Vincent Jaeger

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Vincent Jaeger.
Vincent Jaeger
Player: @Nicholas Williams
Origin: Science
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 40+
Personal Data
Real Name: Vincent Jaeger
Known Aliases: None
Species: Unknown
Age: Unknown (believed to be Late 30s or Early 40s)
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Ash Blond (Brown with natural light blond highlights)
Biographical Data
Nationality: Unknown
Occupation: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
Known Abilities

Constantly being updated


Files Concerning Jaeger

It's possible for your character to know this information but generally you should have some way of backing it up. Though, as a scientist who has betrayed many large name organizations as well has had some of his work published--it wouldn't be too great a surprise for a character to already have some knowledge on Vincent Jaeger.

Dr. Alberto's Diary Entries

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January 6

Another day, more bothersome executives telling me how to run my lab. I swear! Crey may provide you with excellent resources but they demand too much of their scientists! Just the other day I had some twit say I should assist in field operations! Luckily because of my background I've received some special treatment. Eric will help me intimidate any fool who bothers my research.

Sarah bothered me again, thank god we're divorced. Something about my son's birthday. I sent him one of those...blasted waste of time gamestations with a card. He can waste his time on it. That's what I get for mixing my genetics with those of common brutes! He takes after that damnable mother of his.

January 14

Aha! A breakthrough in my research on the regenerative factor. Thank god for that Rikti War. Like many animals it has two steps, first a de-differentiation of adult cells into a Blastema, and second, development of these cells into new tissue. Basically! Metahumans with a regenerative factor are simply humans who didn't fully "evolve" past an embryonic state. They remain like primitive-esque organisms such as salamanders. Remarkable! And they thought that they were mystical beings or some kind of chosen. Those freaks are nothing more then failed human beings! Hah! That'll knock them down a peg.

An other note I hear they're going to give me some fresh researchers. They better not give me another damn woman! I swear! Scientists these days have gotten too curvy for my tastes. It's ridiculous!

February 2

I got my researchers, two of them. Franklin White and Vincent Jaeger. Vincent Jaeger? What kind of name is that? His parents must have been some sort of wannabe writer who couldn't come up with a decent name for a character--much less their son. White's a good man, I like him. I may ask him to have a drink with me later to discuss things. Jaeger on the other hand. He doesn't show much interest in anything other then whatever research is in front of him. At least he'll function as a workhorse to gather data.

I don' think that Jaeger gets out much.

February 10

White's a brilliant young man. Excellent personality. And he's got a woman that even I want my eyes to oogle. I feel young again. But I must admit my research has been lagging for a week or so. Luckily that workhorse Jaeger is busy.

February 12

I spoke to Jaeger while testing. He's not too bad. Very bright. Caught a glimpse of him outside a labcoat, he's definitely more fit then White or anyone here. He could have been an athlete. He doesn't look like nor have the background of a shut-in-scientist type. Yet he practically is one.

Brilliant. But boring even for me.

And my wife said I was boring as hell. No wonder this guy is single.

February 25

Eric got in an accident. So we've had those executive and agent goons coming in my lab. Practically demanding I improve their medical technology. Something about clashing with a group of capes in Paragon and something about nonsense here and there. I's like they're some sort of evil corporation like in those video games my son plays.

Jaeger stood up to them, though. My word, he practically broke that suits arm. I asked him about how he did that. Wouldn't tell me how he learned to do that.

Those bastards won't mess with me now!

February 27

No word on Eric. I never worried about him before but I wonder if he's alright.

Oh well. Back to work on trying to isolate what causes the regenerative factor in metahumans. Hopefully my data's right and we can introduce that factor into a normal human body. If we discovered it now Eric would probably have been back to work the same day of the accident.

February 28

Eric's dead. That's why he hasn't shown up. White looked into it for me. Jaeger didn't care, he never does really. All he cares about is research.

I'm starting to like Jaeger.

March 19

White's working more with me now. Jaeger's seems to be doing his own research. Something about creating a synthetic mirco-organism that will replace the production of Blastema cells. Absurd.

April 5

Jaeger....I've jumped ships to him. Sorry white. With that organism of his, he was able to cut a lab mouse in half and the mouse regenerated completely! Even hair! But he say the current organism is designed for rodents.

August 9

It's been some time since I've typed in here. The three of us managed to get our hands on an "angel". A winged man who's lived for around a millennium or so. Claims to be a servant of god. My ass. It was nice to get a good subject for a change. Fresh. Metahuman cadavers have gotten a tad boring now. We found out why he lived so long--his regenerative factor prevented the natural decay that causes eventual death. His arcane abilities explained through chemicals and minerals produced by his body.

I myself got a laugh when I heard him tell me god would strike me down. I'm still here.

August 10

Still here. Ha!

October 8

I took Jaeger's little mirco-organism and put it inside the carcass of that angel about a month ago. And it mutated. How wonderful! The angel was "revived" as a mindless beast and I extracted a new micro-organism from it's body. After testing it on a chimp we confirmed it did allow it's limbs to regenerate! Now all we need to do is check for side effects.

