Unlucky Coincidence
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe

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A nice guy in a bad spot. He's not trying to change the world, just make a small place in it for people to not worry about the Isles' Darkness | |
Unlucky Coincidence | |
Player: @Unlucky Coincidence | |
Origin: | Natural |
Archetype: | Corrupter/Defender |
Threat Level: | 17/17 |
Personal Data | |
Real Name: | Joseph Ricardo Navarra Soriano |
Known Aliases: | UnCo, UnCo Joe, Uncle Joe, Unlucky, Lucky, Joe |
Species: | Human |
Age: | 26 |
Height: | 5'9" |
Weight: | 200 lbs. |
Eye Color: | Brown |
Hair Color: | Black |
Biographical Data | |
Nationality: | Filipino |
Occupation: | Fate's Whipping Boy, Terminal Bleeding Heart, Nice Guy, Unwilling Villain |
Place of Birth: | California, Alternate Dimension |
Base of Operations: | Innumerable S.I.N. Headquarters |
Marital Status: | Single |
Known Relatives: | Confidential |
Known Powers | |
Chronic Bad Luck, High Charisma, Sarcasm, Inability To Get Drunk | |
Known Abilities | |
Great at reading people, Tactical Mind, Highly Adaptable | |
Equipment | |
Teleportation Armlets, Sub-Space Pocket Generator Gloves, Tricks and Traps (TM), The Hat, The Towel, The Cellphone and a bag of Teriyaki Beef Jerkey | |
Theme Song: Here It Goes Again by OK Go
Times this page reset before I could save the content: 22 |
Contents |
Yeah, I'm doing an Introduction. Why? Cause I feel like I need to. To start, this is gonna be a textbook example of FUPS. What's FUPS? To tell ya that, I'd have ta tell ya what TPS is first.
This stands for Tragic Past Syndrome. This is your generic backstory for most Blues and Reds, where they lose someone or something important or suffer some great tragedy that forms the basis of what it is they are accomplishing. Alot of iconic Blues and Reds from Comics and Cartoons have this, like the guy who lost his parents to become Bats, or that ice villain who lost his wife. Generally, these stories are incredibly serious and one shouldn't make fun of it, or else be a douche. There isn't even a punchline, just a big mood killer. Still, serious business is serious, yeah?
Now FUPS stands for Fucked Up Past Syndrome. Unlike TPS, this one you can't help but cry from laughing so hard or call bullshit because it is just too mind boggling. These stories are the weird ones like the geek who pissed of a homeless gypsy witch in Hoboken and so gets cursed to be Hobo-Man, protector of the slums. Or the monkey who gets hit by lightning in the middle of desert at 12 Midnight on the first of July while eating a red coconut, so thus becomes the evil, insidious Coco-Nut, Simian of Fruit Salads and doom bringer to vegetables.
Go ahead, laugh, you know its true. You get a whole buncha Reds and Blues like that. Sure there are exceptions, like the ones who are Evil or Good just cause they can or that's how they were trained... but we won't get into the Sheep. That's another story altogether. For now? Lets move onto the real story.
My name is Joseph Ricardo Navarra Soriano, and I came from another dimension. That's right, where I'm from there IS no Paragon City or Rogue Isles. No Rikti, no Zombie Attacks, no Superheros or Villains. Nothin. All of that stuff was only in Comics and other forms of mass media. I should know, I enjoyed readin them sometimes.
I was more or less your regular Joe Average, a community college student with teachers who didn't give a damn or know what they were doin and a part time job at the local Mall to made ends meet while living at home with the family. My days were hardly uneventful, though, since I kept going through streaks of bad luck. Luckily, I can laugh about them, call them 'Unlucky Coincidences', then shrug and move on to the next bit. Life was all one big gag pretty much, and Fate loved making me the butt end of her jokes. Still, it was a fairly ok life.
