Vespa Sonica

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Vespa Sonica
Player: User:Bit-Player
Origin: Science
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 20
Personal Data
Real Name: Avery Leget
Known Aliases: Unknown
Species: Genetically Altered Human
Age: 26
Height: 5' 0"
Weight: 121 lb.
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Yellow (Note: Not Blonde)
Biographical Data
Nationality: US Citizen
Occupation: Geneticist, Omnidisciplinary science
Place of Birth: Monroe, LA
Base of Operations: Paragon City, RI
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Sonic Blast, Energy Manipulation
Known Abilities
Produces powerful ultrasonic pulses due to altered vocal cords. Vision goes into the Infrared and Ultraviolet ranges. Her hearing goes into the Subsonic and ultrasonic ranges. She's capable of flight for short periods. She's sensitive to electrical activity within a limited range, and can pick up on pheromones. She has four arms, and is extremely dextrous. Her stinger is at the end of a nearly prehensile tail, and capable of paralyzing a full-grown man for over three hours.
Carries a variety of scientific instruments when 'at work'. Her armor suit is bullet resistant and fireproof. Has a throat mic "Voice Box" attached to her neck by a small strap, enabling her to speak through it.

"Being a bug-girl isn't as bad as you might think. I'm still mostly human after all. And having four arms makes it that much easier to get things done. Yeah, it took some getting used to, but it's grown on me. The hero gig is a lot of fun, and it's for a good cause, I think. And on the scientific front, I'm making a lot of progress into some of the nuts and bolts of my transformation. Personal life? Eh. I never had one of those anyway. Nobody lined up to date the lab gofer, and they sure aren't chasing the bug girl." -Vespa Sonica, in an interview with the Paragon Times.

((New Character, Just getting things set up!))

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