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Xeved at age nineteen.
Player: Veedo
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Scrapper
Security Level: 50
Personal Data
Real Name: Xeved?
Known Aliases: None
Species: Brood
Age: 21
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 170lbs
Eye Color: Sky Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Biographical Data
Nationality: English?
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Place of Birth: Unknown
Base of Operations: The Dawnstride Syndicate
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Unknown
Known Powers
High regeneration abilities
The "Dragon's Eye"
Healing Abilities
Brood form
Known Abilities
Martial Arts
Pure-White Katana dubbed "Solace."
No additional information available.


Xeved is a Martial Arts/Regen {Katana/Willpower} Scrapper played by Veedo, who originally created the character in 2003 and brought him into the world of City of Heroes early 2007.



July 2008: Rumours of someone looking like Xeved appearing in Kyoto arise.
April 2008: Xeved vanishes off the map.
January 2008: http://xeved.proboards106.com/ ENDGAME begins

File:Xev return1.jpg
Xeved returns to Paragon City after two weeks in the Shadow Shard.

November 29th, 2007: Xeved returns to Paragon City, with the help of Tsuruko, Chase Styles and Kara Starbane, looking rather worn for wear, and though he's been away longer than a few weeks.
((November 29th, 2007: Karthok teaser added.))
((November 28th, 2007: Fourth Accolade achieved. Base HP is 1615. Not bad for a Scrapper, eh?)) ((November 27th, 2007: Started writing the story of what occured while Xeved was away. Under the Stories section, entitled "True Friends."))
November 23rd, 2007: Word of a blonde haired man entering Firebase Zulu in rather tattered looking clothes. ((November 22, 2007: OOC note. Dinged 50, got the Freedom Phalanx Accolade. Player also unlocked Epics and 12 month vet reward on this day.))
November 20, 2007: Reports of a person fitting Xeved's description seen entering Portal Corps building 112. Not seen coming out.
November 18, 2007: Xeved vanished off of the map after losing a match rather badly to Giga Gal.


Xeved is currently a new recruit to the Dawnstride Syndicate. His arrival to Paragon City was an unexpected one, as he was found by Blightbane late January 2007 in Portal Corps unconsious. Blightbane allowed Xeved to live with him and his wife, and also integrated him into their group known as The Steadfast Pact. Xeved contributed to the Steadfast Pact for a number of months before leaving to go on a journey to find some answers as to what happened to the place he came from. Returning to Paragon City after travelling to various parts of the world (and gaining some knowledge and new abilities as he did so) late in the October of 2007 he was shortly invited to join The Dawnstride Syndicate.

Abilities and Powers


Xeved's body is able to regenerate and heal itself at a remarkably high rate.

The "Dragon's Eye"

Through this ability, Xeved is able to see almost anything that is hidden via magic, a persons Aura, and usually enables him to be able to tell if someone is genuine or not (i.e. whether they are being honest, or are a bad person posing as a good one.)

Healing Abilities

Xeved is able to heal himself, aswell as others. Though he rarely uses this ability as in Paragon City there are so many healers around he hasn't really needed to do this himself.

Martial Arts

Xeved knows various ways of fighting, but has decided to use Martial Arts whilst in Paragon City.


Xeved is also quite proficient with a bow, as well as various bladed weapons.




Very little is known about Xeved's history, other than he came from a place called Rhy'Din and that he ended up here because of a man known as Luther Mysteral. There are few who know more about his past, but he prefers to keep most of it a secret.

Drawn by Enchante


The Steadfast Pact

When Xeved first appeared in Paragon City, he was found by Blightbane of The Steadfast Pact whom tended to his wellbeing at Blight's home until he recovered fully one week later. Xeved offered to help out the Steadfast Pact in any way possible and did so for many months until he felt he was needed elsewhere. Xeved left the Pact on good terms and is still good friends with many of the members.

The Dawnstride Syndicate

Xeved joined the Dawnstride Syndicate in October, after being put in a mission with the groups leader Tsuruko. After the mission was over, Tsuruko was impressed by Xeveds abilities and offered him a place in the Syndicate, to which Xeved accepted. He is currently still an active member of the Dawnstriders.

