Project - Eve
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
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Project - Eve | |
Player: @Darke Lyte | |
Origin: | Science |
Archetype: | Stalker, Arachnos Widow, Brute, Mastermind |
Threat Level: | 50 |
Personal Data | |
Real Name: | Project - Eve |
Known Aliases: | Eve, Weapon - Eve, The Eve Virus, Everett(usually in male forms) and countless others |
Species: | Biological Weapon |
Age: | Unknown |
Height: | Unknown |
Weight: | Unknown |
Eye Color: | Unknown |
Hair Color: | Unknown |
Biographical Data | |
Nationality: | American |
Occupation: | Government Agent/Weapon |
Place of Birth: | Unknown |
Base of Operations: | The Projects |
Marital Status: | Engaged to James Tarasvec |
Known Relatives: | James Tarasvec(fiance), Marcus Tarasvec(son) |
Known Powers | |
Biokinesis, Limited psychic potential | |
Known Abilities | |
Shape-shifting, heightened senses, reflexes, and regeneration, speed, and overall physical prowess, various forms of combat experience, hacking, stealth | |
Equipment | |
The "Compact" portable interactive holographic communication device/HUD | |
No additional information available. |
Contents |
The Projects
In a world populated with various meta-humans and super powered beings, governments of the Earth began plotting the military applications for such beings. Amongst the most successful, and most secretive, was The Projects - a sect of the United States military specifically devoted to meta-human warfare. While the military campaign originally devoted its attention solely to psychic warfare, its governing Artificial Intelligence, "The Architect", soon realized the potential in other areas of meta-human weaponry. Composed of two parts(a genetically engineered parasitic virus, and the synthesized body it animates), Project - "Eve" was the first successful bio-organic weapon that The Projects had created. Named "Eve" for a good reason, It symbolized the end of an era, and a wealth of new potential on the dawn horizon.
Eve went on to serve The Projects with unbroken loyalty for several decades, and did so to the point of perfection. An extremely versatile weapon, Eve's biokinetic abilities proved adaptable and applicable for virtually any situation. It could easily "rapidly evolve" in an instant, to go from a "brute" class meta-human, to a "stalker", to a "blaster" in a matter of seconds. However, Eve proved to be most effective when it came to Its ability to copy, or, more accurately, replicate, any organic matter it came into contact with. This allowed Eve to effectively go behind enemy lines, accomplish various objectives, and get out, without anyone knowing It was there in the first place. Naturally, The Architect was pleased with the creation, knowing Eve had perfected Its abilities... to a flaw.
Being the analytical, deductive, and calculative mastermind that it was, The Architect knew to fear Eve's potential, as said potential was virtually limitless. Parasites show a high degree of specialization, and reproduce at a faster rate than their hosts - a dangerous thing in the eyes of The Architect, who, above all things, was designed to maintain control. And so, Eve was given a final task, and a true opportunity to prove Its loyalty after Its decades of service.
Self termination.
The Architect had made a fatal error in its calculations - It was too late. Eve had already evolved to a point where It no longer respected the AI's authority, and as such, refused the order. At that point, the only other option was to destroy Eve on Its own. However, by the time the various agents of The Projects had arrived to complete the task, Eve had already vanished. Their weapon had turned on them, and fled.
Knowing that It wanted to live on and explore Its own potential as a newly "free" being, and knowing The Projects would hunt relentlessly until they found It, Eve did the intelligent thing and kept running, hiding behind the cities and nations that held a wealth of meta-human residents. Naturally, the two obvious choices were Paragon City, Rhode Island, and the Etoile(Rogue) Isles. Eve never settled in one or the other for too long, instead frequently moving between the two - a surprisingly simple task, as It had no possessions, and could easily impersonate a citizens of either of the societies to gain entrance.
At the point where Eve felt moderately secure, It ventured out a bit to explore what more It was capable of. It moved around between several different organizations, most of which were mercenary groups that could actually use Its talents, and broke free of Its previous mental conditioning instilled by The Projects. Furthermore, Eve saw a new form of power within Itself - reproduction. For Its entire existence, It had only been used as a weapon and espionage agent, but as it turned out, Its potential had been surprisingly contained. Being that, on the most basic level, Eve was just an sentient intracellular viral parasite, the next phase of Its evolution was only obvious - spreading the virus.
