Solar Sapphire
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
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'Ey! Leave him alone! | |
Solar Sapphire | |
Player: @Floral Madness | |
Origin: | Natural |
Archetype: | Peacebringer |
Security Level: | 2? (IC: 14) |
Personal Data | |
Real Name: | Tabitha Jane Victoria |
Known Aliases: | Tabi |
Species: | Stellaren |
Age: | 28 (D.O.B: July 31 (21/22), 1980) |
Height: | 5' 10" |
Weight: | 139 lbs. |
Eye Color: | Cerulean |
Hair Color: | Brown |
Biographical Data | |
Nationality: | American |
Occupation: | Scientist/Writer/Super-hero |
Place of Birth: | Toronto, Ontario |
Base of Operations: | Atlas Park/Kings Row |
Marital Status: | has a boy-friend |
Known Relatives: | Harrison (Jake) Victoria (Brother), Cecilia Victoria (Sister), Timothy Victoria (Brother), Abigail Victoria (Mother), Samuel Victoria (Father), Jason (Jay) Armstrong (Boy-friend) |
Known Powers | |
Energy Blast, Energy Manipulation | |
Known Abilities | |
Glow a beautiful blue light, blend into the environment around to where she unseen, run extremely fast speeds | |
Equipment | |
N/A | |
A Child of the stars, missing |
Contents |
Light, in a dark world
A Teenager that's a living glow stick
Tabitha Victoria moved to Paragon City from Toronto when she was 13, and discovered the night before that she was able to produce a beautiful light in a lovely shade of blue. Being frightened that if this light were to be discovered by anyone else, she would be taken away from her parents and be tested on, and other worse things. Therefore, she had to keep her light a secret from everyone. Tabitha hated doing so and lived a very stressful life with no friends, a family that barely talked to each other, on a track team that took credit of Tabitha's races that she won then lectured her for the ones she lost, powers that to be hidden from society to live a normal life and were practiced in a dumpster in order to control them.
A Hero
(As told by Tabitha)
Sweat streaked down my forehead, strolling along the path pours on my face as I continued to run. My shoes made a loud screech as I put them in front of me to prevent myself from going any farther than where I needed to be.
"Freedom." I said looking at my watch. "What now Tabi? You're 18 now. What life lesson to be learn now?" The watch was saying it was 12:00 AM July 31, 1998. "What is the next goal? What is the new challenge?" I sat down on a near-by cool, concrete stairs. "Should you not hide anymore? Should you use your gifts to stop tyranny?" I cracked my knuckles, which started to shine a lovely blue like I just cracked a glow stick. "Share the light? Or continue to live in darkness?" I had been hiding my self-productive light since I was 13. I was like those night-lights that turn on when it's dark. "How would you share the light, Tabitha? How could society accept you as a glowing freak? On the other hand, how could you keep your light a secret? How long can you keep your light a secret?" I stood up, looking at the full moon above, surrounded by the dark navy, along with the stars that sparkled like the teeth on those stupid toothpaste commercials.
"NOT ANYMORE!" I screamed with a bright blue aura like a force field around me. As my pace quickened, I begun to see flashes of yellow and orange flying around which originated from my feet. I felt like pure light.
Tabitha became known as the hero Solar Sapphire and fought crime 'till she was 20 years old and moved to England to go to collage. There she earned her masters degree in the Study of Super-humans, then moved back to Paragon City and got a job at City Hall as a scientist, where she investigated how she got this light in the first place.
Tabi was known as a blaster with Energy Blast and Energy Manipulation. That is before that late night in March,(same night as she went missing) her research on how she got her powers became extremely close to a discovery. She got really angry at her assistant, resulting in a explosion of light, after it died down, what was known as a 'Bright Nova' was present in the room. Therefore meaning Tabitha was the bright nova, and was not a blaster, but a Peacbringer.
After making a phone call to her mom, Tabitha also found out she wasn't born on July 31st, but 21st/22nd, the day between Cancer and Leo. She couldn't have gone into further research since she went missing moments later.
A Scientist
Tabitha Victoria worked at Paragon City Hall as a scientist, where if she made injections people could get for getting rid of their powers, she would be allowed to investigate why she has the ability to glow. She created a injection that would 'cover-up' their powers, but still be passed down to generations, and would re-appear with a certain reaction to the nerves (Magically, Technologically, Mutated, or Scientifically came back). This injection was already made, but was lost when it was stolen, by the Outcasts some say.
