
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA

CA and his zombie double
Global: @CA
Personal Data
Real Name: Paul
Known Aliases: n/a
E-Mail: halforc80<at>
Age: 35
Biographical Data
Occupation: Student
Place of Birth: Hillingdon, Middlesex, UK
Base of Operations: Wolverhampton,
West Midlands, UK



I started playing CoH back in 2005, and loved it! I'm a major league superhero geek at heart, and had wanted to try out MMOs for a while, so this game felt like it had been made for me. Roleplaying within the game world was a natural progression for me, and I've never really considered playing any other way!

I've been a tabletop roleplayer sine the age of 9 when I recieved my first Basic D&D red box (I can still remember the happy times colouring the numbers of the plastic dice with that little white crayon!), and before that I was big into Fighting Fantasy books. For me, it's always been about character, whether tapletop, online or RP anywhere else. I don't want or need to play the strongest or the best, I just want someone interesting that I can enjoy playing. Thankfully, I wait until I'm inspired before playing a new character (I don't suffer too badly with altitus like some I can mention!), so there's always that *need* to play the concept through...even if that concept is just a rehash of old comic book heroes!


Global Handle



Crimson Archer - Trick Arrow/Archery Defender
Aurelian - Fire Aura/Super Strength Tanker
Motley Fool - Martial Arts/Willpower Scrapper
Zen Arrow - Archery/Energy Melee Blaster
Wild Cat - Claws/Super Reflexes Stalker
Papa Lazarus - Necromancy/Dark Mastermind
Silver Dryad - Plant Control/Radiation Emmissions Controller


Lord Britanic - Invulnerability/Super Strength Tanker


Being a Roleplayer, I always have far more character concepts than I feel I can play. The problem is that I have a lousy memory and a terrible filing system (Postit notes are too easily lost!), so I end up losing the great ideas I had for that brilliant character just the night before.

So, I'll start trying to use this area to record some of the concepts as I come up with them. If you see one you like, then please let me know. If you want to "steal" one, then shout me. I usually don't have a problem with it, but it's always nice to know what happens to them!

Shadow Pyre

Night Gaunt

Doctor Bronze

Gold Scarab

Draconic Fire

Universal Hero

Gentleman X


Spitfire Ace

More Stuff

Crimson Archer was my second ever CoH character. I'm a huge fan of The Green Arrow, and creating a homage to that comic book character was one of the reasons I got into this game!

As with most of my characters, Crimson Archer's background and personality was quite different when I started to who he is now, and can be said to have grown organically through playing the game. He wasn't gay when I started playing him, but there's only so many times a character can beat you over the head with a trait before you start to take notice!

To me, Jay feels human. He has frailties, anger, love and insecurities, which often make him both a surprise and a joy to play. I can only hope some of that comes out when he meets people!!

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