, the Tsoo and the Vazilok. The slightly altered groups are as follows: The Clockwork (Any knowledge of long-term goals is unknown to students), and the Lost (Rikti involvements are unknown to students).

For our purposes unless stated by an officer we are presuming that all AVs are, in fact, one of many people in charge of said group or organization. We all haven't stopped Frostfire; the Zigg does SOME good in our world. Inherently the groups in this category had the change of being made more local and smaller in their actual scop but maintained the general same themes they had before.

Players are encouraged to write to their storyteller advocates about any personal relations they might have with any of the above groups or the groups in this category (re: Dad's store was extorted by the Tsoo, Sky Pirate kissed me during combat and flew off, Friend joined the trolls, etc.)

Name Reason for Change IC Explanation Major Changes
Arachnos As a group of 14 to 18 year old students, even with training, to pit them against a major world organization as Arachnos directly seems irresponsible at best. The Araknid Youth: a group of "Young Turks" who became dissatisfied with their limited upward mobility and instead decided to work as a series of cells to infest Paragon City. In actuality they operate considerably more like a better funded street gang due to second hand equipment from their erstwhile parent organization. They've been known to secretly steal uniforms and "go rogue" in the name of the PPD and Longbow much to both groups deep consternation. Arachnobots, Drones and other such things are considered to be a quarter of their original size. Mystics are low powered witches and wizards slinging spells; not highly trained inheritors of an ancient bloodline to our knowledge.
The Council/5th Column Given the type of weaponry used as well as the scope of paramilitary world organizations it is large than what BHPS students are trained to deal with while in school. The 5th Council?: A hate-filled empowerment group(s?) that seems to either be warring with itself or perhaps is two different factions based on differences in philosophy. They frequently find places to preach their philosophy; rabble-rousing throughout the city as best they can manage. Warwolves are dogs, no vampires, and large mecha are considered to be quarter-sized.
Circle of Thorns An ancient war between mystical races that goes back beyond time is much too grand in scope and wouldn't be something our students would know from their ground level training at any rate Circle of Thorns: A group of young and older witches that commit mystic crimes and use magic to summon spirits, cause mayhem, and get high. The spirits being summoned are considered to be a few steps smaller; ghosts, shades and imps - not giant spirits and demons
The Carnival of Shadows Again, another group with ancient history that's a bit beyond the scope of what we're looking to do as a super group. The Carnival of Shadows: A group of idle rich teenagers with an unfortunate tendency towards psychic powers. Looking for little more than a thrill and to swell their money and influence the group primarily serves as a playground for its teen princesses and their willing-to-dress-up-as-clowns jock boyfriends. No necessary further changes.
Devouring Earth Hamidon. We're teenagers The Risen Earth: Sometimes there's more fall-out around a superhero fight than people realize. Magical energy, energy from fabulous equipment, event mutated DNA are all left behind. And sometimes something comes from it. Spawned from a combination of energies over time the very rocks, plants, and a few unfortunate species of animal have become these semi-sentient creatures. Everything is presumed to be one quarter smaller than its original size. NOT one quarter of its size, one quarter smaller.
Sky Raiders While very close to being fine, the Sky Raiders are again a world spanning organization. Sky Raiders: Good guys don't get all of the serendipitous luck. When a group of thieves found themselves with a stolen shipment of medical equipment - teleporters, supply carriers, lifts for the wounded - they realized they had a good thing coming. Armed with nifty toys and more than a little bit of an Errol Flynn complex these pirates have gone for bigger and more daring operations. No necessary further changes.

Villain Groups GREATLY ALTERED for Blackstone Hills Preparatory School Canon

The following groups are simply way to big to be a part of our scope without major, major alterations and overhaul to where they're no longer the same organization. While our Carnival of Shadows is a smaller version of itself, it still is the Carnival of Shadows; just much more petty. These groups were changed dramatically to fit scope and theme.

Name Original Group(s) IC Explanation
The Weekenders Malta The Weekenders are one of the most perplexing and troubling groups that Blackstone Hills faces from the simple fact; the Weekenders are out to bait and hunt heroes. Not to kill them, not to eliminate a threat, but... simply because they can. While this would merely rise to the level of grand nuisance, unfortunately, the Weekenders have been known to kidnap young heroes and release them as big game at their events as well. Armed with tranq. darts, tagging guns, and fancy drones bought from Sharper Image - the Weekenders have been known to commit crimes for better equipment, to call hero attention, even to set a trap...
The 17th Company Nemesis As a testament to how wrong good intentions can go, the 17th Company began as a project by scientists and engineers to help restore healthy brain function to people in comas by tagging a microchip at the base of the neck. One of the scientists, Elmer Harris, was a quiet old man with a fondness for 19th Century history and had just begun to test their efforts when an accident happened involving a cat, some water, and a power-strip. The end result left the man more than a little cracked, believing himself to be kidnapped through time... but, unfortunately with access to all of his same materials. It didn't take him long to alter the original tags his group had been working on to supply himself with more people to help him stage his take-over and return himself back through time.
Sim-Room Praetorians/Cimeora/Etc Alternate Universe Groups Our extra-dimensional combat is a simulation. We don't actually go up against these guys, way beyond our pay grade. But, due to close ties to several other organizations such as Vanguard we are occasionally allowed to participate in training simulations for what going up against a force like that would be. It is significantly easier than the real thing, but, Blackstone Hills boasts that the program is one of the most rigorous training regimen they have. Upperclassmen have a tendency to speak as if it were a point based operation and one amusing story is told of a student in 2007 who boasted about how easily his team mopped the floor with Back Alley Brawler right as said hero was heading out of the doughnut shop to overhear.
The CURE Foundation Crey Not all people are happy when they discover someone in their family is a mutant. While the majority of sentiments are neutral to positive there are many who still see mutation as a freakish aberration. One of those groups is The CURE Foundation. The CURE Foundation is dedicated to field testing "cures" for mutations to any heroes or villains they can find as well as collecting samples to test from for further research. On several occasions Blackstone Hills students were instrumental in helping the PPD find and locate CURE Foundation "Hospitals" to rescue captured mutants.

Injuries and You

More serious wounds happen, but, due to the hi-tech equipment afforded to field students they are a bit more rare. Please speak with your officer before starting any more serious wounds plots so we can know and respond to them ICly accordingly. While we have access to a lot of things at the school serious wounds are serious wounds. If you ask for your character to have a broken ankle they will be taken out of the field for at least a month or two while it heels and sets - not a few days due to magical healing. We can set bones expertly fast. We can make sure that there's no fragments that are floating away. We can treat diseases quickly and well. But a lot of it is going to rely on your body and its inherent capabilities.

Lethality is also an issue: the school issued suits are to be considered highly bullet and stab resistant due to the minor force field they're able to generate as a result of our mediporters. Students are in reasonable danger in the field, but, the expected amount of injury due to their specifically made suits is to be considered "comic-book-lowered" for our groups' purposes: Bruises, sprained and pulled muscles, bloody noses are more common.
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