User:Zombiedude13/Vault/Unknown Variable

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Power..all mine..GET OUT OF MY WAY.
Unknown Variable
Player: @vyver
Origin: Science
Archetype: Brute
Security Level: Confidential
Personal Data
Real Name: Nathan Postle
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human/Mutation
Age: 49
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Bald
Biographical Data
Nationality: U.S. Citizen
Occupation: Scientist
Place of Birth: Flagstaff Az.
Base of Operations: Paragon City, Rhode Island
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Un-named Parents
Known Powers
Super Strength, Invulnerability
Known Abilities
Genius level intellect
Scientific Containment Suit


Public Documents


Super Strength




The Unknown Variable's personality is best described as..brash. Far from what you expect from a scientist and mathematician. The radiation his body was subjected to went beyond changing his body, it also changed his brain. He still retains his intellect though, but his quiet nature has been extroverted into a fast acting, thick headed, act-first way of life. Completely against his scientific nature he's not afraid to smash through walls to get to his objective without a second thought.

Audio Journal

I spent my life working for the 'Capes'. A mathematician and scientist, employed by GIFT. I worked on many projects involving heroes and their origins. I was especially interested in the "Nuclear 90" and headed many projects looking into the origin and effects of the groups powers. My life's work coming to together, I finally finished my star project. A generator that would recreate the scientific anomaly that created the Nuclear 90...

The Birth of a Hero

The machine, Project NINETY, was developed to recreate the Nuclear 90 phenomenon for scientific study. At least that was what it was supposed to do. At least that's what I told my team, which couldn't be farther from the truth. I'm not an evil human being, I don't seek world domination, I don't seek human suffering, I just wanted the spotlight. I was jealous. A life behind the heroes, a life behind the scenes. I was through being a work horse for the heroes, I was ready to BE a hero. BE super. I carefully micromanaged the last few days of the project, every little detail had to be under my control. My plan was to stage my own accident and become a hero. I have seen dozens of cases of scientists falling into vats, getting electrocuted, overdosing serums and becoming powerful heroes, why not me?

A cranked knob, a pulled lever, my plan worked. Instantly I was subjected to the same energy that created and is produced by the Nuclear 90. My body saturated with radiation, my cells overloading with power. The event changed and reformed my body on a genetic level, much like the 90 subjects I had spent my life studying.

The First Days

My body was racked with pain for 3 solid days. My muscles on fire while my mind was fully awake. Something went wrong, I hadn't calculated this amount of radiation. My body was strapped down to a hospital bed because I was having seizures. I was starting to reconsider my decision to change my life this dramatically, but the ends justified the means.

Worst of all, everyone knew. While my plan had succeeded in one aspect, it failed in another. I had not anticipated the Paragon Media covering the first trial of my machine, the room was filled with reporters and security personal, but I didn't care back then. They all saw me re-dial the controls mid-experiment and subject myself with the potent radiation.

Three days of hospitalization. I was mainly left alone in my room as I strained against the straps holding me to the bed. After the third day I started to settle down, my mind stopped racing, and my muscles cooled. Interestingly, I could feel a small charge or spark in my body. And the feeling grew as the original burning and suffering stopped. I felt....stronger. I had always been a man of average strength, strong compared to other scientists in my field. But this was different. I decided to test my limits. I pushed against my straps as hard as I could and surprisingly they broke free almost instantly. I sat up in my bed and smirked, I had never been happier. I was powerful.

The Awakening

Free of my medical bonds I took to me feet walked across my small room surprisingly easy for a man who hasn't stood up for three days. Stretching my new muscles I stared out the window as the sun rose out past the horizon. A brand new day, new powers, a new identity! But wait, they know. I broke the law, I threw almost a billion dollars in research money away for They would be coming after me. Probably to get back their "investment"...That I can't let happen. They would probably take away this gift! I need this gift. To help the people..Wait? The people? What have the people done for me?

Mission Notes

In the interest of exercising my scientific nature, I will be analyzing and categorizing any events of interest during my missions.

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