Icewind Demon

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Icewind Demon
Origin: Mutant
Archetype: Dominator
Threat Level: 41
Personal Data
Real Name: Tara Sanders
Known Aliases: None
Species: Homo Sapiens Superior
Age: 17
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 105 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Blue
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: None
Place of Birth: New Jersey
Base of Operations: Confidential
Marital Status: ... complicated
Known Relatives: None known
Known Powers
Control over ice, Flight
Known Abilities
None special
None special
Known to be particularly susceptible to psionic powers



Outcasts villain group (former member)
Nation (former member, now returned)
Inevitable Evolution (former member)


Icewind Demon is a 17-year-old girl who has gone through some very extreme situations in the last 3 years of her life. With her most harrowing memories gone though, she's reverted to a personality more typical of a teenage girl. She's rather flighty, a bit ditzy, prone to emotional swings, and whispers about people she thinks are "hot."


Icewind Demon exhibits the ability to form and control ice out of the ambient moisture in the air. Her control of this ability is extremely strong, along with fairly good precision. She has recently turned to making small ice sculptures to further refine her precision.

She also has the ability to fly.

Lately, Icewind Demon has been manifesting small bits of alternate types of energy. Psionic damage, energy, and even negative energy have all been observed as components to her attacks. The prevailing theory is that her mutations have altered themselves slightly to produce the things she was constantly subjected to during her captivity by Arachnos (Mu lightning, Fortunata mental probing, and the Ghost Widow's own dark attentions).

Even more odd, Icewind also has developed another suite of powers. It is strangely reminiscent of the powers that Ghost Widow displays.


Icewind Demon is very vulnerable to psionic powers. Her mind is like an open book to anyone with even a modicum of talent with telepathy or mind-reading abilities.


Early Life

Tara was born in the state of New Jersey to a white father and a Korean mother. She lived a fairly normal life in suburbia like any other growing girl, until she was 14 years old. She woke up one day, her skin blue, and ice forming around her seemingly at random. Her jet black hair, so like her mother's, began growing out blue, and her eyes shifted color from brown to green over a month. She was shunned at school, and the state police visited the Sanders household to register Tara's powers and inform her of the applicable laws for her situation.

Her persecution continued for nearly a year before the Sanders family decided to move to Paragon City, where people with... less-than-normal abilities are more widely accepted. Unfortunately, Tara's two brothers were upset at this change forced in their lives by their younger sister, and made life hellish for her. Finally, unable to deal with a deteriorating home life, Tara ran away from home, and fell in with the Outcasts.


Tara's time in the Outcasts was fairly unremarkable. It consisted of a succession of the usual petty robberies and other minor crimes, while quickly growing into her powers as a necessity of fending off the other gang members. It was also in this gang that she was first given the moniker "Icewind Demon."

It was while Tara was visiting a mall with another couple gang members that a local citizen began haranguing her for being a "drain on society." The harassment continued until, just wanting to shut him up, Tara tried to freeze his mouth shut with ice. Instead, a steel-hard formation of ice covered the man's entire face. He suffocated. Shocked, Tara was easily captured by a hero responding to the scene, and sent to the Zig to await a murder trial.


Tara's time in the brutal Ziggursky Penitentiary was short, thanks to the mutant leader known as Black Agony. Released during a chaotic prison riot and brought to the Rogue Isles, she quickly fell under the sway of Agony's powerful charisma and became a full Citizen of Nation, eventually becoming a Priscus. She prospered in Nation, growing well into her powers, and developing a strong bond with Black Agony and Calamity Cassie.

However, another villainess with ice-based powers framed Icewind Demon for some crimes against Arachnos. Large amounts of money from one of Recluse's personal vaults were stolen, and carefully planted clues were left against Tara. After a lengthy manhunt, she was captured by Arachnos.


Tara's time in Arachnos lasted about a year, and was characterized by extremely brutal conditions. Moved around frequently from one detention facility to another, Tara was subjected to a staggering amount of physical and sexual abuse, and torture, both physical and mental. However, factions within Arachnos conspired to organize her release. Placing a few key members in different positions, they managed to facilitate her escape from jail, leaving a trail of the broken and dead behind her. After hiding her for a few days, and using her to kill a few members of rival factions, they let her go back into the general populace.

