The HotShotKid

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HSK if you have to shorten it. Not HOT. Not KID. Just HSK. HotShot works too...
The HotShotKid
Player: @GreyCleric
Origin: Natural
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: 50?! zomg!! *gasps* *faints*
Personal Data
Real Name: Laura Harris(no relation to the Canadian actress of the same name)
Known Aliases: "The Kid" "Kiddo"
Species: Human
Age: 19
Height: 5'5
Weight: 118lbs
Eye Color: greenish hazel
Hair Color: sandy blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Hero/Student
Place of Birth: Paragon City
Base of Operations: Steel Canyon
Marital Status: Single...kinda...
Known Relatives: Steve and Deb Harris-Parents:deceased

June Harris-Aunt:legal guardian

Known Powers
Known Abilities
advanced archery, well versed in magic theory, combat first aid,
an assortment of McQueen Archery equipment including a Speedster model reflex bow, S.P.A.N.D-X bodysuit with accessory kit, a refurbished Medicomp.
S.P.A.N.D-X= Standard Protective Armor Neutralizing Damage-Model X

Created to deal with the lull between 41 and 50 with Blizzard Blaster. Somehow, The HSK took off on her own become an even more dynamic character than Blizz. Based on the Blizzard Blaster, Robin(From Batman?) and "The Hunting Hornet", another Virtue player.

Reached 50 September 28th, 2007 during PI scanner mishs



Former Sidekick of The Blizzard Blaster. Has been known to work with the Warshade Mydnight.(aka Detective Constable Nicholas Copelin) and the Peacebringer Celestar(aka Melissa Reiss...fka Iona Skye, the Blizzard Blaster.) She is also very good friends with EnGen-X


After her parents death at the hands of the Circle of Thorns, Laura became focused on revenge. Training day and night for years makes you a pretty determined person. She rarely, if ever gives up in a fight. This makes her a plucky and hardworking sidekick. Outside of hero work, Laura is a perfectionist and excels in schoolwork, maintaining a 4.0 GPA. However, still being a teenager she is vulnerable to emotional outbursts at times as well as the childish prank. She once confronted Manticore in Bricktown and claimed she was his illegitimate daughter. He was not pleased, especially when she hugged him and shouted "Daddy." She lives in an apartment building in Steel Canyon with her Aunt June.


After joining with Blizz, the two became a force to reckon with. First stopping the Vahzilok from polluting the Paragon water supply, dealing with the "Faultline" problem and the Crey "Revenant Hero" Project. The two also had several encounters with the Circle of Thorns and the Knives of Artemus putting both Blizz and The HSK at the top of each organization's hit list. They clashed with ArsenalOne, a young man in power armor who had a personal grudge against the duo and his infrequent partners, the crafty master thief Violet Roe and the enigmatic OmegaOne. Their most persistent foe was the renegade detective Nicky Rogers. His relentless attacks took the most toll, even putting Laura in the hospital for two weeks.

Blizz was an excellent mentor to the young Laura. Laura also provided a second point of view in matters as Blizz tended to be "heavy-handed" in her approach.

However, the relationship ended with the events of "The Peacebringer Incident." This left Laura on her own. With college on the horizon, she decided sell her services to other heroes of Paragon as a Rent-a-Sidekick. The business has done well and given Laura much needed experience from such heroes as Gold Meteor, Power-sink and Skyfighter.

The HSK has served with the Vanguard and spent some time in the Shadow Shard.


Laura has no powers at all, instead relying on her mastery of the bow and specialized arrowheads. Records show she can fire 28 arrows in a minute with stunning accuracy.


McQueen Archery ltd offers a line of specialty arrows. While other heroes build their own, McQueen steps in for those who are less technically inclined but still experts with a bow.

The HotShotKid operates with a modest budget, but manages to be as effective as heroes with much larger overhead (Manticore being the foremost example)

SXM5 Standardize Dispensing Arrowhead

SXM6 Flash-Bang Arrowhead

SXM7 Sonic Disruption Arrowhead

FXM9 Incendiary Arrowhead

LXM8 Electromagnetic Pulse Arrowhead

SXM10b Stunning Arrowhead

SXM4 "BoloNet" Arrowhead

Other Arrows

Novelty Arrows

While in a caffeine daze after accidentally drinking EnGen-X's Americano instead of her own latte, Laura created several "unorthodox" arrows. These include:

Other Abilities


Laura took gymnastics when she was younger. This allows her to move with incredible agility. While her speed isn't superhuman, she is still a very difficult target to hit while moving coupled with her small size.


Always being prepared for any situation, Laura carries a refurbished Benedict Tech Clone of the Crey V 2.1 MediComp and is able to heal most injuries in the field with her extensive field medic knowledge and first aid kit which includes:


Under the watchful eye of Blizz, Laura trained to near human peak. She possess above average speed and stamina. Being so psychically fit also allows Laura to bounce back from severe injury without much rehab work. Also, she has had some combat training from Freedom Franny since Aunt June revealed the truth to Laura several months ago. In fact, Franny designed a fighting style specifically for the young heroine. It relies on speed and agility to defeat stronger opponents.

Weaknesses and Limitations

Laura possess no superpowers what so ever and relies on her skill with a bow to stay safe. Also, SPAND-X armor cannot absorb all the damage taken and she can get seriously injured. Psychologically speaking, Laura needs a strong mentor to lead and finds it difficult to take on a leadership role.

Other Equipment

Besides the multitude of arrows and first aid equipment, The HotShotKid carries the following:


Current Events

Best cellphone camera shot ever!
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