Talk:Agent 3-X

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Pre-Emptive Renaming

There's been way too heavy a hand with the Generic'ing lately.

And it seems that a certain short film "Chastity Blade" from 2001 is now being looked at to become a feature film and/or a TV series.

So, Chas's player decided to pay for a name change, rather than get "Generic'd" and have the stigma of being associated with something totally unrelated except for the NAME. Not like that hasn't happened before. </sarcasm>

On Bikes

"That's a sweet bike you got... too bad she's gathering dust in the garage." -- Betty Highside

It is?
Why the hell haven't you stolen it yet? - Talen Lee, wondering who lets a good thing go to waste
-cough- Bikers don't steal each other's bikes. That falls under the heading of "Universally Uncool." The only time you should liberate someone's bike from their possession is if they're bound and determined to kill themselves with it, and that only after you've done your best to get them into riding courses and track-day instruction so that they have a snowball's chance of surviving a spirited ride (only it didn't work.) -- Soul Train 00:09, 3 September 2007 (MST)
I'd say that anyone who's got a bike that nice that simply goes unused isn't a 'biker', and is more of a 'trophy collector'. In which case: Hell with them. ;p --Talen Lee 00:19, 3 September 2007 (MST)
She rides her bike at least twice a week on a private track to keep her racing and maneuvering skills honed. When she needs to get across town and doesn't want to draw attention to her powers (which is most of the time) she rides her bike, and has cruised as far as Boston and New York on it. The cars she tends to use more with company, bad weather, or when she's wearing something that won't travel well on a bike, like a new hairdo. The fact is, she loves to ride all kinds of things.;)--Phantom Narrator

On Tantric Ascension

Think you might like to read this: SoulTrain/Awakening -- Soul Train

Very nice, but should it carry a mature label? -- Phantom Narrator
Probably doesn't need it... but I tend to err on the side of caution. -- Soul Train

On Music

Yanno... I have a few of those songs. Might also recommend Swing Out Sister's "It's Better to Travel" instrumental... or some of Art of Noise's earlier works. -- Soul Train 14:25, 6 December 2007 (MST)

I will surely do that. Thanks for the recommendations. :-) -- Phantom Narrator

COG's in a coma?

Awww... I'm sorry I missed out on that RP. I take this is an 'extended OOC hiatus' type situation... -- Soul Train 06:28, 7 May 2008 (MST)

It is. :( I sent her an email over a month ago - still no response. -- Phantom Narrator

Welcome to the Dawn Patrol!

I was checking over your page earlier today and didn't make the connection between Agent 3-X and Chastity Blades... then I saw your dossier! I'm glad you're joining us. Welcome! (PS: I added the Dawn Patrol category to your page. I hope you don't mind.) --Sadronmeldir 12:06, 2 July 2008 (MST)

I most certainly do not, and thank you for the kind welcome! --Agent 3-X
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Talk:Agent 3-X - Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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