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From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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This article about a character is a stub -- a small, but growing, work in progress. If you're the creator of this character, why not consider expanding it?

Origin: Natural
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 50(+3)
Real Name: Max Green
Nationality: American
Occupation: Hero
Place of Birth: Galaxy City, RI
Base of Operations: Paragon City, RI
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Sarah Green (mother, deceased); Janelle Green (sister)
Physical Data
Species: Human
Age: 23
Height / Weight : 5' 8" / 150 pounds
Eye / Hair Color: Brown / Black
Known Powers
Martial arts, super reflexes, super speed,
combat jumping, body mastery
Known Abilities
Updated: 6/17/2012 - Player: @Megajoule

The journey now before you is the final test, you've learned your lesson well
(I can teach you no more)
There's a power deep inside you, an inner strength you'll find in time of need
(The Glow!)
-- Dwight David, "The Last Dragon" (1985)



V-Max joined the supergroup Project Rebirth a year after his heroic debut. He struck up an unlikely romance with another member of the group, Swiftwind, and despite several difficult and/or comic patches, they are still dating.


Max is clever, a quick thinker and fast talker, a veteran class clown. He tries to keep up a cheerful demeanor even when his problems are getting him down. He's good-hearted and can't help going out of his way to help others.

Max is living his childhood dream of being a hero, and even though he's had several hard lessons in the reality of that life, he's still excited by it all. He's more comfortable in the presence of legendary heroes these days and not as likely to get tongue-tied (or worse, too talkative) as he was at first.

The loss of his mother and home (see Character History, below) hit him hard, and he's still grieving. He is currently in the middle of an angry or "Grim Nineties" phase, taking it out on anyone he thinks might be responsible for the destruction of Galaxy City.


V-Max's powers come from his inner spirit or chi, focused and amplified by his V-Watch. This technomagical wrist-mounted device supplements his natural fighting skills, allowing him to hit harder, run faster, jump higher, and even dodge bullets. It also transforms him into his heroic alter-ego.

Martial Arts

Max has been practicing karate since he was a boy. He's picked up a few elements of other styles from friends and foes alike.

Super Reflexes

Max has always had good instincts and reflexes (and "interesting" luck), but the V-Watch slows time in a small bubble around him to the point where he can literally dodge bullets.

Super Speed

Going hand in hand (or watch on wrist) with the ability to slow time is being able to run at super speed. He can do 90 mph at a brisk jog, and has clocked himself at up to 140 mph for brief straight-line sprints outside the city limits.

Combat Jumping

V-Max can also jump higher and achieve impossible "hang time" in mid-air through subtle time manipulation.

Body Mastery

In order to defeat his evil twin from another dimension, Max had to dig deep and come to understand the true nature of his powers. In fact, he is the source; without his heroic spirit and resolve, the V-Watch is nothing more than a shiny trinket. With this self-knowledge, he was able to reach a new level of power and manifest his chi without the focus of the V-Watch.



Weaknesses and Limitations

Character History


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