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The Love Ninja
Player: @Mizythra
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Undisclosed
Known Aliases: Love Ninja
Species: Pixie
Age: Unknown
Height: 4'0"
Weight: Varies
Eye Color: Varies
Hair Color: Varies
Biographical Data
Nationality: N/A
Occupation: N/A
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: Unknown
Marital Status: Seeing someone
Known Relatives: Quazmic (daughter)
Known Powers
Archery, Fire Manipulation
Known Abilities
Sticking things with arrows and lighting things on fire.
Wooden bow; pink origami paper; a pink self-replenishing crayon
Appears to be mute.



Standing at a mere 4’0”, Quana is considerably lighter than she looks. Her pink skin has a slight shimmer to it, as does her hair no matter what color it happens to be. As she is a mystical being, Quana can change her hair color as well as the color of wings at will and she usually does so to compliment whatever she happens to be wearing.

Her customary attire is a pseudo-ninja uniform of a traditional martial arts tunic colored black and trimmed in a soft fuchsia, traditional wrappings around her wrists and hands, striped tights and very untraditional platform boots. Most of her outfits are girlish and/or childlike and all come matched with some sort of platform shoes. The only exception to this rule are special costumes she dons for particular theme shows put on by DJs of The Cape radio station. Some notable costumes of past shows have been early-Beatles John Lennon for DJ Pyrria’s Beatles discography and a generic Rastafarian for DJ Shecky’s reggae Underground show.

Quana always wore a black ninja mask trimmed in a color to match her attire with every outfit, but has recently begunto limit it to her "ninja uniform". She also sports a spiked leather choker with every outfit, which seems a little out of place for both fae and ninja, but perhaps there is an untold story behind it.


DJ Cozmic - mate
Quazmic - daughter
Frank Gustbe
Thresher Shark
DJ Pyrria – Favorite DJ of The Cape radio (besides Cozmic, of course!)
DJ Shecky
One Hit Wonder

Spoiler warning: Details about a player-created storyline, or information currently unrevealed about a character, follow.

A Faerie Tale

No one is really sure where Quana comes from, not even her. Being of mystical origin as pixies tend to be, she has lived for many centuries and has traveled to many planes. She cannot recall the moment she was brought forth into existence or where in the infinite realms it occurred.

If one were to ask Quana her age she would simply shrug. A minute is a day is a week is a year is a century to her and she would simply declare that time is relative. She has traveled to and taken up residence in more realms than she can count, has lived around more races and species than most can grasp, and has been summoned on numerous occasions.

Over the centuries, the little pink pixie has taken on a vast number of monikers and most have been discovered at one point or another. Some of them have been abused in summoning her into slavery but others have been regarded in a friendly manner. Quana is simply the name she has currently chosen to use amongst the public. She selected it from a book she read years ago on Earth from a character she enjoyed. It has been so many centuries since she last used her True Name that she does not even remember it anymore.

If one could peer into her mind, the speed at which her thoughts travel would be beyond comprehension to a mere human and dizzying at best to other mystical beings. While she has plenty of control over said thoughts when it comes to reactions and other forms of communication, her ability to write is severely hindered. With immense concentration she able to accomplish a childish scrawling of small words before it ultimately morphs into a series of scribbling and doodles. She is, however, a moderately talented artist as has been displayed in both crayon and the coated end of Pocky sticks on various parts of the Pocket D dance floor.

Little else is known of this creature called Quana prior to her arrival to Paragon City some months ago. Throughout the realms, however, there are staggering trails of recorded events vastly different in their recounting yet all containing reference to one very specific detail.

The aged, handwritten accounts, edged with bias, tell of small villages, communes, even small towns that underwent drastic changes overnight. What had been calm, quiet townships for many generations had been visited by a small creature of unknown origin. While descriptions varied slightly from realm to realm, a few characteristics remained solid: Small, pink-skinned female with wings similar to a butterfly.

Within a day, sometimes mere hours from the mysterious creature’s arrival, the entirety of the village would collapse into utter madness. Men roamed the street in drunken stupor while physically sober, murmuring of acts unspeakable in public, their eyes glazed and their hands trembling. The women took to isolation, often locking themselves in small rooms, and could be found writhing upon the ground holding their heads in pain. The children, also affected by this madness, simply bumbled about in a haze of confusion.

