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User:Alicia Jewel
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
City of Heroes may be gone, but these characters will live on forever.
- Claw of Shadows: A half-alien villain who looks a lot like a catgirl. Currently my main character and a member of the Entropy Legion.
- Mistress Iyzebella: A demoness from Praetorian Hell who walks a fine line between heroism and destruction.
- Officer Lorell: Linda Lorell is just a normal police officer with dual pistols and some nifty gadgets.
- Etsuko the Blade: Etsuko Wakahisa was in training to become a ninja until she met Claw. Now she's the half-alien's biggest fan, and she dreams of becoming her left-hand woman.
- Jeremy McNeil: My first (and probably only) male character. He's an engineering nerd who decided to use his knowledge of robotics to become a hero.
- Sierra Black: Claw's Praetorian counterpart. Sierra chose to have her alien DNA "enhanced" to better fight for the Empire, but at what cost?
- Eirlys Fenella: An ice-controlling fairy from another realm.
- Fuchsia the Blind: Felicia wanted to be a superhero, but how can a blind woman flight crime? By fusing with a Kheldian!
- Rebecca Violetwind: A cosplay enthusiast and pacifist who gained superpowers through the power of prayer. She aids the Resistance as peacefully as she can.
- Fortunata Anastasia: Anastasia's file says she's a no-nonsense individual who does whatever it takes to get a job done right. It would be correct.
- Julia Davis: Julia was one of the lucky few in the Isles who lived a good life, but that was shattered when a freak attack left her with no parents and robotic prostheses for arms.
- Mary Bishop: A victim of the Salem Witch Trials who was dragged to Hell and back. She now seeks revenge on the humans who falsely sentenced her to death.
- Lisona Legimin: Imagine a forest elf who actually likes technology, and you've got Lisona.
- Nina Johnson: Nina's ability to control fire manifested during the Galaxy City incident at the cost of her mother and her skin.