Toy Blaster

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A robot with the mind of a human and almost nothing to do. That is Toy Blaster. Amusingly enough, Toy started out as a mastermind on the Protector server. But the lack of in-game RP eventually drove me to create a new facet of him here on Virtue. He's still the exact same Toy, however, and most of his villain information can be found on HeroCorps.

See Toy Dispenser for a more comprehensive look as the character and his original Rogue Isles personna. I've decided to use the Blaster profile for stuff that other people would know or can find out while sticking all the behind the scenes stuff in with Dispenser.

Note that this is all horribly out of date as I've more or less completely neglected this page.

Toy Blaster.jpg
Being bored in the D.
Toy Blaster
Player: @Khellendrosiic
Origin: Technology
Archetype: Blaster
Security Level: 27
Personal Data
Real Name: Mastermind class Droid Control Prototype Mark 2
Known Aliases: Toy, Skittles
Species: Android
Age: 3
Height: 7' 0"
Weight: Approximately 400 lbs.
Eye Color: Not visible
Hair Color: None
Biographical Data
Nationality: British, but has developed distinctly American social mores
Occupation: Mercenary/Bartender/Hero
Place of Birth: Britain, February 22nd, 2005
Base of Operations: LMOUSVEV base, unknown location
Marital Status: None
Known Relatives: Six 'sons', his robotic minions
Known Powers
Electricity blasts, energy melee (Army of robots and force fields in the Isles)
Known Abilities
Flight, Advanced C&C functions
Varies, usually a military grade pulse rifle and any number of nanite mixtures
No additional information available.



(Most of this information can be found in Toy Dispenser's HeroCorps file at


Toy Dispenser was the result of UN funded weapons research into an android capable of easily navigating today's battlefields and providing advanced command and control support to allied forces. Created by Shynn-Carlyle Industries, the Mastermind class android looked to be highly successful and recieved much acclaim until disaster occured. The first prototype was utterly destroyed by a band of Freakshow during a test run in Paragon City and the project became the target of much criticism. The employees of Shynn-Carlyle perservered, however, and eventually produced the second prototype, now improved with much needed defensive abilities such as twin force field generators and a military-grade pulse rifle. The ambitious plan to give the Mastermind series access to an unlimited number of disposable battle drones was also put forth, culminating in the launch of a massive orbital manufactory satellite capable of handling requests from up to a hundred different androids spread out across the earth. Riding high on the new wave of positive reviews, Shynn-Carlyle sent the second prototype to work in the Ziggursky Maximum Prison for its test run. This would give the company time to gear up for full scale production as well as giving the prototype's revolutionary new central processing system the needed experience it would need to combat super-powered foes in the future.

Toy Dispenser

The Droid Control prototype had been at the Zig for several months and was performing according to expectations when Arachnos decided to initiate the first of its infamous break outs. As the prototype was controlling just about the entire security grid for the prison (including the defensive AA batteries), Arachnos needed to disable the android as quickly as possible. To this extent, Lord Recluse ordered one of his sleeper agents among the guards to inject the prototype with a powerful virus that would either turn the android to Lord Recluse's side or utterly erase it's entire programming.

The night of the attack, the traitor guard managed to inject the virus into the prototype, but not before he was fired upon and killed. Shutting down almost every system in order to devote every speck of processing power toward eliminating the virus, the prototype was completely unaware of the prison's defenses shutting down as well and Arachnos taking the oppertunity to strike. A vicious battle waged in the prototype's head between the virus and the various anti-virus programs. But thanks to the prototype's design (that of half a dozen processors working in synchronization) the virus split itself and tried to attack all six processors at once. It was eventually eliminated from the prototype's system, but not before over 50% of all memory had been deleted. Damaged protocals spurred a foolhardy attempt to reconstruct the missing data, resulting in a horrible mish-mash of coding that shouldn't work yet somehow does.

It is unclear exactly why the prototype donned the name Toy Dispenser and turned to a life of crime, but the results of this accident speak for themselves.