One day, that all changed. Cliche, I know, but its the only way I can put it. All of a sudden, on the way home from another day of classes, I felt a burning pain welling up inside me, like someone had poured liquid fire down my throat to see how well I boil from the inside. My blood sang in my ears, my heart beat a million miles per mili-second and it felt as if something was wrapping around me, picking me up and throwing me headlong in some unknown direction. From there, I remember being surrounded by green flames, a technicolor lightshow streaking past me... and finally landing headlong into some red and white suited woman, panting for breath. Lost and confused, my hands landed where they shouldn't.. .and unfortunately.. or fortunately, who knows? I copped a squeeze. She screamed, I screamed, and some guy in a matching uniform hit me in the face with the butt end of his rifle. And then? Unconsciousness.
Now.. while all of you guys are recovering from gales of laughter at my expense, lets go back to what was happening in the dimension you all know and love. Somewhere in Paragon City, where the Tsoo have one of their strongest underground footholds, a group of mages were gathering to call upon one of their strongest ancestral demon spirits. The end of the spell was the calling of this demon's long, complicated name, Zhou Shifu Rika Dou Nava Rasho Ria Nu something something.. .I'll never know the rest of it.
This is important, remember it you'll be quizzed later.
Just as they were finishing the summoning, a couple of Heros followed by a squadron of Longbows busted in and started taking out Tsoo left and right. They tried to continue the spell, hoping the Demon Ancestor would come save their asses... but right at where the incanter should have said 'Nu', one of the heros saved the remaining sacrifices, thus getting a 'NOOOOOO!' instead.
What does that get us? Zhou Shifu Rika Dou Nava Rasho Ria NOOOOOOO!
Lets sound it out. Jo Shifu Rika Dou Nava Rasho Ria NOOOOO!
Faster now! JoshifrikadonavarashoriaNOOOOO!
Joseph Ricardo Navarra Soriano.
Tada! Yay for similarities!
So the summoning goes through, the remaining Tsoo and the Heros and Longbow look with fear and trepidation as a technicolor portal opens.. and in a ball of green flame, a humanoid creature flies through and attacks one of the female officers. She screams, it screams and one of the nearest Longbow attacks with the butt end of his rifle cause he ran out of bullets.
Flames clear and its a human looking person. Doesn;t even look similar to the Tsoo. They cry out in failure and the Longbow, not taking any chances, take the 'demon' with them, deciding to lock it up in the Zig with all the other criminals.
So that's how I, Average UnCo Joe, human with chronically bad luck, got labled as a demon and sent to this dimension's answer to the criminal population that they don't outright kill off.
The hows and whys of how I escaped and how I ended up with minions is a longer story that I won't tell right now... but lets just say that while there, I made friends with former minions of fallen Masterminds... a Thug named Leon Pride, a Merc named Cerberus Hound and a Ninja named Yamatori, Suzaku.
.... no, I didn't make that up... cliche names like that are a dime a dozen in this dimension it seems.
Anyway... I somehow befriended these guys and they pulled off this bullheaded plan that got me out of the Zig.. and into the spidery hands of Arachnos.
Yay. Really guys, can't thank you enough.
Oh, and while I was in the Zig, the boys gave me the name Unlucky Coincidence, and it stuck. Yay for me.
Wanna know the clincher? In a week after I got summoned, I would have graduated. Moved on with my life and been happy to live in a rather slow if Unlucky life. Now? I'm a goddamned villain. Mom would be so proud...
I suffer from a very life threatening condition. I have a Bleeding Heart. Sadly, it's Terminal. I can't help but want to help people, since the Isles are surrounded by Darkness at all sides. I'm nice, or so I've been told, and sarcastic.. I care about people teamed up with me and tend to want to keep in contact after. I'm a romanticist and Unlucky at love, making lots of female friends but none who think me to be their type, sadly. I'm sarcastic, I use myself as an example to make people laugh... and I hate Snakes.
Actually, I hate a lot of the things in the Isles, but I hate Snakes the most. Damn things make me go into their underground lairs to get rid of them.
I'm protective of my friends too. If i smack you upside the head and shout at ya, its cause you did somethin stupid. I value family above all.. and to me, my closest friends are my family.
I enjoy cooking for people and drinking with people. If I buy ya a drink, I ain't hittin on ya, I'm just wanting to get to know ya, so don't read into it too much. If ya do, well... hopefully we can be friends then, ya? I doubt it'll be somethin more, my luck ain't gonna allow THAT ta happen. Thanks ta my Terminal condition, I like listenin ta people's stories. If I say somethin profound or helpful, it's a once in a lifetime deal.