The only villages that stood a chance of surviving this catastrophe were those who received visitors or residents that had returned from traveling and worked hard to keep the town afloat. Most, however, simply collapsed under the insanity, those who survived taking refuge in nearby townships. The records never stated a cause for the madness though some authors gave suspicion to the pink-skinned visitor.

At some point, the written accounts ceased and it seemed as though the cause of the madness had disappeared. Further research, however, finds many more recounts of a pink-skinned, winged lady without the tragic results. Was this mystery caller the cause of entire populations of insanity? Or was she simply in the wrong place at the wrong time? And if she was, in fact, the source, why did the happenings stop?

Only Quana knows for certain.

A Calling

In a realm far away a few centuries ago, the pink pixie then known by another name found herself summoned to a world dominated by bat-like creatures where humans did not exist and the lesser beings were most closely defined as insect and reptilian. Obviously, the cotton candy bug stuck out like a sore thumb in this dismal place. To make matters worse, the high priest of the radical religious cult that had summoned her had discovered one of her many names during an incantation intended to produce a sphere of raw magic essence. Instead, the priest received a single handwritten page from a log never before seen on his world and within the text he later managed to decrypt laid the tale of a hellish creature who had visited a small coastal village that had fallen to shambles within a week and had somehow managed to burn to the ground along with its inhabitants.

Only an individual possessing an unheard of magical capacity could have accomplished such a feat so quickly and, after much deliberation, the priest decided to abandon his search for raw essence and instead call forth that which had been referred to thrice within the passage as “Screaming Death” and had been attributed to the cause of the madness. Armed with both the name and ability, the priest summoned forth the culprit into enslavement and put her to work immediately. When not serving as a battery to siphon essence from, she was bade to act as his assistant in various rituals and even performed routine household chores.

The years took their toll and just when she had begun to think she could endure no more, the priest met his end rather abruptly when one of his many experimental spells went horribly wrong. Freed at last from her servitude, she fled into the heart of the city and, seeing for the first time the world outside the walls of her master’s cottage, she was horrified at the depressing and miserable state of the inhabitants.

While her initial plan was to devise a way to escape that very plane, the more time she spent amongst the people the more she realized the elderly “bugs” and “lizards” were not the grotesque, unfeeling monsters she had originally assumed but were, in fact, oppressed races who had been forbidden by the “bats” to socialize for so many decades that they had ceased to reproduce. All that remained of their races were the final generations, which were on their last legs as it was. It was only a matter of time before they would die out completely, thus giving the “bats” total control over the world.

Angered both at the priest’s enslavement and his race’s domination of the other beings, she decided to take it upon herself to restore natural interaction within each the “bug” and “lizard” races. Because these last generations had never learned how to socialize, the concept of procreation was beyond them. It was up to the pink lass to encourage romance between the males and females, which was a difficult task to say the least. Many more years she spent in the world she had previously criticized, but the hard work paid off. By the time she bade the world goodbye, she had successfully reinstated the social order of the “bugs” and “lizards”, much to the dismay of the “bats”, and had witnessed not one but two new generations of each which had gone great lengths to reestablish their places in society, bringing balance and light once again to the no longer murky world. The appreciation of her charges was shown in innumerous ways over the years but the kindest of them all was the title they had bestowed upon her. Leaving the world, now known as “The Love Bug”, the once-cursed pixie had been given a new name.

The Ninja

So successful had she been at reviving the concepts of romance and procreation within the two races, The Love Bug decided it would be a waste of her newfound talent to stop there. Over many decades within various realms, she carried on the role and became something of a matchmaker. Where she traveled, new love could be found blossoming and old romances rekindled.

New accounts began to surface detailing the arrival, accomplishments, and ultimate departure of the pink-skinned, winged lass. Some passages referred to her by her gifted title and others seemed not to know her by any name at all. Some bequeathed nicknames upon her and others merely used descriptions. One thing was certain: she had set foot upon many a soil and had made quite an impact on each one of them.

