From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
This sucks in opposite world! So it blows. Just kidding. ¬Masked I'm coming for you, Jennifer. The Claudia Wells version. Not Elisabeth Shue. Grats on being featured. Well deserved! -RH Excellent page! Worthy of the feature. The page really fits the character. --Void Storm 16:08, 3 May 2012 (CDT)
THE PINK...IT BUUURNS!!!Na but seriously, neat page. It's NEAT. IT'S F*CKING AMAZING. Kazimer
Wow. Nice page. If you're ever looking for someone new to play with, I'm ALWAYS on the hunt for skilled roleplayers to meet. I usually like dark, serious stuff, complicated characters and storylines, those kinds of things. In any case, thank you for the wonderful read. :) -User:MatthewMoore
Psst. You missed one of the main villains from Memorial Mayhem. Trioxin is actually the one that turned Epilogue into the bomb. She like Phanto also escaped. - Ransim 15:00, 11 August 2012 (CDT)