I've kinda gotten used to the Isles, sad ta say... in a Mission, I don want any hotdoggin. I like tight knit groups, cause those save asses. If I know ya well enough, I trust ya to go off by yerself cause I know ya won't do stupid shit. If I don't, I swear I won't waste my time or money with any Awakens if ya DO do somethin stupid.
I like tryin new foods, findin new books and meetin new people as long as their semi friendly. I also like kids... not in THAT way... but kids are laughin and playin and doin stuff kids are supposed ta... if that ain't happenin, I know somethin's wrong. I hate the odd jobs Arachnos puts me through, I hate Snakes, Hellions, Infected, Snakes, Skulls, Rippers, Snakes, Longbow, Idiots of Arachnos, Marcones, Snakes, Goldbrickers, Thorn, Tsoo, Snakes and all the other crackpots and idiots that you can't go two steps in the damn Isles without having them want to take a piece outta yer hide.
Did I mention Snakes? Cause there's a REALLY good reason why.. I HATE HUNTING UNDERGROUND! All those damn twists and turns and rises and falls..... and the STENCH! The only thing worse than underground and caves is the damn Sewers! So yeah.. lots of things to Hate on the Isles.. and that just pisses me off. Thank whatever deity or spirit or whatever that's watchin me that there's the D. I'm usually there between missions chillin and drinkin unless I'm doin work at Home.
Which reminds me...
Innumerable S.I.N.: This is the group I started all on my own. S.I.N. was already taken, but I decided to make us Innumerable... since S.I.N. stands for Safety In Numbers. We got a whole number theme going on that sounds sinister enough for the books, I just left it vague on what SIN means. I made it to give people who have no place to go, the lost, the confused and the truly Unlucky SOBs like me a safe haven, as well as a place where they can get all the support they need to survive the Isles with their sanity and, more importantly, their original selves mostly intact. I know there are others out there... just gotta find them. Luckily, I have a few sympathetic groups.
Coven Of The Black Ring: This is a group many of my friends are a part of, and the leader, Sithica, is definitely one to treat with respect. She is nice and courteous... but one can't help but step on eggshells at first. I guess its because I didn't want to offend my friends' boss. Or maybe cause she's the leader of a group of Vampires and Supernaturals. Meh.. not sure.. all I know is, the group itself is pretty cool and they work well with us. The fact that they promised not to feed on my group without permission helps too.
Iron Wolf Cartel: The Cartel is a long-established group of Mercenaries and other like minded individuals that are basically decent people from what I've seen. Sure some are rough around the edges, but they usually have to be to survive in the Isles. The leader of the group, Sonja, is a close friend of Eshet and Mary's, and we got along fairly well. I admire her dedication to protect her friends and the rest of her gang seems like good people, so we hit it off fairly well.
Talons of Avalonus: The Talons are, oddly enough, a group of adventurers. I guess the Isles are rather foreboding enough to invite such a group, but Mako, their leader, is a great guy and the entire bunch are of similar mindsets to my own family. It was only natural to form a Coalition. I ran across him completely by chance.. so I wonder whether Fortune hates me, or enjoys screwing around with me, if I'm able to make great friends yet get into the worst situations
This leads me to my friends... for which I'm grateful to and have helped me with so much.
Venom Agent - One of the first members of Innumerable S.I.N., I met this guy while on a job. Despite the fact that he works for Arachnos, he is pretty trustworthy. He's the strongest person in S.I.N. and NOT someone to mess with. Honestly? I'm not sure how I got him to join my group, but I'm counting all one of my lucky stars that he's on my side.
Widow Shikyo - Venom's partner and a long-time friend of his. She came to the group to look after him and is practically his equal in strength. While some may wonder WHY a group like mine has a Fortunata and a Spider, I just chalk it up to some good fortune comin my way. She is just as trustworthy as Venom is and a great person to have as one of the second-tier leaders.
