Omega Devastator

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Omega Devastator
Player: DimSimian
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Brute
Threat Level: 32
Personal Data
Real Name: Jared Haynes
Known Aliases: none known
Species: Human
Age: 29
Height: 5' 9" (8'+ in suit)
Weight: 180lbs (more than half a ton suited)
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Full-time troublemaker
Place of Birth: Kings Row
Base of Operations: Somewhere in the Rogue Isles
Marital Status: Widower
Known Relatives: Lorraine (desceased-wife), Aaron and Mike (sons)
Known Powers
Limited invulnerability and energy enhanced fighting through power-suit
Known Abilities
Besides the suit, the Omega Devastator has no real abilities...yet
Power-suit designed and created by the Arwon Corporation, also has been seen carrying the mystical Loa Bone
Was immortalized in a recent battle against the heroes of the Justice Guard when he screamed: "SNOWCONE!" for no apparent reason.
OmegaDevastator Header.JPG




Jarred Haynes grew up as a 'normal' child. Normal in that he manifested no mutant abilities, did not possess magical talents, nor did he find himself bitten by any radioactive insects. Growing up in such a way was nothing Jarred really worried himself with, despite being a naitive to Paragon City, the home of many a radioactive child or exploding teenager. At the early age of 24, Jarred met his one and only, Lorraine Watts. The only daughter of super-powered Doctor Omega, Lorraine found Jarred in the Atlas Park Hospital Burns Ward after he had a run in with a hot-headed Hellion wannabe on the way home from his job at the Arwon Corporation. The nurse in training fell for the man she tended and the two married a year later.

Falling on Tough Times

Bearing twin boys, Jake and William, Jarred and Lorraine were ecstatic as they prepared for parenthood. It was soon discovered that their boys were somewhat different, obviously inherriting a mutant gene from their grandfather. Jarred remained optimistic that with the right environment, their boys could grow into the powers they had begun to manifest without fear of ridicule. However providing such an environment cost money and it was the most inconvinient time for Jarred to lose his position in the Arwon Corporation after its second collapse. With job prospects slim to nill, Jarred turned to a life of crime to pay for his sons' tuition.


It was not long at all, however, until the law caught up with Jarred in the form of Paragon Police Officer Beverly D'Angelo, also known as ArchStrike of The Justice Guard. It was on Jarred's first big time gig. He was to drive a truck, loaded with Superadine, into a distribution point in the Hollows. It was at this point where he crossed paths with the mutant police officer and he was quickly subdued, along with a number of super-powered villains who were supposed to act as protection for the drop. Tried and sentenced to several years jail for drug trafficing, Jarred began to make earnest efforts to show that he had learned his lesson. Unfortunately, Jarred's dreams of an early reunion with his family were shattered when he recieved news of the death of his wife.

The Straw that Breaks...

On the day of Jarred's first parole hearing, he recieved word that his wife, Lorraine, had been killed in a police exercise she had been acting in. The news shattered Jarred along with what little hope he held onto of seeing his family again. Sinkning into a deep depression, Jarred failed to meet the criteria required for him to be considered 'rehabilitated' and was promptly returned to his cell. A month later, the alarms began sounding a breakout in progress. Jarred was stirred by the sudden drop in temperature outside his cell as a guard became an ice block in front of his cell. The doors that lined Jarred's floor all slid open as someone flicked the switch, letting all hell break loose. Amidst the confusion, Jarred managed to scramble out of the prison to an area occupied by Arachnos forces. They had ochestrated a breakout and were taking as many 'Destined Ones' as they could get their hands on. Caught up by a small squadron of troops, retreating to the Flier, Jarred was whisked away to the Rougue Isles.

Your Friends at the Arwon Corporation

(To be continued...)

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