Category:Black Tie
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
For The Actual Group Page Go To: Black Tie
Black Tie is one of the few and most powerful truly villainous organizations existing in the Isles, amongst the paramilitary line walkers, mercenaries, and undercover heroes. Brutal, cruel, manipulative, treacherous, and disturbingly well coordinated and intelligent, the Black Tie have been slippery to catch and more than a thorn in the side of many organizations in both Paragon and the Isles. The group is lead by the enigmatic terrorist Bad Dream along with the help of the equally fearsome R-41 Incinerator, Markel Darkweaver, Vandalist, Black Amaranth, and Rock Crusher Cass.
Hated by the majority and loved by only a few, it's hard to deny that not only has Black Tie's presence in the Isles been controversial but powerful and lasting. Whether you hate them or not, they're certainly not going anywhere for a long time.
Now Recruiting
Black Tie is always looking for new members! When it comes to our standards and "theme" we're rather indifferent, but we do ask that all potential recruits read Is Black Tie Right For Me? before joining on. The group has a close community IC and OOC, but we're anything but cliquey, gladly accepting new members and bringing them into RP. If interested in joining, send a tell to @Talisien Nightbane, @Vandalist, @Sheyon, @TPOA, or @Gelle
Pages in category "Black Tie"
The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total.
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