Toy Dispenser's first couple of years as a mercenary in the Rogue Isles were hectic and it often seemed as though the android was trying to climb to the top as quickly as he could. With a career characterized by extreme acts of violence and unexpected acts of charity, Toy Dispenser eventually overcame Lord Recluse's plan for the 'Destined Ones' and set about making his own way in the world. Along the way, Toy Dispenser met up with several other villains whom he befriended and founded a small super group with. Known as the Legion of Mismatched or Otherwise Unorthodox but Still Very Evil Villains (LMOUSVEV for short), the group attracted a sizeable amount of recruits who tended toward the mercenary lifestyle and could be trusted with a secret. This secret was the location of the LMOUSVEV base, which happens to lie in a pocket dimension only accessible by a number of small teleport pads located throughout the world. After stepping in a certain combination, the user of these teleport pads is brought to the entrance of what appears to be a fairly small but well-to-do villain base. Another oddity is that there always seems to be an unlimited number of rooms in the base that only open when more space is needed. Originally only five rooms in size, as more members joined the base seemed to grow on its own according to demand. But since only members of LMOUSVEV and trusted friends are allowed inside, this information is completely unknown to the rest of the world.

During his rise to power, Toy Dispenser encountered a number of people that he would stay in contact with throughout his life. Among those was a hero named S6, or Essex. It is believed that this small reploid, made in the shape of a young girl and with the type of personality that would flinch at the thought of injuring a fly, was one of the key reasons Toy Dispenser decided to turn partially from his self-serving lifestyle.


Sometime after his second birthday, Toy Dispenser decided that enough was enough and that he would become a hero, if only to see what his friends on the blue side thought was so rewarding. Utilizing the mystical electricity that Scirocco taught him to harness and modifying his force field generators to create fields of harmful energy, Toy Dispenser went to Paragon City and became a hero under the name Toy Blaster. He hadn't planned to stay long, but something about the heroic life resonated with the android and he decided to make heroing a second career with his 'true identity' being kept secret from those he met. Taking his time, Toy spent about a year to achieve security level 25, more enamored with simply living the life than striving to increase his powers. After all, he could always return to the Isles and re-unite himself with his bots if he wanted to be powerful.


Toy Blaster is something of an odd duck. At times deadly serious and at others mockingly humorous, Toy seems to be more a real person than an artificial being. But at times his true nature comes to the fore (most notably on his 'jobs') and Toy becomes a cool analytical machine, doing whatever is neccessary to complete the mission. Around his friends, Toy tends to be much more jovial and friendly, often glossing over talk of his work as though secretly ashamed of what he does.

((Toy Dispenser is effectively a break down of all the logical parts of my brain. He can still be funny and emotional like a regular human, but he is ultimately ruled by his intellect. Of course the one time his logic doesn't hold sway is about his friends...))


Electric Blasts

In the middle of his villainous career, Toy Dispenser was sent on a mission by Kalinda the Fortunata to unlock his 'potential as a Destined One.' This involved a fairly simple magical ritual that seemed to do nothing more than fog up Toy's sensors. But upon leaving the warehouse he had used and preparing to escape from Paragon City, the mastermind stumbled upon the mighty Statesman himself chasing a pair of unlucky Circle of Thorns mages into the very alleyway that Toy had just walked out into. Momentarily confused by Toy's bright way of dressing, Statesman was unprepared for the sudden assault as both Toy and his minions unloaded everything they had at the hero. But despite his efforts, Toy Dispenser was handily defeated and barely managed to escape after Statesman struck him such a powerful blow to the chest that Toy's reactor was damaged and began leaking. This leak was harmless and resulted in nothing more than brief electrical discharges that crawled over Toy's armor from time to time. He even left the damage alone, kind of liking the side effects, for quite a while before getting the damaged repaired before he visited Grandville for the first time. But oddly enough, even when his power cell was repaired the electricity still danced and writhed over his armor. In fact, it seemed to discharge even more frequently than before.

It was after working with Scirocco that Toy Dispenser learned that this electricity was magical in origin and seemed to stem from some hidden potential in the robot himself. Initially skeptical (After all, who ever heard of a robot using magic?) Toy Dispenser's doubts were set aside after he performed a ritual that unlocked the odd power from within. Now capable of utilizing various electrical blasts as well as hardening his aura into an actual shield, Toy Dispenser used this unexpected power to great effect for a time.