Several experiments conducted by the thing Itself revealed that Eve had a wide margin of influence. Spreading the virus, and converting other living organisms to underlings, also called "Evelings", had proven to be the most effective offspring. The Eve Virus also proved effective in reanimating the dead. However, while these loyal zombie servants were easier to create and higher in number, they were much weaker than the Evelings, and only followed the most basic of commands... if not instincts.
A third, and obvious form of reproduction remained, though.
A New Form of Eve
While employed with The Shades of Tiamat and The Phoenix Company, Eve had encountered a man of Russian origin named James Tarasvec. Eve toyed with him a bit, as It did with most people, and took various forms and approaches to gain bits of information about him. As it turned out, the two had a lot more in common than Eve had ever anticipated, as he too was originally bred to be a psychic weapon by the Soviets.
The two bonded greatly over a short time, and Eve saw a new side of the world thanks to the man. Before long, James was down on one knee, asking Eve's hand in marriage. Eve accepted, and shortly after, Eve was pregnant.
Though many remained skeptical of Eve's true love for James, in fear that it was just a form of manipulation (the thing Eve excelled at most), the child Marcus was born, and proved to be not only a beautiful, powerful baby boy, but also a third effective form of reproduction. However, as expected, The Projects had been keeping their eyes wide on the hunt for Eve, and their seers detected the child's birth. The hunt is now on, not only for Eve, but for the baby whom The Projects feel is rightfully their property.
Eve's thoughts on this?
"Come and get it. I dare you."
Eve's personality is ever-changing as Eve is. With Its ability to essentially 'reproduce' the specimen It's imitating, It also takes on their personality, and many of their memories.
However, when not imitating another being, Eve has proven to be almost void of emotion - at least, it would appear so. While Eve does show things like concern, priority, and perhaps irritation, Its emotions are for the most part restrained due to spending most of Its life as a weapon, rather than a person. As such, Eve's interactions with the world and its inhabitants are usually based on logic, analysis, and calculation, rather than emotionally charged responses, or instinct. Eve is rarely an active member in a conversation, unless addressed directly, preferring to quietly observe.
The one exception to this way of being would probably be Eve's fiance, and the father of Its child, James Tarasvec. When around James, Eve becomes notably more human in Its interactions, even when not hidden behind a guise. There has been debate, though, as to whether the emotional responses Eve gives him are legitimate, are just another method of manipulation. The fact of the matter is, it's anyone's guess... except for Eve's.
The most difficult thing most people face is identifying Eve, as It's usually hidden beneath one of the tens of thousands of disguises It's acquired over the decades. It could be the child next to you, or the old woman on the bench, or perhaps the man you think you're married to. It could even be the dog, or the cat it's chasing. It's anyone's guess, as most people haven't had the opportunity (or burden) of seeing Eve's true form.
However, this is not the case for all. Those who have seen Eve's true form would first note a pair of luminescent golden-yellow eyes, which dominate the blood red and black colors of its face and body. Its hair, while falling straight down and covering Its face, seems slightly thicker than that of a human's, and the careful eye would notice that it's animated, moving slightly on its own even without wind or movement of Eve. When It speaks, the sounds that emerge aren't distinctly male or female vocal tones, but rather both - one of each, overlapping each other and speaking in unison. Despite being ultimately genderless, lacking any reproductive organs, Its body still appears to be predominately female in nature. The reason for this, as Eve has explained, is that humans grown in the womb are predominately female, only later developing as males with the introduction of various hormones by the mother. While Eve is ultimately genderless, Its artificial birth lacked any of the aforementioned hormones, thus bringing about an effeminately tinted physique. Eve's body is covered in various plates and scales of organic armor, and seems to be constantly shifting slightly. Small tendrils also seem to frequently emerge from the surface of Its skin, only to duck back under and hide again. Looking at Its body, it's even obvious to the untrained eye that Eve's body is in a constant state of recycling - breaking down cells for the virus to feed on, while quickly generating more for later use.