Sometime during the early 1900’s she found herself once again on Earth, this time summoned to a small mountain village in Japan. Her newest master was a kind, older gentleman who had spent his entire life running and working the largest rice farm in the area. His paddies produced the bulk of the village’s supply and even with a steady flow of workers over the years he rarely had time for anything else other than necessary rest. Because of this he had rarely been in the company of women and, as such, had never taken a wife. As he entered the last couple decades of his assumed lifespan, he had begun to worry what would happen to his estate and business once he died. If he had produced a son or even a lowly daughter he would have had someone to pass his legacy onto.

Knowing time was growing short for him to bear any offspring, he decided to see what he could do about finding himself a wife. His lack of social skills was soon apparent and when a few years had gone by without any luck in acquiring an available maiden to be his bride, he turned to alternate resources for help. Through a friend of a friend, as such stories tend to go, the man came into possession of handwritten copies of old passages from various parts of the world detailing accounts of the small, pink-skinned, mute lady with butterfly wings and no name.

And so, once again The Love Bug was summoned into servitude. This master, however, was quite unlike most she had worked under for his kindness knew no bounds and he never once treated her as a slave. In exchange for board and comforts, he “hired” her to help him in his conquest for a mate.

It was one of her more difficult jobs as the man turned out to be quite the picky one despite his situation. During her years in his employ, she made a place for herself within the village and instantly found a love for the local dojo where she could watch men practice ancient and traditional martial arts. What started as a mere fascination that provided hours of entertainment slowly became a thirst for knowledge and she became determined to learn this new way of fighting. While she never achieved a mastery of the art, she was able to absorb some basic skills, which she added to her perfected archery and fire magic combat. The bigger curiosity came when she discovered the secret, underground world of the ninja, a practice which needs little explanation. Her enthrallment with the ninja only grew over time and she found as many excuses as possible to sneak into their business.

Eventually, she helped the old man to woo himself a lady and almost as soon as the ceremony was finished, he released her from her duty and sent her off into the world a free faerie. By then, she had been donning a traditional gi as her regular clothing and if not for the bright wings she might have been able to blend in. Even so, she traveled throughout the country, witnessing bits and pieces of industrial revolution. Within a few years she found herself on the mainland slowly working her way through China.

It was there in the early 1920’s she was introduced to the amazing and infamous Chinese Opera. Instantly, she fell in love with the art as it combined fighting tactics similar to those she had immersed herself in for years in Japan with both comedy and drama that lifted her spirits and made for endless entertainment. It was in Hong Kong she decided to rest for a time and idly revived her matchmaking career while submerging herself deep into the lives of the opera actors. Recognizing her Japanese clothing and a few of the quirks she had picked up as habit plus her growing reputation in the field of romance, some of the actors began humorously referring to her as the Love Ninja. Because she had never given them a real name, it eventually stuck. She did not mind much.

While Japan and its ninja would always come first in her heart, she now carried a soft spot for their mainland cousins. For many years she traveled back and forth between the two countries, keeping friends and acquaintances from both while she continued to practice her self-appointed position.

The Not-so-distant Past

By the time stage acting found its way to the screen, the Love Ninja had only just begun to witness the metamorphosis when she was abruptly torn from her beloved homes and summoned by an older name into a realm she had never set foot in before. Her time there was unremarkable, her enslavement more boring than oppressing as she found herself one of many assistants to a master wizard in a world not all that unlike medieval Earth.

It was in the mage’s death that her service ended and she simply passed the time wandering aimlessly throughout the world, lacking the desire to devote much of her attention to it. When she was once again summoned she didn’t really care where, so long as it was away from that dreary place. While she only been upon its soil for a matter of years by their calendar, time had passed considerably faster on Earth so it was a bit of a surprise when she found herself in Ireland in the early 1980s.

Her caller this time was a practical joker of sorts and had summoned her without any real purpose other than to prove he could do it and to give some of his friends a bit of a scare. Sentenced to domestic chores and imprisoned within the walls of the house, the only things she found of interest to occupy her fast-paced mind in the tedium of her enslavement was in the massive library kept by one of the housemates. It was in one of the many books she poured through that she came across an odd sort of name she had never heard before. Deciding that she both liked it and that it was time for a change, she began to think of herself as Quana though inwardly she never dropped her proud title of Love Ninja.

When the prankster finally grew bored of her, he released her back into the world and from there she made quick-like for Asia – the one place in many realms she had felt most at home. The next couple of decades were spent catching up on the times and reinserting herself into daily life, dividing her time once again between Japan and China.