Inevitable Evolution

After roaming around the Rogue Isles for a month or so, avoiding human contact, Icewind Demon finally stumbled upon both Black Agony and Run Riot. The two were discussing an alliance, and Icewind appeared and essentially began haranguing Black Agony. She eventually subsided however, and the meeting was not unduly affected.

Not long after, she came in contact again with her lost friend Calamity Cassie, who had joined with the group Run Riot was the head of, Inevitable Evolution. It did not take much convincing for Icewind to join with them.

In the time since, Icewind has slowly begun recovering from the mental trauma of her imprisonment, but the rumbles of upcoming conflict between Nation and Inevitable Evolution are beginning to trouble her greatly.

Home Again

With the recent shattering of the alliance between Nation and Inevitable Evolution, Icewind Demon was finally forced to make a choice between the two. And she chose Nation, citing that Nation has always felt like home to her, even when she wasn't living there. When the two groups were allied, she could feel at least like she was just temporarily elsewhere, like someone at college, and could just go home at any time. With the burning of the bridge though, she fled back over at earliest opportunity.

Lost in Time

A constant conflict between Icewind Demon and Ghost Widow finally came to a head. Certain hooks had been left in Icewind's mind during her imprisonment, and Ghost Widow began exploiting them to cause Icewind to unwittingly do her bidding. Ultimately, the plan was to culminate in the destruction of Numina.

However, Icewind's odd behavior was noticed by Sychosis, who reported it to Agony. A brief discussion, a even brief struggle, and one moment of insanity later... and the last fifteen months of Icewind's memory was swallowed by Black Agony.

Revenge Goes Both Ways

After learning about her struggle with Ghost Widow, Icewind Demon decided to vow vengeance upon the Arachnos lieutenant. She scoured the Rogue Isles for a way to make this a reality. With the help of another citizen of Nation, Shinrei Jusatsushi, she discovered a ritual that would actually bring a ghost back to life. If she could collect those things that held Ghost Widow to her unlife, it might have been possible to destroy her in truth.

The plan was only partially successful. Unaware of Ghost Widow's connection to Arachnos, Icewind reconstituted Ghost Widow, destroyed those few belongings of hers Icewind had found, and then dropped a Chemical Missile on her head. The ensuing battle was short and furious, and Ghost Widow was killed. Her soul escaped elsewhere to resume its ghostly life, weakened a bit from the loss of her other anchors, but still a powerful force.

At that very moment though, something odd occurred. As Ghost Widow's soul visibly snaked away from the broken corpse, a swirling tendril intersected with Icewind's body and was seemingly trapped in there. There was a series of strange reactions from Icewind, and then she appeared to be fine. But something had changed...

Character Notes and Trivia

Icewind Demon was specifically created to join Nation a couple years ago when the Super Group was first formed by Black Agony. She was an attempt at a fairly light-hearted character, although the longer I played her and the more of her personality and background developed, the more "serious" of a character she became. Like many of the characters that I frequently role-play, what she does can sometimes surprise me... it's as if she takes on a life of her own and I'm just an observer that presses the keyboard for her.

- Icey's body temperature hovers around 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Her perception of temperatures is slightly skewed because of this.

- She overheats fairly easily in hot temperatures and has a hard time releasing this heat, even if she tries to cool down the air around herself.

- Icewind has a strangely adaptive mutation.

- She also has a strange attachment to using a baseball bat in combat, which she claims to have stolen from a Hellion. It recently broke, when she knocked Valkyrie unconscious with it, and she became rather upset.

- Icewind collects stuffed animals. Currently only one is specifically identified: A stuffed elephant named "Mr. Kibbins."

- There is a pale blue rose in a glass case on the dresser in Icewind's room. It constantly gives off cool air, making intricate patterns of frost on the glass around it. It was a gift from Battlebriar at their first meeting, as is his norm, but she doesn't remember who it's from now.


Feel free to add any rumors.

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