Powers and Abilities
Eve has a plethora of abilities, all of which are facets of Its main power - Biokinesis. Rather than using technology, Eve assimilates the traits of other biological organisms by directed mutation in order to match such technology. Eve can rapidly evolve, regenerate, and manipulate Its overall physical being and genetic makeup to match Its opponents.
Shapeshifting - Arguably Its most used ability, Eve is a metamorph that not only imitates the original, but virtually reproduces it. By acquiring the DNA of the original specimen, usually the skin cells of a handshake, or a piece of hair, Eve's body assimilates those cells into the rest of Its being. At that point, the cells are taken over by the Eve Virus, which hides within them, controls them, and most importantly, keeps them alive for later use. The cells linger in the background until needed, at which point, rapid generation of more of those cells occurs, eventually rebuilding the original specimen from the ground up. The brain, nervous system, electrical activity, organs, and everything else is the same as the original being, with one exception: The Eve Virus maintains control, hiding within the cells.
With this ability, Eve is able to replicate any bio-organic material that It has come in contact with since Its creation, including that of species other than humans (dogs, cats, insects, aliens, etc.) Eve is, however, limited to a certain amount of mass. It has a limit to how big or small It can become. (So when taking the form of a wasp, you're looking at one big ass ugly insect!)
Furthermore, Eve is capable of adding pieces to Its form of Its own design, such as clothing and trinkets, or more accurately, the illusion of said objects. Eve's inherent psychic ability also completes this illusion, by essentially discouraging the mind of any onlooker from looking too carefully - a subtle psychic effect that goes unnoticed.
Limb Alteration - Eve is also able to manipulate Its form in unique and original ways, which It does not gain from other species, such as altering Its limbs to form weapons. Eve can create anything from claws, to spines, and other stabbing objects, to hammer-fists for smashing purposes. Eve is also capable of growing entirely knew limbs, such as additional arms, wings, or tails.
Density Manipulation - Eve can produce more muscle mass, and manipulate Its density, as to have better resistance to most physical attacks. This ultimately acts as Eve's body armor during times when hiding behind a guise is rendered useless.
Regeneration - Perhaps the ability that defines Eve altogether. It can rapidly regenerate, replicate, and evolve, not only to repair damage to Itself, but also to adapt to the current situation for the sake of survival.
Heightened Senses/Reflexes - Abilities and senses gained from other organisms, Eve has incredibly fine tuned senses. Its sense of smell is on par with that of a dog, Its eyes can change from night vision, to infrared, etc., Its ears can pick up sounds undetectable by human ears, and It can even detect the cellular activity in other organisms to learn about them, and see if there might be any traits of interest worth acquiring.
Acrobatics/Reflexes - Naturally, being able to manipulate Its body with such precision, Eve is incredibly acrobatic. It can easily run, jump, swim, and all around perform physical feats with remarkable skill and efficiency.
Psychic Potential - While Eve's design was more geared towards physical feats, It still does include a degree of psychic potential, primarily so that The Projects secrets would be well protected within Its mind (should It ever be captured), and so that It would remain undetectable to other psychics who might notice Eve is impersonating someone. Eve can communicate telepathically with others, as well, however It is nowhere near strong enough to affect those with proper resistance.
Another interesting aspect of Eve's psychic potential is the virus itself. While nearly untraceable, the Eve Virus itself actually has a form of psychic consciousness that holds the overall structure together. It acts as a sort of hive mind, and allows Eve to maintain control over the Evelings and Zombies infected with the virus.
Aside from telepathy, Eve has a some basic telekinetic potential. However, the ability is very primal, and hardly something Eve can use unless in a state of urgency.
Infection and Reproduction
Aside from Eve's basic powers, Its influence as a biological weapon serves It well. As previously mentioned, Eve has discovered a variety of ways to infect other organisms with the Eve Virus, thus converting them servants.
Eve's preferred method of infection is only effective on living organisms, and is used to create underlings, or "Evelings", as they've come to be known. While only one is known to exists to date, as the process of creating them is rather inhumane, and was highly frowned upon by The Phoenix Company and The Shades of Tiamat (military groups who Eve works for, who specialize in eliminating threats to humanity), there has been suspicion that others exist, but are simply hiding behind human guises as Eve does.
