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Player: @Telepsyche
Origin: Science
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Tony Corelli
Known Aliases: Steven Philips
Species: Human
Age: 32
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 215 Lbs
Eye Color: Cybernetic
Hair Color: Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Hero/Scientist
Place of Birth: California
Base of Operations: In a ship hovering over the eastern seaboard
Marital Status: Engaged
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Empathy/Psychic Blast
Known Abilities
Healing, Mind control, Teleportation, and Flying
Portable transporter.



"Follow or shut the fuck up, I'm the leader here!" -Telepsyche

A Heroes Hero


Telepsyche is young at heart. Sometimes he is a little too honest for most people's tastes. While heavily sarcastic, he is good-natured. Some would call him narcissistic and they'd be right. A goody-goody, while he might not always make you happy, he will always make sure you are safe.


Figment Caster- Tony's right hand man and research partner. Caster has been one of Tony's closest friends and has never failed to back him on a project.


Flames' Fury-


Amethyst Mind- Amy is one of the original batch of mutants used as research subjects. His own powers were modeled after many of her abilities.

Lady Powerstrike-

Rose Diamond- After his release from prison Tony wandered aimlessly until he met her. He immediately felt a strong connection to her as she was also blind and empathic, he fell for her instantly, and uncontrollably.

Jacobus- Rose's companion who eventually became romantically involved with her. Tony was usually the third wheel, and his feelings for Rose sometimes put them at odds. Tony often refers to Jake as 'Fatty,' 'Ox,' or other similar beasts of burden.

Arc Dynamo-

Locke and Keye-





It is hard to determine where Tony ended and Telepsyche began, and his double life can get confusing, so in order to properly address where he originated we must go back a ways.

the Beginning...

Tony attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) where he received doctorates in Robotics, Biology, and Genetics, earning top marks in all his classes. At the end of his final year he was approached by a man claiming to be with the organization known as Hero Corps, offering him a position on a classified research and development project to create super powered heroes.

After only a few short months on the project, he and a fellow scientist (Figment Caster) had developed several forms of non-habitual, one-time-use serums that would enhance aspects of the human body through nanites and exposure to certain types of non-lethal radiation.

the Failure

Spoiler warning: Details about a player-created storyline, or information currently unrevealed about a character, follow.

Sometime after the serums were developed, the call for human testing came and five test subjects were determined. One was fellow scientist ***** (Figment Caster), while the other four were selected from the general population and medical organizations. All five individuals passed heavy screening tests as well as psychological evaluations. Of these five, the first, a man by the name of Steven Philips experienced a brain hemorrhage during the final phase of testing.

the Cover-up

With the death on his hands Tony, on his own covered up the death to allow the research to continue. This is something he has never spoken of to anyone, and after a long and very thorough examination of their process he found what he believed to be the problem, and risking no other life underwent the testing himself. The experiment was a success and he emerged the first fully powered member of the group. With the experiment successful he found himself faced with a new problem, Steven Philips was designated not Tony, and as such his lie forced him into another, and since then has taken on the identity of the deceased subject.

The blood on his hands has weighed heavy on him and is the sole driving force behind his continued heroics, and the reason he continues to use the name of Steven Philips, to honor the memory of the one who lost everything.

Spoilers end here.

the Mind's Eye

After becoming the first successful test, Tony awoke to find his mind open, sharing the thoughts and feelings of those close to him. These new abilities opened up doors that no normal human could fathom, and he quickly began to understand the weight that the power over the minds of others granted, and turned his conciousness inward, to develope a means of turning off the faucet so to speak.

Several months passed and the developement of the other four heroes was going well. Aside from ****(Figment Caster), who developed the control over light and kinetic energy of the body. The other three were:

-****(Flames' Fury), a woman endowed with the ability to unleash blasts of fire from her body.

-****(Doomfighter), this man was injured in a car accident losing both of his arms and damaging his lungs, he was the prime candidate for the cybernetics part of the program, which was Tony's specialty, and as **** regained usable arms, his powers developed and he became resistant to damage most forms, and through his new limbs add negative energy to his attacks, the two became close friends and **** viewed Tony as the one who gave him his life back.

-****(Powerblitz)), a former athlete, this man was chosen for his large frame and psychological profile, the tests turned him into a superstrong indestructible powerhouse, and he became the point man for the team, able to take on almost anything.

Sometime after the team began its official career as an anti-crime strike force, Tony was performing some tests on **** and while the tests improved his powers tenfold, he lost control of his powers letting loose a incredibly powerful eruption of light right in front of Tony's eyes, which resulted in the loss of his vision.

With his vision gone and the team newly formed, the pressure from above for success was greater then ever. Tony decided he could not let this hold him back and used his telepathy on the minds of his teammates to determine the layout of a room, and his empathy to establish the occupants and their intentions. Thus his mind's eye was born.

the Heroic Hero Corps

Spoiler warning: Details about a player-created storyline, or information currently unrevealed about a character, follow.
Spoilers end here.

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