December 28

We got our first test subject. A "Jane Doe". Her face is scarred up but had a decent body. Jaeger brought her in and we injected her with the micro-organism. In a bit of a joke, we named her Lucy. The earliest human being discovered.

January 8

Lucy now has the regenerative factor of a metahuman but she's starting to show some odd side effects. She's developed unusual strength and her face is starting to recover it's previous beauty. It seems she's developed fragmented memories. She had a husband who worked a lot. Something. White's taken an interest in her.

January 31

Lucy has killed White. Horrible scene. He got into her cell and my guess tried to escape with her. Young men...they always fall for a pretty face, eh? Well he's dead now. Good riddance! For months he's been so damn moody and has barely been pulling his weight around.

I believe I haven't put this in my records but, as obvious by the start of this entry, Lucy has become unusually violent and primitive. I fear these are side effects.

February 6th

Lucy has been seducing guards. Luring them into her cell with promises of...hanky panky. And then tears their flesh off. Will these young punks ever learn?

It's getting harder to extract the micro-organism from her.

March 3

Lucy's starting to mutate. Her once shapely figure has become lanky. She's grown a hump on her back and her forhead's starting to protrude just a little. No longer our pretty little Lucy. Least we don't have any fools trying to "get it on" with her anymore.

Though her violence has been going on towards the female researchers on our team. She tore off a woman's face clear off and put it on her own. Lucy still has a woman's vanity. But interesting enough Jaeger, through the use of cadavers in a violent experiment, began to develop a theory. She targets womans with similar facial features of her own. After messing around for a while she managed to create a face similar to her old features. A tad different though.

March 9

Amazing! The dead flesh fused to her face! Her body may look horrid but at least she has a decent looking face.

March 12

Those men in suits came by again. Demanding them I inform them of my research. Heh...they even sent a few spies within team to get samples of the micro-organism. Jaeger had them dealt with.

April 25

I can't trust anyone. Only Jaeger. He's the only one out of these miserable researchers who isn't trying to back stab me. He's like me. A man of science! We'll get through this together to improve the micro-organism. Bypass the side effects!

He's working on a new strain based off Lucy's corpse. Seems the brain is still a weak point. At least she isn't some cliche immortal being. Jaeger killed her with a single shot from a pistol when she went berserk while we were trying to extract the micro-organism.

April 28

Lucy...was White's wife!?

April 29

They're trying to get me. They're tryingtogetme I can't tel you this. but I'm sending this directly tothe server typing be damned. j has vbetred me. he's coming here wityh usa agents1 theyve already kkoilled my researtch team1 help1 help1 i know you werewatching1

Letter from Vincent Jaeger to Nicholas Williams

Nicholas, it's been some time. How's your father doing? Good, hopefully.

I have a favor to ask of you, one that I can repay you in the future. As you know people in your line of work don't live long, but I believe we can counteract that with nanotechnology. Though we can discuss this when needed. I'm currently working for Crey Industries and I want out. I've contacted the US Government to jump ships but they can't exactly send armed men inside to pull me out. I believe it's a task easily suited for your men. All you need to do is wear that Special Ops uniform and no one will know the difference.

You know my research can prove use to you in the future.

Piece of a letter from an unknown person

He was a spy trying to get the research. Who would have been able to figure out his loyal bodyguard was actually a spy? It seems that senile old fool takes a liking to anyone that shows him kindness. That kissass White has done nothing but slowed down our research by going out with the good doctor too many times. I believe it's time I take some action to prevent my work from being stolen from me. I know that together they could expand on my little creation before I could finish it. So it's about time I give my rival a distraction. That arm candy he has will become a test subject. And the spy? I'll have him eliminated and reserve that body for experiments.

They don't know

I lau

never enough i

I'll kill him myself, you don't

The letter is unreadable from here

Investigation Report into Vincent Jaeger

We bagged a big one, a Crey Scientist who is willing to jump ships and provide us with the information we need to finally bring those bastards down! The only problem is getting this guy to talk about his activities within Crey. But all he's telling us is the lies we've already been told before.

Anyhow, here's what I have so far on Vincent Jaeger.

He was born outside the United States of America but came to this country around the age of sixteen to attend a Medical University. He graduated at age twenty at the top of his class. Immediately after graduating he was scouted by Crey Industries because of a report he wrote titled "Divine Metahuman Theorem", which provided evidence that angels and demons are, in fact, powerful metahumans. The same goes for the gods they serve. Crey Industries he moved around. At first one of the field scientists we commonly see. A year into his career he was became a special case researcher and was removed from the field. After several years of being within Crey he left and came to us.

Regretfully, this is all I could find on Vincent. I couldn't learn anything about his parents, his country of origin, and hell--I don't even know what color his eyes are because he wears sunglasses all the damn time! Here's another kicker. The University he attended went bankrupt so most information about him was disposed of! This guy's got some kind of divine protection on him or something.

I still haven't figured out where he learned everything about combat. According to what I've managed to dig up on his time as a Crey Field Scientist, his skill is military level. Black Ops level, even. He knows martial arts and has scarily extensive knowledge of weaponry and tactics. Where did he learn all of this? Could he be one of ours? Some agent who's existence is so heavily classified I can't get info on him? Or did someone else train him? The Russians?

