Stacy Wu

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Stacy Wu.jpg
Lady Tsoo
Player: @Eiko-chan
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Corruptor
Threat Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Stacy Wu
Known Aliases: Confidential
Species: Human
Age: 19
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 125lbs
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Chinese American
Occupation: Bank Robber, Mercenary, Teen Tyrant
Place of Birth: Talos Island, Paragon City, RI
Base of Operations: The Tunguska, flying high over the Rogue Isles
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Wu Brothers
Known Powers
Various Magicks manipulating Fire and the Nether
Known Abilities
Fire Manipulation / Nether Connection
No additional information available.



Stacy is a confident, aggressive young woman of clear Chinese heritage. She lacks the tattoos traditionally worn by the Tsoo, but still employs magicks similar to two schools of the Tsoo. She is fiercely defensive of her status as a Tsoo, even when hired to run missions against the gang.


The Wus have long been stalwart supporters of the Tsoo gang in Paragon City, with boys growing up to join its ranks and the girls going on to support them in business fronts and in the homes. But Stacy wasn't willing to accept the woman's role in the Tsoo; youngest child in a family with six brothers, Stacy always figured she was "one of the guys" - right up until she tried to join the Tsoo and was rejected based on her gender. In a daring act of brazen independence, Stacy stole her brother Mark's spellbook and Sorceror hat and started her own career in magic. Being hunted by the Tsoo for daring to be a woman wielding their power, she fled to the Rogue Isles.

Stacy's brothers are all members of the Tsoo gang:

Teen Tyrant

Stacy amid the wreckage of Aunty Maim's Mercy School

Early in her career on the Rogue Islands, Stacy joined up with a group calling itself The Supreme Society, having been attracted by a call of strength and unity against the various other factions in the Isles. Hunted by the Tsoo for her "theft" of their power, Stacy needed the protection they afforded.

While she enjoyed the security, her involvement in the plots of the Society were limited. Like many of the younger members of the Society, she was often overlooked and rarely called upon to participate in the schemes of the Inner Circle. She was, put frankly, bored.

Before joining the Society, Stacy had been approached by Aunty Maim, looking to recruit the girl into her "Mercy School for Wayward Youth". Stacy, having grown up surrounded by all sorts of criminals and dangerous elements among the Tsoo, saw straight through the ruse and turned the woman down bluntly. But now, with the backing of the Society, perhaps there was more to be gained.

Working with another young, overlooked member of the Society, Bobby Bedlam, a plot was hatched to infiltrate the School, recruit its student body, and collapse the institution from the inside. Looking up Aunty Maim with a sob story of how rough life in the Isles was, Stacy and Bobby were quickly enrolled in the school and embroiled in Aunty's nefarious schemes.

Stacy's cool attitude and streetwise savvy quickly made her one of the most popular girls in school, enabling her to cherry-pick the most promising and powerful of the students to be part of her clique. Stacy's clique tended more towards the tough and rough in the school, while Bobby busied himself with the brilliant and clever. Together, the two created a small army out of the student body, and during one of Aunty Maim's rather droll lectures, they launched their revolt.

Despite the expertise and power of Aunty Maim and her staff, the students surprisingly managed to hold their own, causing damage and disarray enough that even some of Aunty's faculty joined their little rebellion. Things were looking bad for Aunty Maim when the rest of the Supreme Society showed up. After that, there was no battle; it was a rout. Aunty Maim escaped, but Stacy called down the fires of her ancestors and burned the school to the ground.

Stacy and Bobby's cliques united in joy of being free of Aunty Maim, and after a short, somewhat heated discussion with the Society's Chairman, Agonus, it was decided that practical lessons would serve better than classroom lectures. Out of the ashes of the Mercy School arose The Teen Tyrants, headquartered upon the Tunguska, a dirigible of Bobby's own design. From this flying fortress, the Tyrants prey upon the Isles, honing their skills and having fun.

But The Supreme Society still has their eye on the Tyrants, and the relationship between the two groups is nebulous.


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