Spoilers end here.


In early December of 2007, a large, intimidating mercenary of a man named Frank Gustbe was sitting in a Skyway City apartment attempting to explain the concept of fae to his bewildered Chinese girlfriend. Because the mere speaking of fae can call upon them, the summon went out and, being she was rather bored at that particular moment, Quana decided to answer. Whisked away from the theater attic in Hong Kong that she had been calling home, she suddenly found herself in Paragon City for the first time in her life. It was within a completely different apartment in Skyway City, this one belonging to Frank himself, that Quana appeared, much to his surprise. Unable to communicate with her new master, Frank did not understand her presence and at first tried to dispose of her. Eventually, he came to realize he had brought her there, however accidentally, and if nothing else but to keep her out of his way, he assigned her a task that would keep her busy and aid him in his own work.

Because he did not insist on her imprisonment, she decided to explore the new city for she might as well get an idea of what she was up against if she were going to be there a while. During her local travels, she discovered the hub of all social activity between both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles: Pocket D. Frank did not seem to mind her socializing as long as she continued with her task, so it was there she spent much of her time.

Eventually, she was able to bring Frank to understand that his unintentional summoning had enslaved her. The idea of this disgusted him and he was genuinely sorry as he attempted to figure out how to release her from servitude. Once accomplished, he offered her a true paying job and a place within the ranks of his mercenary organization. Strangely enough, they had been calling themselves “Love Ninja”, mostly as some sort of inside joke of which Quana was not aware. Intrigued by the coincidence and having nothing else truly pressing to do with her time, she opted to stay and take the job. She continues to help Frank at his request and considers him the kindest master outside of the old man that she has ever served.

DJ Cozmic

The first time Quana ever set eyes on this particular DJ of The Cape radio, was at the ski chalet during one of the many shows broadcast from the balcony. She was attracted to his bright, blinding colors like a moth to a bug zapper and still finds herself hypnotically entranced by each new costume he dons.

Quana had always been an asexual being despite her lifelong career in the field of love and romance. An expert was she at bringing couples together no matter what gender, race or custom, yet she had never considered the possibility for herself. It was one of those things that just didn’t happen; not to a pixie with a designated lot in life, nor one who could easily be summoned at any given moment to a new realm, torn from any friends she might have made.

But, despite centuries of solitude even amongst what few friends she had made, the little pink ninja of love’s wandering attention came to a halt on Cozmic and she has not been able to tear herself from him since. She still can’t explain why it is she found herself so drawn to him outside of the disturbing fascination with his hideously clashing color schemes but something about him tugged at her heart strings in a way no other person had.

When finally she had decided to take her centuries of knowledge and use them for her own purpose, one can imagine the surprise when her attempts to capture his attention failed miserably. While everyone around could plainly see her feelings toward him, Cozmic himself remained utterly clueless to the point where he outright ran away from a simple request to dance with him. Dejected, the normally bright pink, merry fae drained of color and spent days in sadness while her friends discussed how to help her win his attention.

Eventually, they were successful, and Quana found herself on her first-ever “date”, accompanying Cozmic to Atlas Park to play Hellion Soccer. A few more questionable excursions and long nights at the D later, they seemed to have formed quite the happy relationship. While Quana continues to explore and discover her own capacity for love and Cozmic continues to bumble about in a general state of confusion most of the time, together they somehow make it work. It’s just one of those things that seems as though it is meant to be. If only he would stop asking people questions he doesn’t want to know the answers to…

Random Facts

- The book her current name comes from is The Neverending Story.
- Being fae, she can only consume a very select few human foods despite many attempts by well-meaning friends.
- Her favorite band is The Beatles.
- Likes all music but prefers love songs, classic rock, and electronica.
- Keeps a bag of dates somewhere on her person at all times that was given to her by Cozmic.
- Is an expert at folding origami.
- Keeps a self-replenishing pink crayon on her person at all times that came in a Crayola Big Box given to her by Mikuruneko.
- Had to make use of an Extra-dimensional Pocket just to hold all the random stuff Cozmic gives her.
- Carries a never-used tanto with a carved ivory handle in a hand-painted black box that was given to her by Professor Bannon.

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