A Writer
Tabi always loved to write, and always dreamed of becoming a great author. She wrote in a journal she had ever since she was 13, and skipped around pages and wrote about random things about her life. How she felt, what was happening, anything that she probably couldn't say to anyone else accept her insanely orange cat, Lizzy.
Tabitha is very quiet,and shy, no friends except her boy-friend and cat. She had a very stressful life, and it seems to continue to be stressful. Her family barely talked to each other, except for Jake, who she vented out all of her school life when she was a teenager. Even though she wanted a normal life, it never was that way because her lack of social activities caused her. She is pretty open, and kind, doesn't like giving up either, will be curious if things aren't exactly answered fully.
She loves to write, she hates her job at Paragon City Hall, would love to make fiends, but is damn quiet to do so.
Stress all around
8th Grade and High School were extremely stressful since she was new to Paragon City and had no friends there.Even when she was fighting crime she was under pressure, either because her family was giving her a hard time about not getting a job or not going to collage, tension of people counting on her to protect them, or constantly sighing since she can't tell anyone that she's Solar Sapphire and that she glows and has been glowing since she was 13 and it hid from everyone and that her life is dark, sad and stressful.
Jason Armstrong
(Told by Tabi again)
I was sobbing, worst part was it was silent. It's because I think I'm hopeless trying to figure out what I am. At least this is just a coffee shop, not a bar.
I didn't stop crying 'till he sat down.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"You want to know what wrong?" I glanced up to make sure the room was still empty. "This is what's wrong!" I thew out my hand scorching with my blue light.
"What's wrong with that? It's probably the most gorgious thing I've every seen in my life." I let my hair fall down again and cover my face. "I know what's wrong. Your lost in a world of darkness, you have no one to turn to. Not even your closest friends and family. You wanted to hide your light so you can live a normal life."
I looked up to him staring into his pure green eyes.
"Well I'll tell you one thing," he started again. "you will never live a normal life 'till you live life as it is and not question it's gifts."
"You're a psychic, aren't you?"
"Jay Airwave, Mind Control and Kinetics Controller. My real name is Jason Armstrong."
"Solar Sapphire, Energy Blast and Energy Manipulation Blaster. My real name is Tabitha Victoria."
We shook hand politely. I swiped my tears away since their presence was not required for a simple conversation.
"People call me Jay anyways. Also don't think I'm controlling your mind right now, it only works on enemies, although I can read anyone's thoughts."
"People call me Tabi since when they say Tabitha it sounds like I'm in deep crap." He laughed, I didn't mind, he was kind in his words anyways. "Also don't think I'm going to blast you across the room, otherwise I'd probably end up in the zig."
The more we talked, the more I began to fall in love with him. He understood my feelings, he even had the same situations that I had, stress, hiding our powers, it was as if we almost lived the same lives.
By closing time, we held hands as he escorted me to my apartment.
One day in late winter, the nation of Cobiness launched their satellite into space. Little did they know that the satellite not only hit another, but the effects of one slight hit (the hit actually wasn't that slight, it was an extreme hit) for the owners of the satellite they had hit. Floral Madness, the owner of the satellite, used the satellite for keep her base running. Now that it was severely hit, she lost all communications, all power, almost ran out of air, almost had it flooded, the ceiling fell, and many injuries for other members of Midnight Annihilation. Barely recovering two weeks later, thanks to Starlight Blue and her awareness with technology, she sent out Dusk Spirit, to spy on Alpha Squad, Cobiness' security organization.
Dusk Spirit, only having little time for her spirit to leave her body, searched out someone in Paragon City to take control of. Since controlling one's mind, soul and spirit is extremely deadly for the person she takes over, she wanted someone that probably would be unnoticed missing, or even dead.
Of course, she choose wrong.
Tabitha Victoria never returned to her apartment that night, it was noticed since her brother, Jake, who lived there 'till he got another place to stay. As the days passed, many fliers were posted around Paragon City, and many searches by the P.P.D. had been executed. Nothing has been recovered of her last where-a-bouts.