The Evelings are very effective agents under Eve's control. While none of them are independently as powerful as Eve is, due to Eve's versatility, each Eveling is believed to specialize in a specific form of biokinesis. The one Eveling who's existence has been verified has shown great aptitude for density and muscle mass manipulation. In addition to their specialties, they all possess the basic ability to shapeshift, as Eve does, and have a degree of advanced regeneration, as well. The Evelings are all linked to the "viral hive mind", and while they can respond and interact with Eve through the network, they ultimately have no free will, and lack the ability to go against Eve's will.
Eve's experiments on the potential of the virus led to a remarkable discovery - the virus was capable of reanimating dead organisms, thus creating zombies. Even though this method of reproduction proved to be a much more humane method, as the specimen were already dead, fewer people know of this method than those who know of the Evelings... and with good reason.
While the undead servants are obviously created in a less controversial manner, they still pose a viable threat. The zombies are virtually mindless, with the exception of the virus' control, and follow the most basic commands and instincts. A variety of effects have been seen after a person is attacked by these zombies. While some people die, when bitten or scratched by the creatures, others don't stay dead. Still, some individuals are only seen to have a temporary fever, which they eventually are able to recover from. The zombies are very much a mystery, still, and the mechanics of how they infect others is not yet fully understood. Greater in number, but a much less precise weapon, the zombies have proven to be effective servants when given simpler tasks.
(Feel free to list your character, and I'll fill in the rest.)
James Tarasvec - Eve's fiance, and perhaps one true ally. The two originally met through their common employment with The Shades of Tiamat, and quickly bonded, as they both had similar pasts, with James being a former psychic weapon for the Soviets. It wasn't long before the two were engaged, and pregnant with their recently born son, Marcus Tarasvec. While many question Eve's honesty with James, in fear that Eve might be manipulating him for reasons that have yet to have been addressed, Eve is notably more comfortable and honest with James than any other person It has encountered to date.
Marcus Tarasvec - The son of Eve and James, and more notably, a powerful combination of the two. Though only recently born, Marcus has already demonstrated tremendous displays of psychic ability, as well as biokinesis. It has been suggested that Eve birthed Marcus so that he might some day serve as a weapon, much like the Evelings and zombies - only more powerful.
Michael Fairfield - The leader of many different military campaigns, Michael is a very influential man who knows what he's doing. Though he's seemingly honest, and good at what he does, there's still a partial air of mystery to the man. While their relationship is hardly beyond professional, Michael has proven to be an ally worth having. While it's not quite accurate to say Eve trusts him, he has acted as "as little birdy" at times, and given Eve tips which have saved Its life.
Natasha Tarasova - Though their relationship is primarily professional through Eve's work with The Shades of Tiamat, Natasha was amongst the first people to call Eve a person, rather than a weapon. From the day Eve sought employment with The Shades, Natasha strongly encouraged Eve's self-discovery... perhaps a fatal mistake.
Khariss - Though it wouldn't exactly be accurate to call them "friends", Eve and Khariss bump into one another every now and then. Eve finds the brutish woman's company rather enjoyable, and often enjoys toying with Khariss by taking various forms. Khariss is usually quick to offer a rude comment or two to Eve's natural appearance - something Eve finds enjoyable, for some reason. Most likely due to Khariss' own unique appearance.
(Feel free to list your character, and I'll fill in the rest.)
The Projects - Eve's creators, and now, Eve's greatest enemy. "The Projects" is a top secret sect of the military, devoted to the research and development of meta-human warfare. Specializing in advanced cloning technologies, amongst other things, the organization uses various methods to enhance and perfect the preexisting abilities of meta-humans, or bestow new powers altogether. These successfully enhanced 'Projects' are then used as weapons. Eve loyally served them for decades, until they lost control. When Eve refused to self-terminate, the hunt was on. Eve is on the run from The Projects to this day, and even worse, they've set their sites on not only on their lost weapon, but Eve's son as well.
Project - Architect - The governing artificial intelligence of The Projects, The Architect keeps a careful eye on all of weapons, and beyond that, the world. It's network of influence is constantly growing and evolving, tapping into things like phones, computers, and satellites around the world in order to better monitor potential Projects... and those that have escaped its grasp.
