Villains of Virtue

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Villains of Virtue
Founder: Tchuluseraud
Side: Hero
Motto: Take Everything!
Leader(s): Tchuluseraud, The Tyrant, Halocaust
Logo: Unknown
Group Colours: Black and Sanguine
Levels: All
Play style: Casual
Roleplay: Definately
Timezone(s): Any
Recruiting: Yes (Villain-themed)
Contact: @Jade Defender
No additional information available.


About Villains of Virtue

Villains of Virtue(VoV) is a Mature Role Playing(RP) Supergroup(SG) dedicated to the RP Villains of Blueside (Paragon City) We are founded around the Idea of Emmersing Villains into the hometown environments, (Zones) as well as their SG bases.

Its important to keep in mind that, though we call ourselves villains and RP ourselves as such we are actually heroes, claiming Villainous goals and intentions. RP is crucial to fitting in the VoV, and understanding that we are not Heroes In Character(IC)

The VoV revolves around a multitude of story arcs, allowing Villain-based characters a unified base of operations, that belongs to no-one IC. The base and each character can operate freely, without involvement or interaction with any other villains if they so choose, being the ultimate threat singularly to their own stories if they wish. However, that does not mean we do not allow alliances, or RP interaction between each Galactic of natural nemesis, quite the contrary, we encourage incorparating each other into your wicked and diabolical schemes. It is after all a web of intrigue, and becomes more interesting with more players!

Its important to know, that becoming a part of the VoV does not mean you are an underling in our Empire, we just have a communal whereabouts, and place to discuss your RP arcs, desires for Villain activity and involvment into your heroes, or your friends heroes stories! We also are a unified place to discover many interesting story arcs with many different SG's and Players throughout the Virtue server, so you can approach members about ongoing story arc's or Introduce others into yours!


The Dark Way



Tools for RP/Chat

We're 90/10 on the roleplaying/Out of character talk. If you absolutely must speak out of character, make sure to put double parenthesis around your comments, such as ((afk)). The "KoH" Chat channel is reserved for OOC speak. Simply Right Click your chat box anywhere and select join channel from the field that follows, enter KoH and your there!

The Scripting for the ((OOC)): startchat bind is as follows;
/bind shift+enter "beginchat /say ((OOC)): "

(note: it is important to mention that there must be a "space" after the : and before the " at the end of the bind, also there is no spaces between the shift+enter.)

Another fun Bind is the AFK bubble message, useful for displaying RP info about your character while you are typing, it is as follows;
/bind enter "afk <your message here> $$startchat"

(note: it is important to inform you that the <,> brackets are not necessary for the bind, nor are the words "your message here" instead type the message you wish displayed above your character whenever you begin to type or are AFK, and also that a "space" must be after the afk, and before the $$.)

You can add some fun Macros with this Binding, allowing you to identify your current target (in game brackets) into your speech! It is best to demonstrate this Binding with an example;
/bind F7 "local Your Crime Spree ends here $target!"

(note: It is important to mention that the "$target" part of the bind (which identifies in text your current target) needn't be at the end of the bind at all, or be followed by the "!". Insert the "$target" part of the bind, whever you wish the target to be identified in your macro. It is also important to mention that the ("local) beginner need not be local, in this example it was used to automatically say this bind in the local channel, there are many different channels... The Bind requires a "space" after the channel and again before the "$target".)

You can add emotes into your binds simply by dividing the parts of the bind with "$$" and beginning the emote with a simple "e". Example;
/bind shift+i "local Your Crime Spree ends here $target!$$e point"

(note: It is important to mention that there are no spaces between the end of any part of your bind and the $$e, beginner of your emote.)

You can also add your own powers into your binds with "powerexec_name <<the power>>", you can find <<the power name>> in your Powers list tray from the pop-up menu... Example;
/bind shift+i /powerexec_name steamy mist

(note: It is important to mention that unlike emotes, powers do have spaces between each word in its name. Nor do you need to use the <<, or >> in your binds.)

It is Important to mention that the "/" can be substituted for "$$" when stringing together multiple functions in the same bind... Example;
/bind f8 "local Your Crime Spree ends here $target!$$e curseyou$$powerexec_name Indomitable will"

((For a full list of "/" commands please visit This Site ))

The Leaders

The Villains

  • [[Image:]] Makurtian Hunter
  • [[Image:]] Sojourn
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The Villains Hideout

File:Ventrance.jpg File:Ventrance2.jpg

     The Entrance                             The Entance

File:Vmedical.jpg File:Vworkshop.jpg

      Medical                                        Workshop

File:Vteleporter.jpg File:Voversight.jpg

      Teleporter                                Control Center


     Control Center


<The base and backstory>

Events Gallery

This is an area where you can view some of the exciting things that have happened, or are happening in the Villains of Virtue! Check back here often, or at the Gallery, as New pics, and events happen daily!

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