Universe Entire

From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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Uni gold.png
Uni in dusk aspect armor
The Universe Entire
Player: @zehntaur
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Universe
Known Aliases: Uni
Species: Minor divinity
Age: 21 (apparent)
Est. 4.5b - 13.7b yrs
Height: 2.16m
Weight: 95kg
Eye Color: Starlight silver (day)
Spangled (night)
Hair Color: White gold (day)
Interstellar black (night)
Biographical Data
Nationality: All
Occupation: Cosmic caretaker
Place of Birth: The cosmos
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Illuminated
Known Relatives: Humanity
Known Powers
Gravity Control, Empathy, Primal Forces Mastery
Known Abilities
Cosmic awareness, aura of calm
Dark matter sling
George the singularity
Fantasy casting: Cillian Murphy

Uni was originally conceived to provide a foil for SystemPattern when (she) was an exploratory probe from a different dimension, and intended to represent the entire human universe, as (she) represented (hers). Both characters have evolved into less overreaching concepts since then; Uni now represents "the universe as humans know it", that being Earth's solar system and its galactic neighborhood.

Concept Origin (or, The Elevator Speech):
"What if the universe itself sent an emissary to Earth?"


How the Universe came to be




When I first heard these names, they meant nothing. I found out soon enough that it was the Rikti who were responsible for my first memory … a vast, empty place, soaked in grief, and laced with pain. I was nearly overwhelmed by fright.

Much later I came to realize that fear was not my own; or perhaps not only my own. All of humanity, in that one moment, sent forth a great silent cry for aid and comfort. And that was my second memory: a powerful, aching desire to shield them from harm, harm that these intruders from other dimensions constantly threaten.

It was yet some time before I could make my move; I wasn’t yet strong enough to gather matter for so much as a dust mote, let alone anything remotely capable of facing any of these threats on their own terms. Too, simply appearing to humans, frightened as they were, was bound to cause trouble.

While I woke further, I observed what I could. That way, I decided what form to shape my material self: an angelic being, I was sure, should be received better than just about anything else.

When the time came, I was happily right: I was received with open arms and tearfully joyful faces. But at the same time, I disappointed, having neglected to keep enough energy in reserve, after shaping my material body, to do much of anything else. That was when I learned about all the other smaller, but hardly insignificant, threats that beleaguer them, from Hellions to Outcasts to the truly dangerous Circle of Thorns. I sorely regretted my error then, barely able to do more than provide a bit of relief, or give gravity more than the feeblest of snaps.

I've been working hard on that, though. I’ve learned — it seems more as though I've relearned — to finesse the most primal of universal forces, allowing me to pin foes in place, or displace allies across great distances. The more powerful I become, the more confident I grow that I, together with the allies I’ve gained, can really reclaim the safety of this dimension for its native inhabitants.


Uni loves and respects all life, but the following individuals and groups have garnered his favor and attention.





The Universe Entire's powers celebrate life and the joy of living.

The universe's most pervasive force allows Uni to achieve numerous effects:
Gravity Shackles - restrict foes' movement and ability to act
Condensed Matter - form a singularity (whom he affectionately calls 'George')
Third Law - fly freely through air or vacuum
Shortcut - dig wormholes to transport friends and foes
Gravilocation - detect nearby geographical features and navigate tunnels
Quickening - harness the vast supply of ambient orgone energy to mend wounds and protect allies from afflictions
Soulguide - do the seemingly impossible and restore life to a recently deceased creature
The Universe
— never sleeps. (Then again, neither does New York City.)
— sees all. (But he respects your privacy.)
— hears all. (Even in a vacuum.)
— knows all. (He's a sociable guy.) Consequently, his decisions are perfectly informed, to the point of appearing prescient.
— is nearly impervious to environments that would be hostile or lethal to humans.
Other abilities
Aura of Calm - allies in Uni's presence benefit from a preternatural tranquility that mutes attempts to provoke them to irrational action. It is still possible for those that harness anger to work themselves up, it simply takes more effort.
Musica Universalis - the music of the spheres means Uni is an excellent singer.
Motion of the Heavens - Uni is adept at all forms of dancing, an excellent and tireless swimmer, and an adept gymnast and aerobat.
Streetwise - being an avatar doesn't have to mean he's out of touch with humanity; quite the contrary, he is up to speed with all the current customs and vernacular.
Tongues - Uni is fluent in every language on Earth. For practical applications, he has also made an effort to learn Khelda and the native Rikti language.


Live in the Now - Uni knows everything that is happening at any given time, but he cannot see the future, only make educated guesses. Divining the future and uncovering concealed information are more the demesne of Sight of Midnight and his Unknown Katra.
Grand Scale - at human scales, the gravitational strength of objects is drowned out by that of larger masses, rendering Gravilocation unreliable.
Celestial Duty - Uni needs to look after himself, and is sometimes absent at inopportune times. He does try to make himself available whenever possible; to this end, he has established distinctive signals with most of his friends and allies by which they may call upon him.
Commandment - Uni incapacitates instead of killing. He also gives the benefit of the doubt to anyone he thinks deserves it, which is nearly everyone.
Requiescat - Uni cannot (or perhaps may not) retrieve the soul of a being that has been dead for too long.
The Universe
— needs time to acclimate to extreme environments. Abrupt or extreme shifts do almost as much harm to him as to humans.


Incarnate Tree Paths



Spectral Interface
  • Genomic Analysis
  • Enchanted Sand
  • Supercharged Capacitor
Phantom Ally
  • Meditation Techniques
  • Biomorphic Goo
  • Enchanted Sand




Spectral Core Interface
  • Detailed Reports
  • Arcane Cantrip
  • Cytolitic Infusion
Phantom Core Ally
  • Meditation Techniques
  • Enchanted Sand
  • Dimensional Pocket




Spectral Partial Core Conversion
  • Arcane Cantrip
  • Biomorphic Goo
  • Exotic Isotope
Phantom Total Core Improved Ally
  • Meditation Techniques
  • Genomic Analysis
  • Superconductive Membrane
Phantom Partial Core Improved Ally
  • Meditation Techniques
  • Enchanted Sand
  • Ancient Texts




Spectral Core Flawless Interface
  • Detailed Reports
  • Supercharged Capacitor
  • Living Relic
Phantom Core Superior Ally
  • Enchanted Sand
  • Enchanted Sand
  • Living Relic


Nightmares defeated
  • Lichen-Infested Extinction War Walker
  • Lord Winter
  • Jurassik
  • Lanaru the Crazed
Nightmares not defeated
  • Adamastor
  • Avatar of Hamidon
  • Babbage
  • Bat'Zul
  • Caleb
  • Crystal Titan
  • Deathsurge
  • Eochai
  • Jack in Irons
  • Kronos Class Titan
  • Paladin
  • Ruladak the Strong
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