Shock Jaw

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the biggest fish in the sea
Shock Jaw/ Rex Mako
Player: @D-rockz
Origin: Science
Archetype: Brute
Threat Level: 37/50
Personal Data
Real Name: Rex Mako
Known Aliases: Jawz, Shock, Sharky, Bruce, Fins, Shark, Fishboy, Great Bite, Shocktart, Big Daddy J, Holy Shit It's A Giant Shark, Angel Fish, Fishstick
Species: Shark/Eel/barracuda meta human
Age: 25
Height: 8'3"
Weight: 812lbs
Eye Color: Black with a red glow
Hair Color: N/A
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Bartender/Capo
Place of Birth: Miami Florida
Base of Operations: Homestead Florida
Marital Status: In a relationship
Known Relatives: Father: Daren Mako, Mother: Suzie Mako, Brother: Max Mako
Known Powers
Super Strength, Electro wave emission, Shadow Manipulation
Known Abilities
Bar tending, Singing
Longbow Dog Tags, Giordano Family Comm., and A shark themed motorcycle
Recently seen battling Rikti endlessly, procaiming they need to get the fuck off his planet.



Currently Shock is a Bartender at Pocket D part time. He also tends at the restaurant Giordano, serving as a bartender and a capo of the Giordano family.

the Giordano Family

Run Riot


Akatsu Homaru


Snow Valentine

Lil Panzer

Darius Talbocain

Miss Judgement

Krait Master

Gothic Defender

Fiona Fin


Shock's powers are a direct result of genetic enhancement on an extreme level. His skeletal system is made of dense cartilage fibers meshed with collagen and marrow forming a near indestructible frame. His muscles have been enhanced and grown to eight fold the size of the average man enabling super human strength and dexterity. Along with this he has been equipped with Flat, disk-like organs made of electrocytes along his rib cage. Each organ emits about .15 volts at a time, when all 6,000 of them are activated the voltage is roughly 900 volts, easily killing or paralyzing humans, especially after repeated shocks. He is also armed with a collection of small mechanoreceptive patches or neuromasts, and jelly filled electrical sensing pores called ampullae. With this he can feel mild vibrations and movement in his immediate area. Nasal sacs give him an extreme sense of smell as well as his powerful jaws which can shoot forward and lock with enough pressure to crush steel. After a career in his field he eventually ended up waring himself out, his physical enhancers tearing his body appart. As he died, a friend brought him back to a stable condition, as a side effect, he inherited some of the powers.


Shock has to maintain a layer of his skin moist at most times. This means he must go into the water at least once a week. Having said this, extreme heat or dry conditions can slow him down dramatically, even make it hard for him to breathe. Shock is very sensitive to vibrations and electrical fields. Wile these senses help him detect everything around him they also harm, sounds reaching 125dB or higher reek havoc on his body even shutting him completely down.

Character History


Shock was born as Rex Mako, the blonde, green eyed son of a decorated war general and a soap opera has been. He grew up rich in the suburbs of Miami. He had one sibling, his twin brother Max. Max and Rex grew up like most rich kids, everything they asked for was theirs. The only thing Rex could not get was his father's attention. During around the age of seven Max began to work out and train for the military. Rex's father immediately took to Max and coached him, making the favorite game very obvious. Rebellious and hurt Rex joined various street gangs, eventually ending in the skulls, peddling drugs and joining in crimes of violence. After being kicked out of various schools and communities Rex was forced to join his brother Max in a military academy where he found the Longbow and decided to try and win his father's affections and straighten out his life.


Upon entry of the Longbow Rex was told it was his final chance, one more mistake and he was gone. Well the statement was proven true in many ways. Rex was put into basic training like everyone else and put through the ranks where me met his best friend Duncan. Both soon learned to rely on one another and tackled each challenge they were given flawlessly. After rigorous training and speeches about being the elite the two were put into the 88th division, a division devoted to the capture of Recluse's henchman, Mako. Rex and Duncan ran many assignments cleaning up various petty villains and the messes left by Arachnos. Eventually there was an opening for a special project to make a form of super soldier, to fight Mako. Rex and Duncan quickly signed themselves up. Rex thought the project was finally a good way to show his father he wasn't useless, show his father that he was going to be a finely honed weapon. The two joined project Harpoon 3 without hesitation, two of the sixteen looking to be heroes.

Project Harpoon 3

Project Harpoon 3 was the Longbow's genetic testing to battle Mako. It was also a starting point for genetic engineering for fighting all super powers. The project went just as planned, all sixteen subjects where injected and were showing signs of change from day one. Upon first testing subjects began to die, it was all for a good cause right? the future of stopping villains. As the Project went on Rex became more and more modified, quickly and easily identifying himself with a shark wile others around him seemed to mutate differently. As the count of the subjects started to dwindle Rex realized that the tests were getting a little unorthodox. The final test killed all except Rex, he was the soul survivor of Project Harpoon 3, and when he found his dead partner and the others it sent him into a rage. He broke through the defenses and started his attack on the Longbow inside the base.


File:Screenshot 2007-07-23-13-02-01.jpg
Shock Negotiating His Leave.

As Rex attacked the Arachnos had the same idea, they assaulted the Longbow base in almost perfect timing. The Arachnos finally did managed to capture Rex after a few victims reenacted the jaws movies. Rex worked for Arachnos for a short time, doing their missions for the free food and housing. Although Rex got his perks Arachnos kept a short leash and when Rex gathered the information he wanted on Mako he showed why spiders don't swim. Breaking out he set out on his own.