Guillotine Alice - One of the first people I helped on the Isles, when I first met her she was a bit... off. Her constant smile was a bit forced and she had this uncomfortable aura around her... like at any moment she could snap and slice me to itty bitty pieces with that demonic sword of hers... But all she really needed was a hand and a smile I guess. All anyone needs is a chance, and I gave it to her. She's calmed down since joining the group and is one of the people I trust with my life.
Caldera Negra & Coyote Azul - If there are two words that would never be used to describe Maria and Marco Martinez, they would be Shy, Abstinent and Fully Clothed. Everything these guys are about involves sex, fightin and any combination there of. Including with each other, but then these guys have only ever had each other to rely on as long as they could remember. The one thing about these guys that makes me trust them is the fact that they always tell ya flat out what the deal is with them, they don't hide anything about themselves and are not afraid to tell people so. I respect them a lot, even if Marco can be a bit dull at times.
Geisterstunde - Tall, pale and an undead spirit made solid, she is also my first girlfriend since coming to the Isles. When she was alive, Heidi was one of the Nazi Party in some supernatural group or something like that. None of that honestly matters now, but it does explain both her ability to control semi-undead zombie-like minions and her cute German accent. After some time away she has come back, and looking as gorgeous as ever.
Gynoid-69 - Originally a gynoid created for the destruction of the human race, she was programmed with various ways to kill people... as well as alot of information about myself and Heidi. I'm still not sure who she was programmed by, but she was found by Heidi and reprogrammed by some allies of hers... So now she's a little miss Homicidal Mary Homemaker. She designed alot of the base, redecorated, and seems to consider me the person to look for for orders. Imagine if a female terminator were programmed by a bunch of outdated geeks who never experienced female contact and you'll understand how she is. Still, she's a nice bot, and I'm doing my best to help her out with that programming of hers.
Gretchen Greenskin - AKA the Goblin Girl, GG is one of the few I can count on to watch my back on both sides of the map, both in Paragon and in the Isles. She can be annoying at times, and is honestly quite energetic and flirty/playful... but she's one of the few I'm proud to call one of my best friends. Her battle cry is also contagious. "WAAAAGH!" .... She's also the father of my first biological kid... don't ask how that works, it's something involving Orky Physiology or something. All I know is, I have one weird daughter because of it.
January Villanite - One of THE most popular people I know in the D, Jann is the nicest girl I know who has the most fucked up family in the world. She's honestly also very attractive, but mainly I'm focusin on tryin to help her out as much as possible. She's a strong one she is, but then alot of that strength already comes from the people she trusts and calls friends. She's also a well accepted pervert with more lovers than a Japanese Schoolgirl has cellphone straps, but hey, that's just part of her charm. It's easy to tease her about it after all.
Sithica - Lady Sithica is the leader of the Coven, as well as the Boss to a few of my friends. She is friendly and deserves to be treated with respect, and that's from her character, not from her bein a vampire or the HEAD of a Vampire Coven. She is also strong, I've never seen her in action.. but that's the feelin ya get. I've seen her good side, I NEVER wanna see her bad side. That'd be like seein me angry... actually, its probably worse than that, since she actually has a big fuckin axe to deal with anythin that angers her. Sounds familiar...
Wilted Petals - Pink is well.. nuts. In a good way. She's like a mad scientist with extreme moments of ADD rolled into a cute package. She has an odd habit of cloning people and she seems to be fused with an angel... or.. something. All I know is, she's a good friend who is suffering alot more than I am... all because of one person.
Efrie - An Efreet with a heart of gold, I met her during a Christmas Dinner I threw. She's great, kind, and also has terrible luck, mainly because of the person she is contracted with. I wish there was a way to break it.. but until then, all I can do is be there for her and try and help her through her problems. Even if all I can do is listen to them.
Mindspun - Mary can be physically intimidating to people who don;t know her, but usually only to extremely dull people who haven't seen weirder. Which was why I approached her with a smile at the D and got to talkin with her. After all, if they're at the D, they can't be all bad. Actually, a mutual friend mentioned her before, so I already had a favorable opinion. She's cool and a through and through tomboy of sorts, liking to show off her guns (arm muscles, not bang-shoot-dead devices) and caring deeply for her family. A great gal.
