Lady Lamprey

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The Lamprey is a twisted thing of a woman. Surviving off of blood, she latches onto her victums neck with a powerful suction. Her tongue, resembling a mace, wips through her mouth as the head of it smashes, rips and breaks through her victims skin. The horrible wound, gushing with blood is now hers as her powerful suction increases. Lamprey is a mutant, resembling a lamprey, she can be a deadly opponent.

Lady Lamprey
Player: @Biosphere
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Stalker
Threat Level: ??
Personal Data
Real Name: Unknown
Known Aliases: Lamprey
Species: Mutant Human
Age: Unknown
Height: 5"10
Weight: Unknown
Eye Color: Grey blue
Hair Color: Black
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown
Occupation: None
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
After feeding - increased strength, high regeneration, razor sharp teeth, mace like wipping tongue.
Known Abilities
Very agile. Adept at close combat.


Lady Lamprey's history is something difficult to find. Emerging out of nowhere on the scene of villains has perked their interest in her past, but finding that information is hard. Nobody knows her real name, and the only people who know of Lamprey are the people of Paragon. Their fear of her lets them know she is a threat, but more than that they know nothing more. Seeing that Lamprey is a mutated human, one can assume that she had a normal life once. Possibly with a loving family. Yet her mutation points to signs that the life she lived was dramatically changed thanks to it. Despite thinking people would accept her for who she is, she was ex-communicated from her family and community. After all, the people around her wouldn't like having a child that was a lamprey-human. Having nowhere else to go, she turned to the junkyard of her community, staying out there and sleeping in the junk, and feeding off whatever she could find. She stayed there for years, mutating even more as they passed. She quickly lost her ability to speak, thanks to her Lamprey mouth, and her killing potential increased. After she had grown up enough, she finally left the junkyard to search for 'better food', but not before mending junk metal to make herself a bra, that she now wears to this day. She had no sense of where to go, and stumpled around from place to place. While in a town one day, she heard of 'heroes', and Paragon City. She viewed these heroes as a huge food source, and quickly made her way to Paragon City. Here she learned how to move past things like police drones quietly, and sneak past police. She fed off of heroes for some time, draining them of their blood, and picking up some of their powers after feeding off of them for a time, but the powers always went away. After some time in paragon she came across the hero, Biosphere. She attacked him and bit his neck and drained him of some blood, until he was able to take her off of him. Yet this attack was different. Biosphere's blood is superhuman, with regenerative properties as well as durable ones, and this retained itself in Lamprey. She now naturally has a higher rate of healing, thanks to her feeding off of him. After she was pulled off, Paragon Police came to the scene, and almost arrested her. Lamprey ran away and came to the Rogue Islands to run away from them and to look for more sources of food, and came across Marius Thorn who promised her the greatest source of food she had known, the hero Biosphere. Lamprey sooned joined him, and now is with the Injustice-Knights.

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