Xan Kelestis

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Xan Kelestis.jpg
Xan Kelestis
Player: Trystan Laryssa
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Corruptor
Threat Level: '
Personal Data
Real Name: Xandros Motus Kelestis
Known Aliases: Xan, "Natus Caelorum"
Species: Human / Celestial
Age: 17
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 170
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Blond
Biographical Data
Nationality: '
Occupation: unclear
Place of Birth: Undisclosed, RI
Base of Operations: See above
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: It's a long, boring story
Known Powers
Sonic / Rad
Known Abilities
Voice of the Authority, Celestial Healing
Cell Phone. Newspaper. Leather jacket.
No additional information available.






Xan is a classic example of what happens when somebody tries to force a kid into specific moral imperatives, let alone some great destiny. He grew up among other Celestials and human hybrids, as one of the special ones, those "Born of Heaven". He spent most of his life resenting the title, because to him it meant that he was just another in a long line of holy warriors, and that's all anybody else saw in him. What he wanted, who he was, the things he saw and felt and thought were of no consequence... he had a duty to live up to, and training to undertake. As a result, he can be very bitter and angry about his heritage. He doesn't see himself as "one of them". The irony, of course, is that he is, like most of the others, fairly open-hearted, concerned about others, and fiercely loyal to those who gain his rather broken trust. He is a friend for life, and tends to come across as naive and forgiving; while this latter part is probably true, he sees and understands more than most give him credit for. Though young, he possesses an inner strength of will that even his former mentors, as much as they despise where it has led him, would have to admit to admiring.

Character History


Xandros Motus Kelestis, literally "Man Made of the Heavens" (he HATES it!), was born and raised in a secret location not too far from Paragon, on consecrated ground known for its natural high energy levels. The young men and women who were born of the Celestial bloodline, through a holy committed bond between those of the Blood and the most respected, moral and pure of mankind, are trained here in the use of their unique gifts. It is said that long ago, the angel Coraiel longed to aid mankind by bestowing upon them the gifts of the heavens... he was permitted to do so only with the most worthy of mankind. A young woman had captured his heart, with her virtue and honesty and true concern for others... he brought forth a child with her, and raised the Firstborn to be everything to Earth that the Host were above. The woman eventually grew old and died, after which Coraiel was never seen again; however, their line spread and continued, down through the ages. Their tradition was noble, a gift of love, honor and virtue. Xan thought it was a load of crap. To him, it meant that his future, his education and even his mate were to be decided for him, chosen by people who barely even knew him as anything more than another one of their Natus Caelorum. Raised among people who cared for him and nurtured him, yet did nothing to try and know, understand, or truly love him, he did what any teenager would do... he ran away.

Past Events

Xan was not very well-armed with any idea of life outside the place he grew up, and wound up getting thoroughly lost. The city was not a pleasant place, and eventually his best option looked to be sneaking on board a decrepit-looking cargo ship. Where he wound up was Port Oakes, a major seaport on the island known as Cap Au Diable. If life on the outskirts of Paragon had been unpleasant, amid the ruined city and wandering hostiles, the Rogue Isles was to prove even more challenging. Here, people were open about their crimes, and there were no random patrols to chase them away. At a complete loss, he eventually asked for some kind of direction from the first person he saw even remotely his own age. Almost as soon as he approached, though, he knew it was a bad idea... the young man was at least partially Infernal, the very beings he had been trained to fight against. The boy, Lyonis, was fairly gruff, seeming to see Xan as hopelessly naive and more a burden than real company, but he allowed Xan to follow him for a bit, and showed him a lot about how to survive in Oakes. Of all the people Xandros had met since leaving, the first infernal he came across turned out to be the only person who bothered to help him. Intrigued by this, he tolerated the smartass remarks and good-natured teasing, and the two of them became trusted friends.

Xan and Lyo.jpg

Current Story

Not long ago, Lyonis started behaving awkwardly around Xan, and while Xan had always admired Lyo, he couldn't quite bring himself to ask why. It seemed the wrong thing to say, and Xan too was starting to feel a kind of tension had developed in their strange relationship. It wasn't until Lyo, out of sheer frustration, finally took hold of Xan and kissed him that things began to be clearer. The innumerable taboos stacked against them be damned, Xan felt the same way about Lyo... whatever exactly that was. They agreed to take things slowly, because neither of them were quite sure where this was leading, or what would happen if an Infernal and a Celestial became too close.

Things progressed well enough for a while, the pair playfully wreaking havoc in Port Oakes wherever they could find mischief to be made. Eventually, though, Lyo was stopped by a sinister figure by the name Tanshin, who demanded to know about some strange goings-on with his sister, and his father Dark Xion. Lyo, naturally, resisted, and Tanshin decided to mentally torture Lyo to learn what he wanted. Xan was helpless to fight Tanshin, regardless of anything he tried to do; Lyo and Xan were far younger and less experienced than the ninja. In the end, Lyonis bolted, his mind in a state of confusion. Xan tried to find him, but it wasn't until the next day that Lyonis returned... with a confession. He had believed Xan had betrayed him, and thus had turned around and betrayed Xan... with the strange man that had found Lyo that night. Xan was crushed... he flew into a rage and berated Lyo for everything he'd done, even though Lyo clearly felt guilty enough already. After that he turned and ran... but Lyo was steadfast. Nothing Xan said or did could make Lyo leave his side. Underneath it all, Xan honestly did want to find some way to make things right between them... Lyo was his best and only friend, and what Lyo had done didn't change the fact that Xan still cared deeply for him. He finally reconciled to start things over, and, above all, to help Lyo figure out what the hell it was that Tanshin was talking about. If somebody was going after Lyo's family, Xan would do his best to find out why...

Xan and Lyo in Oakes.jpg


Xandros has been trained to use his naturally clear and resonant voice to do more than just sing... He can channel the holy power of the Authority, whose own voice is said to carry power beyond mortal comprehension, to cause great bursts of sound that can bring opponents to their knees. He is also capable of generating natural Celestial energy to heal and invigorate his allies.


Xan may be a trained fighter, but his trust has been shaken, so when it comes to most people, he is somewhat paranoid. His open, curious and trusting nature conflicts with this, making him indecisive and slow to react in many situations. It would be all too easy to get the jump on him.

Rogue Gallery

To contact this character's creator

Contact is best achieved through in-game means... @Trystan Laryssa

Creator Notes and Trivia

Xan was initially made as a counterpart to Lyo, playing with the whole angel/demon thing. As it turns out, his headstrong nature has become a lynchpin in a much bigger plot, because if he hadn't run away, the Celestials would probably have not had any reason to venture out to the Isles yet, and consequently find more than they bargained for...

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