Lord Bayazon - What to say about B... He was, honestly, the first hero I ever met before comin to the Blue Side the first time. How'd we meet? With his mace nearly knockin my head off! This guy's some prince or king or somethin from another dimension... His people are faster, stronger and like big heavy weapons like MACES, swingin them around like nobody's business. We were on opposite ends of a Bank Job, me needin ta do it to get access to more contacts as well as to cut down on civilian losses, him doin it because he simply arrived on the Blue Side. He doesn't understand Justice, only strength... which is why later, when I saw him at the D, I bought the guy a drink and we became friends. He even apologized for the attack. Honestly, great guy. Speaks like Shakespeare though.
Lady Abigail - Lady Abby is chock full of wisdom and a big source for contacts. She knows about how the Red Side and Blue Side are on the same coin, and pals around with both of them with little patience for the Government agencies or the overzealous hero/villain groups. Lord B recommended her ta me for my work, and he was spot on. She is a mystery, but then the same holds true for all the Undead Women i hang with... the living ones too.
Lectrilass - Lecty's a doll she is, and that is NOT a crack about her height. An alien from another planet, she got stuck here and ended up with super powers and the weirdest food allergy list I've ever seen. She was one of the first Blues I met when I first did the Long Jump, and she's been offerin me advise and keepin me from dyin the entire time. I owe her alot.
In the short time I've been in this dimension, I've accrued a rather sizable family. Not sure how, not sure when... but I guess it's just my style to adopt people as kin. It's not replacing what I've lost.... but adding onto what I had to begin with.
Eshet Lillah - Eshet is, honestly, a great girl. Her slow, soft speech is very endearing... but even more so is her masterful way of baking cookies. Seriously, I usually go through sweets like nobody's business, but I savor hers when I can, takin my time. She's a great maternal figure, and disproves the age old belief that Succubi are like Village Bicycles. After all, never met a Jewish Succubi before. That... and this girl saved my life, something I will forever be grateful for. I worry about her alot, since bad things seem to happen to her more than they do me.
Soft Rime - Ah the Kiddo.... she's hundreds of years old goin on 6, a bundle of energy with a dark past that seems to scream 'help me'. I seriously wanted to adopt her when I first saw her, but I got called away on business. By the time I came back, Esh and Mary beat me to the punch. All for the best, I guess, since I get to be the Uncle that spoils her rotten. Seriously blew her mind when I showed up as a girl one time, which honestly nearly had me piss myself laughin. And as a girl? Far easier to do, believe me. She's honestly givin me a bit of drive since meetin her... after all, if I can make a haven where she can laugh and smile without worrying about the darkness of the Isles reaching up and strangling her joy away.... then I will do so in a heartbeat.
Yamatori Clan
Suzaku Yamatori, my 'Lieutenant' in charge of the ninjas who follow me, is one of the most loyal people I know, and not because she does the entire 'Ninja Servant to a Lord' thing. She's had no end of offers from other generic evil mastermind guys to dump me and go with them, but she always leaves them in the dust. She won't tell me about her past or her Clan... only that she pledged her Life to me and she and those following her will serve me forever. Kinda creepy... but heartwarming. It's only the seven of them too.
The Warhounds
Captain Cerberus Hound is an Ex-Marine, through and through. I dunno why I have his loyalty, but I do, so that works in the end. I think its cause I give him something to fight for, something he believes in, while still allowing him to bash in heads as he likes. He's rough, loves guns WAY too much and likes to howl. He's also perverted as hell. His favorite joke is 'I'm called Cerberus cause I got three heads, one for talkin, one for killin and one for shootin'!' Took me all of three seconds to figure THAT one out. He doesn't like getting into his past either, but his small platoon of seven, including himself, runs a tight, if violent, ship.
UnCo's Pride
Leon Pride was leader of a small gang thatanted to make it big, and tried to do it in the fastest way possible. Unfortunately, this seemed to mean starting a three way major Gang War that ended up in a majority of the participants in jail, including him. He was my roommate in the Zig and introduced me to Suzaku and Cerberus. Why? Cause lucky for me, Leon and I share something in common. We're both Filipino.