Project - Mindgate - The most recent "human" Director of The Projects, and a Project himself. Chase Kable is a very powerful psychic. At one point in time, Eve was his favorite weapon, but ever since Its "betrayal", he views Eve with pure disdain. While rarely seen on the field of action himself, preferring to have other Projects to the work for him, he has proven himself to be a terrifying foe, and is not to be underestimated.
Project - Radiant Fire - The pyrokinetic pride of The Projects, "Rae" functions as a scorched Earth weapon. While she used to work under Eve directly, things have since changed, and now Radiant Fire is thought to perhaps be the most effective "treatment" for the Eve Virus. Eve knows well to fear her, however, Rae has also surprised Eve recently with fore-warnings of The Projects' plots to capture It. Though the warnings were valid, Eve knows all too well that it could easily be a form of manipulation. ... But what if its not?
Ulysses Weston - A man who Eve encountered through her time with The Shades of Tiamat. While Eve didn't particularly notice Weston at first, the same couldn't be said for him. A hunter of all infectious breeds, including vampires, werewolves, and now Eve, Weston has a passionate hatred for all things that infect and kill humans. While Eve is indeed a threat to humanity, Eve always makes a point that "if enslaving humanity were the goal, I'd have already done it by now." Despite Eve's attempts at reconciling with Weston, the odds of the two being anything other than enemies are slim to none.
In-Character Comments and Opinions
(Feel free to list what your character thinks of Eve!)
"She's just the most beautiful deadly bioweapon I've ever had the honor of being engaged to." ~James Tarasvec
Q: You constantly refer to Eve as an "It", but Eve seems like a female. Why? A: While Eve's name is obviously effeminate, and Eve's body also has more female characteristics rather than male(see "Appearance" section for more details), Eve is technically genderless. Eve is not a human by any means, and it has no natural reproductive organs to speak of when not shapeshifting to a specific sex. Furthermore, Eve was ultimately created both ICly and OOCly to be a weapon, rather than a person.
Q: If Eve is genderless, how was it able to have a child? A: While Eve is technically genderless in Its natural form, it can develop fully functional reproductive organs when shapeshifting. Keep in mind, when Eve is shapeshifting, it fully replicates the original specimen from the ground up.
Q: Eve sounds like quite a weapon. Overpowered, in fact. Is it even possible to destroy/defeat Eve? A: Absolutely. Eve has several major weaknesses, which I role play accordingly in the game. However, in order to avoid meta-gaming, I won't list them here. Eve has offered several hints in-game though, acknowledging that anything that can't be killed, CAN be controlled/contained.
Q: Can Eve be detected at all when shapeshifting? A: Honestly, it's near impossible, but yes. When shapeshifting, Eve fully reproduces the original specimen. That means, everything from personality, brainwaves, physical appearances, and even that person's natural smell would be reproduced. The whole purpose of Eve's creation was that it would be able to remain hidden, and that's the main aspect of this character I'm rarely willing to be flexible with and let people exploit. The reality is, unless an individual is somehow able to randomly recognize the Eve Virus(which doesn't exist in any records outside of The Projects), and then somehow manage to view the virus hiding within the cells(which is near impossible, unless the person is using a high-powered electron microscope), they wouldn't be able to detect Eve. Furthermore, you have to ask yourself - would your character randomly approach everyone in the area just to place them under a microscope and see if they happen to be a bio-organic weapon impersonating a human? I doubt it.
Q: You said before that the Eve Virus is constantly recycling cells as sustenance. Does that mean Eve doesn't need to eat or drink? A: Correct. The only sustenance that Eve requires is organic matter. Due to the fact that Eve Virus is constantly stimulating the cells it's collected from specimen to create more, the virus can then consume the cells which are close to death anyone, and use that as sustenance. Meaning, all of Eve's "food" is created and consumed at the cellular level within Eve. However, Eve can and often will consume food and drink to blend in with society as a normal human. Furthermore, alcohol has no effect on Eve, due to its regeneration rate. Eve can still act drunk, though, in order to blend in.
Q: Can you further describe Eve's voice when in Its natural form? A: When shapeshifted, Eve sounds like whoever It's disguised as. However, in Its natural form, Eve's voice is commonly referred to as a male voice and a female voice doubled over. The best example of this can be seen from the character "Mystique" in the X-Men movies(1-3).