Giordano Family

After Shock's escape from Arachnos he was left without a home. His family had been told he had died in action and he was even given and empty coffin funeral. He began to work almost immediately after his escape for DJ Zero bar tending. Whether or not Zero just hired shock because he was a conversation piece of his bar tending skill shock learned fast and began to gain a little infamy as the shark behind the bar. As he watch the crowds he became very familiar with some of the members of an upcoming organization. The Giordano Family seemed to actually fit Shock's needs. He needed a place to stay and work, do some jobs and generally a new family. He so he debated joining or not for a long wile, still not too sure until he met Gloria. She was the dividing factor and sent Shock head first into the family. After some time with the family Shock began to click with all of its members pretty well, and was promoted to capo after showing responsibility within the members. After this Shock began to help handle some issues with the family, closely meshing himself with them. He often tells those who ask that they are closer to him than his very own blood. His main jobs for the family are tending the bar and watching over his appointed enforcer and right hand, Garret Prince.


Once again situated Longbow made a second attack on Shock, capturing him. He was used as a test subject once again and fitted with performance enhancers. These enhancers are activated by small knobs that run from the base of the skull to the center of the spine. Wile each knob enhances a different aspect of his powers the very last is a kill switch, ending his life. These enhancers are as much a curse as they are a blessing, prolonged use deteriorating every part of his body. As soon as Shock came to and realized where he was he became furious. He made his escape, ruthlessly killing every Longbow in the base and leaving the place ablaze.

The Deal

Shock's good friend Carnival Sin approached shock with a deal after a discusion of her profession. If shock would sign a contract he could dodge hell. When he died he would not go to hell, instead he would work for Crystal (Carnival Sin) untill his debt was paied, allowing him into the pearly gates. After a long night, Krait Master decided that he should sign it. At a last moment Krait used her blood to ink the quill that had been givin with the contract, shock mixed it with his own and signed the contract, binding both of their souls to it.


After his recapture Shock was faced with a battle that forced him to use his enhancers. He walked into a warehouse, this job was going to be like most of them. Go in, talk to the owner about paying his insurance and get out. If there was a point that the owner didn't understand, then shock was going to do what he did best, make the man realize the best choice. Shock straightened the collar on his suit as he slowly strolled into the man's office, it was dimly lit, the only light sitting on the man's desk, illuminating his documents. He looked up to shock with an almost disgustingly pleased smile. As Shock began to explain the man's situation the door to the office closed behind them and the light went out. Shock closed his eyes and used his senses to survey the room, it was packed with men. As a fist came Shock's way he tensed his muscles and took the hit, grabbing the arm at it's follow up and tossed it through the closed door behind him. As gunfire ignited the room shock rolled out the door. As he stood up something caught the corner of his eye. He turned his head to see a sea of Longbow. The opened fire as as well, sending shock into a furry of pain as bullets broke through his electro fields, piercing his skin. Soon his suit fell to the floor, barely a suit anymore with all the holes punctured into it. Shock layed there on the floor as the men stopped to make sure he was dead. Slowly, shock struggled to reach behind him and flick all of the switches he could reach. As they took effect his eyes widened harshly, scaring the men into a freeze. His muscles almost doubled in size as he let out a loud roar. Within second he pushed to his feet and charged the hoard of Longbow. He tore through them like a knife through butter in a blind fury of rage, blood spattering everywhere in sloppy carnage. He stopped to look at the man who had planned the ambush, his face was that of a pure fear. Shock grinned insanely and rushed the man, grabbing him by his head he used the man as a weapon, swinging him like a bat to all other enemies. After it was said and done, shock left no survivors, the warehouse was a giant tomb, crowded with the bodies of scared soldiers. He flicked off his switches and withered on the floor. His muscles strained to return to their normal size and his senses screamed as they weakened. The rest of the night Shock laid on the floor screaming in agony amongst the dead. During the next few days the side effects showed their toll as Shock's body rapidly began to give out on him. He began to cough up blood and lost all his strength. Never letting anything stop him from a goal he kept up his usual activities. Everything caught up with him on a job he took to steal some cargo. Luckily the ship was stolen the same day by a good friend of his, Gene ( Gothic Defender ). As shock began to take the crate, Gene watched. Shock lifted the crate above his head and began to cough violently, blood flying from his mouth as the crate fell to the floor. Gene quickly went to help Shock as his body began to die on him. Shock's eyes rolled back into his head as his life slowly extinguished. Gene selflessly used his own health to heal Shock, bringing him back to life. The effect sending Gene to the floor in cardiac arrest. Shock quickly repaid the favor by, for the first time, using his electric pulses to jump start Gene's heart and bring him back. The two grew closer as friends and now have vowed to have each other's backs. As shock left, he began to notice he had some new powers from the experience.


Shock is a surprisingly laid back guy. He is often seen as likable and hugged by more heroes than feared. Remarkably intelligent and quick witted despite his appearance he can be a flirt. But along with his easy going outlook he has his own buttons. He is very protective of his family and his beliefs willing to fight for them until he can no longer fight. He is very honorable and virtuous for a "villain" and often follows the quote speak softly and carry a large stick.


Shock is allergic to peanuts.

Shock has a custom made bike, shark themed.

Shock's favorite drink is his own creation, the cannon ball. It is made in a highball glass, 50% Captain Morgan 35% Jose Cuervo 15% Coke.

Shock's favorite food is baked Ziti.

Shock sings like Johnny Cash and used to frequent Karaoke competitions before his fins.

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