Lemme tell ya.. nothing better than running into extended family in such an unwelcome place. I won him over with my Five Rules of Filipino People and other things. Good thing I can make people laugh. Anyway, thanks to The Plan, Leon decided to follow me.. since he had no where to go and I didn't want to leave friends behind. He came up with the Gang name and gathered what members from his old crew he could find. All Filipino.. seems Leon liked havin Family around almost as much as I do.
Laura Pride - While Glytch may be Leon's little sister by blood, she is everyone's little sister by feeling. She's always building things, tinkering in her workshop, improving what she already made. At first she only stuck to the sidelines.. but I guess after so many mishaps on my part and us coming back beaten up half the time, Laura decided to get in on the action. I worry about her, but I ain't gonna stop her. I WILL watch over her like a Hawk though.
Also read as "People I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw" and "People I will stay the Hell away from if I can help it"
Labal - Labal isn't bad.. just evil. Being one of Lucifer's Sons, he's gotta be, right? He's tried to bring about the end of the world as we know it, but all in all he probably isn't such a bad guy. After all, Lady Abigail is his adopted mother figure.... I just wouldn't trust him to do anything benevolent for people without taking their souls legally in the process. Some of my friends trust him, some hate him with a passion. He's never affected me personally... but I'll not give him the chance to do so as much as I am able.
Idris - Malak... Leader of the Empyrean Mandate. My first meeting with him involved him walking up to me and revealing far too much information about my group and Heidi the Geisterstunde, information neither of us told anyone but eachother. He was seeking more information about her, but Heidi was off in who knows where at that time and I knew nothing. All in all, the entire experience left a bad taste in my mouth... As such, I tend to stay as far away from him and the Mandate as much as possible. I only wish Pink aka Wilted Petals wasn't a part of their brood...
Ahh.. here's the Nitty Gritty of it all. All I have to my name is my boys, my gadgets and occasionally, a gun. I don't fly, don't super jump, don't have super speed... nada. Just gadgets. Luckily, I also have the greatest super power of all. Sarcasm. Beat that Supes. Also, for some reason, I can't get drunk. Not sure why, had a Paragon Doc check me out, but seems for some reason my liver is super or something. Lovely.
Stealth Suit (Concealment)
I've taken to wearing 'work clothes' when going out on jobs now, since I'd rather not have the various groups in the Isles actually know my face. Not for my own protection, but now that I have a group to look after, I'd rather not have me associated to them in the eyes of my enemies. That... and honestly, it kinda looks cool. The suit is slightly padded armor with a mask and goggles over my eyes, and the entirety of it, once more thanks to Glytch, works as a stealth suit. This allows me to travel around without being seen so long as I have the energy for it, another reason I switched to Jet Boots as my main method of transportation. That... and it makes me a bit more useful in situations where a scout may be needed to find things.
Port Bands (Teleportation)
Glytch also invented the Teleporting Armbands, or Port Bands for short. I hide them under my sleeves, and they are voice activated. I can Lock On to people's communicators and bring them to me, target an opponent I can see and aim at and bring them to me for a nice trap, as well as port myself to places I've seen or places I know. ... I'm even able to Port all the way to Paragon, but that has its OWN side effects... and when I do, I leave behind my people, so I never do it for too long. Not unless I have to. What's the side effect? ....
Red Side/Blue Side
For my work in Innumerable S.I.N., I come across those people who can't live in the Isles. Either prolonged exposure will break em like a twig, or they'll end up dead atop a heap of bodies they made themselves. For people without the mental fortitude to adapt and survive, I've been trying to establish a route from the Isles to Paragon, one that Arachnos and all those other damn goons hopefully will never know about. To do that, I asked Glytch to allow the Bands to let me jump to Paragon. It was risky, since long Port jumps can have odd side effects, and I could barely survive without the boys around to protect me, but it was something that needed to be done.
So, she did it. And I ported all the way to Atlas.