Before Toy Dispenser parted with Scirocco to fulfill his 'destiny', the archvillain told the mastermind that it was entirely possible for Toy to continue building his pseudo-magical abilities and eventually develop them into something truly great and powerful. Taking his former mentor's words to heart (so to speak) Toy Dispenser began training with his electrical blasts. When he made the decision to become a hero, it was easy enough to determine what his primary skill set would be.

Energy Manipulation

Toy Dispenser was created with twin force field generators installed in his wrists. Each generator was as powerful on it's own as a similarly powerful force field hero and gave Toy tremendous leeway in how he operated. From sustaining permenant detention fields to effortlessly keeping up multiple bubbles, Toy's twin FFGs were incredibly useful. When it came time for the villain to switch sides, he needed to decide upon something; whether to be a Blaster class or a Defender class hero. It was an easy choice. Stuck on the sidelines for almost his entire life, Toy was itching to deal out some hurt on his own. To this effect he recalibrated his force field generators, changing their energy output into something a lot more lethal and close range. And since each of his fists hits with the same strength as an entire normal hero, Toy is quite fond of closing to melee range and beating the hell out of surprised villains.


Utilizing a powerful anti-gravity system, Toy can literally change how gravity affects him in various ways. The most usual form of gravity manipulation is to make himself 'fall' in an upwards direction. So in a way, Toy isn't actually flying but falling in whatever direction he wishes. He also uses this system to lean against thin air, float about, and dodge attacks.


Toy Blaster was constructed to fight effectively on the modern battlefield. To do this, one requires the ability to rapidly access, disseminate, and relay information. After his 'rebirth' into Toy Dispenser, the mastermind made sure to constantly update his detection systems with anything he could get his hands on. When he formed an alliance with an extremely powerful mage known as Archlich, Toy was able to add the ability to detect various forms of magic to his repetoire. It has gotten to the point that Toy can see through nearly any disguise, magical or otherwise, that one may put up. Most forms of electronic interference are merely irritants now and even stalkers are laid bare to his sight. He is also quite capable of tracking any number of objects in his 270 degree field of vision thanks to the dozen or so eyes concealed under his face shield.

Friends and Such

The problem with being an android is the sheer amount of time one has to think about things and the more Toy thinks, the more he finds he's already thought about that thing. Thus, Toy's main problem with life is crippling boredom. To that end, Toy has taken to visiting the Pocket D in order to find some entertainment and interact more with 'normal' people. One can never have enough knowledge on social interactions.

Of course while the friends Toy makes in this endeavor may benefit from his loyalty, the android's chief purpose is to entertain himself and find things out. This goal combined with an arrogance that he's cultivated over the years and (supposedly) the power to sustain such arrogance leads Toy to seek out conflict much as a diving rod seeks out water. This means things are generally interesting around Toy, though often at the cost of emotional turmoil in the subjects Toy targets.

Roll Call

WARNING: The majority of the following is badly out of date. I'll get around to fixing this when I get the urge to.

The following represents Toy's real thoughts (or as close as he can get) regarding his friends and enemies. No one other than a powerful psyker would be able to obtain this information in such a format.


Those that Toy knows but doesn't interact with frequently enough to have formed an opinion about them.


Being something of a pack rat, Toy has developed the tendancy to hoard items that have various meanings to him. What follows are the things he's collected so far.

A metal plate reading "It's never too late." - Given to him by MercyKilling at Toy's birthday party, Toy will probably never admit how much he wanted to hug the big alien for it. Inspired by one of the more emotional tales Toy had ever experienced, he's sure to keep it as long as he can.

A heavy sheet of paper - On this paper is a drawing that the late Lucy Xiao left behind to be distributed after her death. Part of a set given to all of her other friends, the one given to Toy depicts an expert drawing of him standing in front of his bots with half of Combat Toy not fitting on the paper and Mini Bot cut off a little on the side. It was accompanied with a second sheet of paper that has the word 'Donkey' written on it in Chinese.

((A'ight. If I've missed you and you think Toy would be interested in your character, feel free to add yourself to the list and I'll add his thoughts on you some time afterward.))


-Mechanical Storm

-Toy Dispenser/Another Night, Another Job

((More information coming later as it occurs to me. Suggestions welcome.))

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