Midnite Cowboy
From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
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Ready for Patrol | |
Midnite Cowboy | |
Player: @Locksbane | |
Origin: | Science |
Archetype: | Warshade |
Security Level: | 50 |
Personal Data | |
Real Name: | Clayton J. Winchester |
Known Aliases: | C.J., Darkness Seeking Redemption |
Species: | Human/Kheldian hybrid |
Age: | unrevealed |
Height: | 6'1" |
Weight: | 195 |
Eye Color: | Blue |
Hair Color: | Pale Blond |
Biographical Data | |
Nationality: | US Citizen |
Occupation: | Hero, various other jobs |
Place of Birth: | unrevealed |
Base of Operations: | Galaxy City |
Marital Status: | Single |
Known Relatives: | none revealed |
Known Powers | |
Dark Matter/Energy Manipulation | |
Known Abilities | |
expert horseman, historian | |
Equipment | |
none known | |
No additional information available. |
Midnite Cowboy was originally created as an MA/Regen Scrapper. I got bored with that build though, and re-rolled the character as a Warshade, since I had recently gotten my Peacebringer to 50 and wanted to try out the dark side.
Contents |
Supergroup: Guardians of Virtue.
Midnite Cowboy tends to be laid back and gregarious. He will talk at length about various subjects, but is very tight-lipped about his own history, aside from current details. He tends to use out of date expressions and slang, which usually earns him a strange look, but most people think he's just eccentric.
Cowboy's powers stem from joining with his Kheldian partner.
Dark Energy Projection
Since his merger with the Nictus, Cowboy has gained the power to generate and project beams and bolts of negative energy. These are strong enough to blast through stone, and can knock down foes considerably larger than Cowboy. A side effect is that foes are numbed and slowed by the chilling blasts, making them easier targets.
Dark Manipulation
By manipulating the life forces of others, as well as himself, Cowboy can achieve several effects. He can heal himself by draining energy from foes, and he can also replenish his power reserves in the same way. He can sense the darkness in evil individuals and cause it to explode forth, damaging all those around the target. One of his favored tactics is to drain a foe of significant life energy and then create an autonomous "blast globe" of dark energy. This floating blob of darkness then serves as an extra combatant in battle.
Shape Shifting
By melding with the Nictus, Cowboy has learned to change his physical form into two of it's previous hosts. The Hulnanim, a squidlike creature, is an energy-based creature capable of frightening levels of destruction. The Ruktur, a large, armored biped, is a powerhouse which can stand toe-to-toe with almost any foe.
Knowledge Base
Due to his prolonged lifespan, Midnite Cowboy has acquired at least the basics on many areas of study. He has a good knowledge of US history dating back through the 1800's, since he lived through most of it. Due to his original occupation, he is an excellent horseman, and has a good grasp of animal husbandry and other facets of range/ranch living.
Character History
Clayton "CJ" Winchester was on a cattle drive in the mid 1800's when a meteor shower spooked the herd. During the search for strays, Clayton witnessed one of the meteorites impacting close to his location. Upon finding the falling star, he dicovered it to be a smooth metal sphere. As he toyed with the object, it opened, revealing a blob of inky darkness inside. The darkness flowed and roiled with color, and Clayton heard a voice in his head begging for his help. The dark being was a refugee, it said, and had escaped from it's ship before it's fellows could execute it for failure in it's duties. Telling Clayton it was something called a "Nictus", the being indicated that it had grown tired of a life of war and death, and refused to aid it's brethren in their campaign to invade and eventually conquer earth. The being, which identified itself as "Darkness Seeking Redemption", explained that it could not live on earth for long without a human host, and Clayton, not fully understanding what he was hearing, offered to help. The darkness pulsed, and the next thing Clayton knew he was waking up the next morning with a headache and a distinct feeling of not being alone inside his head. Looking around, he realized that he had unwittingly stumbled into an ancient native burial ground, and the impact of the sphere had disturbed the area. Knowing how the natives felt about such things, as he had come to be well acquainted with some of the locals, he attempted to restore the area, reassembling the fallen cairns as much as he was able. Collecting himself, he returned to the driver's camp. When the drive was over, Clayton took his leave and began to wander the country, seeking any information he could find about the strange visitors. Most of his leads turned up nothing, but over time be found and contacted a few others. Slowly piecing the whole story together, he and the nictus continued to bond closer together. The being shared his extraordinary knowledge with Clayton, and Clayton in turn taught Darkness what it was to be human. They soon found that something, possibly the "spiritual energy" of the burial ground, had affected their merger. Clayton seemed to have stopped aging, or at least to be aging very slowly. Knowing that others would view his seeming "eternal youth" with envy and suspicion, the pair did not remain for too long within any one area.
Current Situation
Having lived through at least two normal lifetimes, the pair have had almost every imaginable experience. They have fought in wars, aided in the rebuilding afterward, and done their best to blend into the background while being as helpful as they can. The recent increase of super-powered humans has provided a convenient smokescreen for them, and they recently arrived in Paragon City. He still prefers the wide open spaces of the Western regions, but for now is content to fight the good fight alongside his newfound friends.