What really weird me out is I can't find dates anywhere. I have no idea what's this guy's real age. I only learned he was sixteen when he attended the University because of some flier announcing him as the speaker for his freshman class. Scary enough, no date on it. Weird.

This concludes my investigation into Vincent Jaeger. A less casual draft will be made later so it can be properly filed.

Vincent Jaeger: Psychological Evaluation

Date:The date on this profile is blurred and can't be read

As requested the following is a psychological evaluation dating the condition of one Vincent Jaeger.

As per standard procedure we started out with a multiple choice test in which he rated how strongly he felt he could or couldn't do that. According to the test it's very possible he had a comorbid case of Apathetic Sociopathy and Antisocial Personality Disorder. After interviewing the young man and checking his history I have come to the conclusion this is a valid concern.

Jaeger fits the profile of a typical Apathetic Sociopath. He is highly intelligent, seeks knowledge, and is well cultured. He rarely speaks about a matter unless he is sure he is correct. And overall, holds himself in high regards. Like many people suffering from this condition he does not conform to social norms, and probably regulates on a set of rules set by himself--though it's possible he may break these rules if he sees fit. Like many Antisocials he does not seek companionship or acceptance from others. While capable of being a charming fellow, he generally only acts that way in order to get something he wants from that person. In this he lacks any sort of remorse or empathy towards others. Since he doesn't desire any interpersonal relationships he is almost always deceitful in some way. While I am aware from what he has said he has had several relationships with women, he has a habit of being impersonal and generally ends the relationship when he feels there is no need to continue.

Interesting though, it is safe to say as an apathetic he doesn't become aggressive when approached and therefore isn't a danger to anyone. He is willing to accept he is wrong and learns from it. With proper behavioral conditioning he most likely will improve.

Arachnos Report on Bio-Organic-Weapons in Vincent Jaeger's possession

Everything below this bar isn't "Files" and therefore are things that are just OOC parts I was too lazy to find a way to turn them into "Files" or they are purely OOC. Your character won't have access to information below this line


These are the people Vincent Jaeger has bothered to gotten to know. Because of his rather introverted nature he rarely establishes a relationships with creatures other then his experiments.


Vincent Jaeger is a pastiche based off the Resident Evil Character Albert Wesker. I don't hide it and unlike some people who simply rip off characters I haven't created a carbon copy.

Jaeger's similarities with Wesker really only are the bioweapon theme of Resident Evil, the science background, and the manner of dress. Jaeger is portrayed as being more heartless, apathetic, emotionless, and has a character history (if you ever learn the truth about Jaeger) that is completely different then the character Albert Wesker. Jaeger himself is more like the emotionless "G-men" associated with the government and Crey.

In a sort of "he's not really Wesker--but like him" sort of thing. Jaeger's voice and manner of speech is more like the voice actor from the Umbrella Chronicals--and not Wesker's "official" voice (which has been used in Resident Evil Code Veronica, Resident Evil 0, and Resident Evil 4). I'll point out the voice actor for Umbrella Chronical's main difference is that he puts emphasis on certain words/vowels. I chose this version because the Voice Actor lacked emotion in most his lines, and sounded rather apathetic. Notably this version of Wesker had an odd habit of putting emphasis on important words in a sentence. This portrayal of a rather stoic Wesker was the inspiration for Jaeger. Ironically--this voice actor soon would be reused in Resident Evil 5.

Another character that inspired the creation of Jaeger was the Matrix's Agent Smith. Parts of Jaeger's vocal habits are inspired from Agent Smith's habits when speaking. Once again it was the emphasis on key words in a sentence. This was something I felt essential for making Jaeger as it conveys the message he isn't really a normal human being. More like something pretending to be human.

Despite a lot of people wanting to push me into making Jaeger more...Wesker-ish. I don't want to RP a carbon copy rip off (I'd have made Wesker a Martial Arts / Super Reflexes or / Invulnerability Scrapper instead of a /Regen) of Albert Wesker. Like a lot of role play characters, Wesker merely was the inspiration that lead to the creation.


Thoughts or quotes relating to Jaeger

This is where you can post your character's thoughts on Jaeger in detail, or give me a quote from your character that best describes what they think. This part was added because of a suggestion from my good buddy Arby!

Jaegermiester? 'e is one 'ell o' a quiet bloke. Can' read 'em even though 'e is my own doc. 'e sorta creeps the bloody 'ell out o' me but 'e is good at 'is job." -Nicholas Williams

"Jaeger - one of the most brilliant scientist that I've got. He can get quite pushy at times, but other than that he's a good friend that I can trust... I think." - Arbiter Death

"I don't know what to say about Vincent anymore. Though I wish things could have been different, I regret nothing. I still love him, even if he can't show emotions towards me. I don't know why...but deep down in my heart I feel what could possibly be what he feels for me." - Gelle

"Jaeger is... odd at best. A psychopath at worst. I don't entirely trust the guy, either. Unfortunately, he seems to know more about my own creation than I do, so what can I say? Personally however, I think the poor guy needs a woman. Or maybe a cat..." - Red Komodo


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