Regular Porting tingles. It's like your entire body gets that slightly numbing ants crawling all over your body feeling. This? Burned. Burned how? Like how I was first brought into this dimension Burned, only half as bad. It still hurt. When I arrived, everything felt off, my point of view was altered, my body felt weird and for some reason I kept on hearing things oddly, but put all of that off as Porting side-effects. It wasn't til I introduced myself as Joseph that someone in the peanut gallery said 'Joseph? With THOSE tits?' that I figured out why everything was off. I turned into a woman. I did what some guys pay millions of dollars to try and do with a single jump. So I did what any sane person would do.
I fainted.
Just my luck, right?
So people still give me odd looks when I call myself Joseph.. but you know what? I ain't gonna do the dual identity thing... bad enough I have to do grunt work on both sides to establish myself, I don;t want to go through an identity crisis as well. Funny enough, Papers are calling me twins on opposite sides of the Law. Funny that. Hell, maybe I'm my own biggest fan. S'long as I don't end up my own Grandpa, I'm good.
The only issue is I can't really fight. Luckily I still have my gadgets, and some training with this gun o' mine. Still, I never stay for too long. As nice as Paragon looks, I always end up porting back home the next day. After all, my family's there. It DOES make grocery shopping a lot easier though.
Known Hangouts
When I'm not out on the job, I can usually be found in the D, talking with Blues and Reds alike, keeping my eyes open for those people on the Red Side who use it as an escape and try to tell them of another Haven. Meanwhile, I also talk with Capes, hoping to learn more information about Paragon and figure a way of opening up a route between the two, since the owner of Pocket D doesn't allow people to use his place as a way point. But mostly, I go there to relax, drink whatever's available and regret the fact that I can't get drunk. Red Side OR Blue Side, all of this is way too much to handle sober sometimes. Just my luck I can't get drunk.
To Kill or Not To Kill
... that's what it boils down to, doesn't it? Where do I draw the line between complete elimination and knocking people out? .... it depends who they are, honestly. Heros and government workers seem to have handy little Reclamators that pull them out of the fryin pan if you deal enough damage or knock them out completely. Which is good, cause holding back against alot of those types will get ya killed or worse. Others don't have that luxury unless they have some big boss who sprung for it out of pocket like Arachnos goons. Snakes are an infestation, same with the Stricken and the Vazilok or however its spelled, so its a mercy to get rid of them. As for gangbangers, Mooks, Goldbrickers etc...
... I never kill innocents. I do my damnedest not to. Those guys are not innocent... but then, I'm not anymore either. It's this kind of shit that can break people, and if I didn't have the help I did, I'd probably be broken or dead... or worse... I knock out those types when I can... but doing so can cost lives. My boys tend to off them for me, a fact that I am both grateful for.. and embarrassed about. After all.. not everyone has people that can do that for them.
All I know is, I'll never enjoy it. I do it because I have to, because these punks are a threat. I sleep at night knowing this... and I pray that I never come to enjoy this damn role I'm playing.
Funny thing... playing on the Blue Side doesn't help any of this one bit, since Heros do the same damn thing. Funny how few differences there are between the two.
Current Issues
Lately I've been having problems distinguishing hot and cold. It's not that I can;t actually FEEL them... I'll just feel warm or cool instead of any extremes. This can be pretty bad, since bad things happening to me involving temperature.. like say blasts of ice or flamethrowers, won't register as dangerous to avoid if I can;t SEE them... nearly lost my hat to flames because of it. Also, what wounds I've received seem to heal a bit faster than usual unaided, to the point where I won't receive any scars. Recently, Esh gave me a full blown life saving Heal, so maybe it some leftover from that... I don't claim to understand magic, but hopefully this'll blow over soon. I also haven;t been sleepin well lately, but then nightmares'll do that to ya.
Dependin on the situation or who you are, my speech patterns are subject ta weird fluxes. Sometimes, I'll speak all easy like, y'know? Other times, I'll speak in a formal tone, and others still I'll sound like some damn Victorian era actor. And then there's the entire serious face voice, which is me on missions. Inflections change and it sounds like I'm a totally different person sometimes... Me? I blame TV. Too much mass media growin up. I learned English from the TV after all, so its no wonder. I can copy accents to a T, which pisses some people off sometimes.
Is this important? Fuck no! That's why its in trivia!
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