Princess Powerfull

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Princess Powerfull
Player: @Wilykat
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Emily Hayes
Known Aliases: Princess, Prin, PP, Emily, Em
Species: Human
Age: Confidential
Height: 4' 8"
Weight: 95lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Full Time Hero
Place of Birth: Paragon City, Rhode Island
Base of Operations: Kings Row, Paragon City
Marital Status: Dating Team-mate Juvie
Known Relatives: Jessica Hayes (Mother; deceased)
Known Powers
Superhuman Durability, Increased Strength
Known Abilities
Super Leaping
Handheld Regeneration Inducer
No additional information available.



Supergroup: The Artful Dodgers


Princess' physically tough exterior, rough manners, and tom-boyish ways hide a very typical teenage girl and all the concerns that entails. Despite her own feminine tendencies, and her official hero ID (which she clams was a joke when she was forced to register), Emily faces obstacles with a survivalists' perseverance and a brash no-nonsense attitude in almost every matter.

Her time with the Dodgers has slowly taught her to start relying on other people again, as well as the ins and outs of having a family. She has also began the exploration of her softer, more maternal side as she's become more proactive in spreading the helping hand of the Dodgers to other teen heroes who could potentially benefit.


Princess Powerfull's mutation gives her strength many times that of a normal person and a near invulnerability to almost all physical damage.

Increased Strength

With her invulnerability protecting her flesh and bone from damage, Princess is able to punch through even the hardest of metal alloys. Her fighting abilities are largely untrained however, so against many opponents while she is able to regulate her blows so as not to mortally injure, her lack of finesse and style reduce the efficiency of her otherwise crushing strength.

Superhuman Durability

Princess' mutation works by adapting her body to whatever forces are acting upon it almost instantaneously. This means she is able to withstand large amounts of physical punishment as her skin becomes hard as steel, resistant to fire, or non-conductive to heat and electricity.

One side effect is that as her body burns massive amounts of energy while rapidly mutating. This results in her giving off large quantities of light in a bio-luminescent glow.

Side Effects

Due to her bodies rabid need for energy to fuel her mutation and her own malnutrition due to her living conditions during the first few years surrounding her start of puberty Emily's natural growth has been severely retarded. Though physically she has gone through the normal biological changes all teen girls go through her height and weight have increased hardly at all in the past few years.

This is something which she is particularly self conscious about, though she does her best to brush off any comments or jokes about it with her normally brash personality.


Emily relies almost exclusively on her own mutant powers. The one exception is a device given to her by her friend and adopted mentor Michael White (aka Back Alley Brawler). The handheld device stimulates the bodies natural regenerative abilities and is usable both on herself and others.

Character History

(in progress)

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