
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Player: @DLancer
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: 45
Personal Data
Real Name: Kade Azire
Known Aliases: None
Species: Human, dormant draconic spirit
Age: 24
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 148
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Red
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: formerly librarian, currently superhero
Place of Birth: Salamanca
Base of Operations: Salamanca
Marital Status: Currently in a relationship with Dark Lancer, maybe.
Known Relatives: none
Known Powers
Light based illusions, light based power bolt, flight, teleportation, energy sapping and infusion
Known Abilities
knowledge of arcane studies, summoning forth the draconic spirit
PDA with all her notes and other information.
No additional information available.

My main heroine. She's a librarian who was accidentally infused with a powerful light based dragon spirit. It may or may not be trying to consume her soul, she's not terribly sure on that.

This and any other page I may create are subject to change, expansion, or general mucking about on whim.






Kade Azire was once a quiet librarian in the university library in Salamanca. A small library, which also, unbeknownst to anyone, contained a number of magical artifacts and books.

Few people ever actually stepped foot in the library.

Her student assistant, a young woman by the name of Ysann Fier, was something of a delinquent, and would often disappear in order to smoke some weed. Kade was always quite irritated with Ysann's constant disappearances, and one day, in a fit of annoyance, sought out Ysann's hiding spot. She found it in a little used corner room of the library, one full of ancient tomes of the Cabal. Kade yelled at Ysann, decrying her lack of work ethic. Ysann apparently took offense, and attacked Kade, knocking her into a shelf full of centuries old books. One fell on her head, and she dropped to the floor.

The book lay open, full of arcane symbols, Ysann took a look, seemingly drawn to the symbols as they danced across the page. Something lept out at her, dark tentacles wrapped around her, and was drawn into every orific while Ysann screamed. She changed, growing larger as scales formed across her body, her knees bent backwards and her hands and feet shifted into claws. Ysann's spirit was crushed under the weight of the malvolent presence, until there was nothing left of her. This new creature, soon fled into the night, as if to make as much distance from the book as quickly as possible.

a few moments later, a soft glow emmenated from the book. Kade, while still horrified by what she had just witnessed, still felt drawn to it. A light flashed, and the book fell silent, dull and worn. She felt herself, trying to make sure that nothing had changed. Her only visible sign of change were newly elongated ears and a soft azure glow.

She looked at the book again, and discovered to her suprise that she could read the symbols now. They detailed a binding ritual designed to contain the spirits of two powerful sister dragons from the Age of Myth, Neithlium the dragon of darkness and Nyphtus the dragon of light. The book cautioned not to assign the dragons the normal moral values of light and darkness to the dragons, for they were utterly alien to humans and seemingly amoral.

From this Kade was able to deduce what had happened to her and Ysann, they had been possessed by draconic spirits, though she had to wonder why Ysann was totally consumed while Kade herself was apparently just empowered.

The mystery would plague her thoughts for a long time to come.

Current Affairs

Azure-Song is currently a member of the Justice Guard. Her adventures have tended towards the arcane, and Croatoa especially.


Azure-Song is a pratical, sensible type. She never sought out arcane knowledge before being fused to the spirit of Nyphtus, but now she seeks it insatibly, in a hope to understand and control her powers. She does not know if the dragon is malvolent or or not, but she doesn't particularly care to find out the hard way. She is typically somewhat quiet, not totally comfortable or used to her newfound life as a hero.

Once pushed, however, she has shown the capacity to be a highly determined and capable leader.

Abilities and Powers

All of her powers are drawn from the draconic spirit of Nyphtus. The spirit is dormant within her, but the more power she draws from it, the less she feels herself. As such, while she is capable of incredible feats, she tends to restrain herself to only the bare minimum necessary in order to limit her loss of self. Also, when she is severely pressed or otherwise looses control, the dragon may manifest temporarily, altering her body into something of a hybrid creature with tremendous powers. The transformation terrifies Azure-Song, as it represents a loss of control and at some point may very well become permanent.

Her typical abilities are all based on light. She can create bright flashes, blinding her enemies or searing their flesh. A bolt formed entirely of light is also within her power. Further, she can create a creature of pure light as well as a small army of illusionary decoys and a spectral entity of incredible terror.

The other half of her powers involve her abilities of energy absorption and redistrubtion. She can suck the power right out of her enemies, draining their strength and impart it onto her allies or self. She's not quite sure how these abilites relate to her light based attacks.

The Dragon


The spirit of the Dragon Nyphtus resides within Azure-Song. At times, normally due to an extreme amount of stress, the spirit will manifest itself in a much more physical manner, totally changing Azure-Song's mind and body. While the dragon is in control, Azure-Song's abilities are greatly improved, she can fly, create multitudes of illusions, and even blast enemies with pure azure light.

The dragon is not entirely benevolent however, it is at heart a creature who's mind and ethical standards are completely alien to mere humans. And every time that the dragon takes over, Kade Azire looses just a little bit more of her own control over herself to the dragon.

It is as much a curse as a gift.


Azure-Song is currently in something of a relationship with Dark Lancer, largely consisting of him making snide comments and her stealing his socks. They're an odd couple.

She is also the current legal guardian of juvinile deliquent Crateria, as the teen works off her community service hours as a hero for the city.


Neithlium, the dragon of darkness from the book is still out there, and one of Azure-Song's top priorities.

Further, Malaketh has also shown an interest in Azure-Song, as her powers have displayed an ability to affect even his robots, who should know better.

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