Close Friends

Rooftop Rumbler

Chase Styles


Alan Hearson

Other Friends


Mr. Tiny Tiger

Other Acquaintances

Don Giordano

Super Pink

Rise Above

Toketsu Taki


The Thorn Bandit


Dawnstride Syndicate members

The Steadfast Pact


Luther Mysteral


Two Sides: Beginnings

2S: B is a small four part story that is being written by Xeved's creator in first-person.

Part One

Rage. An emotion I hadn't felt in a long time. Why the hell did that son of a-- I tried to calm myself, and to a degree it worked, but I was still angry. Luther had somehow found me and taken what was precious to me. How did he manage to do it, though? I'd taken a new identity, laid low, didn't do anything out of the ordinary..

Then it hit me. Faelen. I'd used my powers to heal her. It wasn't much, but enough for that psychopath to trace me. That doesn't matter now. He'd sent his 'army' of shadows into the village and killed every living inhabitant in it, just to draw me out. Soon he'd be getting his wish. I was nearing the cavern where I'd followed one of his dark servants to. "This'll be over soon..." I tightly clenched my fist, thinking of all those people who'd taken me in and loved me as though I was their own kin, only loosening once I noticed the small trail of blood dripping from my palm.

Enough stalling, I dashed into the cavern only to be met by three shadows. He'd been expecting me. Down I went, sweeping my foot around to send them flying before getting back up and darting through to where I assumed Luther would be. More shadows appeared as I sped through, but they didn't stand a chance. I'd slammed my foot into the side of one, appeared behind two more slamming their heads together before flipping to land the base of my foot upon the head of the final shadow. Luther had underestimated me, assuming that due to the fact I'd not used my skills in over two years I'd me out of shape. Wrong. The cavernous trail seemed to go on forever, but finally I made it to an open space lit by wide-spread torches which were all lit with a bright purple flame.

"LUTHER!" I yelled out. "Why did you do this?!" Nothing. "Answer me, you bastard! Why did you have to kill everyone, just to get to me?!" Then, out of the side of my eye I saw movement. Luther. Standing there with a devilish grin upon his features. "Oh, I didn't have to..." The evil in his eyes flared as they made contact with my own. "…But it was such fun." Growling, I allowed my rage to get the better of me and I lunged at him. "You'll pay!" Luther merely laughed as his form vanished. Unfortunately his power over shadows didn't just end at controlling them. He was able to merge with them too, which meant that he could be anywhere right now. "Come out here, you coward!" "But I haven't told you my newest plan..." Monologing... One of Luther’s favourite past times. Though, this usually left him open. I kept my eyes open looking around for anything to alert me to his location. ".. I've been doing research.. And have learned how to open rifts to other worlds. I found it in a book, written some years back by a man who said he'd been to a world full of villainous beings, and monsters.. One in particular.." "Let me guess, you want to bring it here?" Scowling, he'd improved his hiding skills over the past years.. I was unable to find any traces at all. "You're smarter than I thought. Maybe your mind didn't dissipate into nothingness while living a mundane life in that crater... I mean village…" I couldn't see him, but from the tone I could tell he was smirking. "Yes, I plan on bringing this creature to our world... And you'll be its first victim." "Like I'd allow you to--" Then I saw it, a greyish-purple rift beginning to open in the middle of the room. He'd already started without even having to appear. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't stay hidden when he could come out to gloat. "Big mistake, Luther." I lunged once again but stopped as the rift suddenly doubled in size, causing the whole cavern to shudder. "No… NO!" Luther turned to the rift. "It's not supposed to happen like this! The rift is getting too big!" Idiot. He'd allowed his ego to get the better of him, and as a result had lost control over the rift. Though, there wasn't time for either of us to really say anything, the rift had begun sucking in anything within range. My feet planted themselves firmly upon the ground and I crouched low, trying to keep myself from being pulled in. Luther meanwhile was attempting the same, using his shadows to keep him in place. The rifts intensity increased once more as it appeared to close, and no amount of shadows would have kept Luther in place. The both of us were pulled into the rift, a large piece of broken stalactite slamming into the back of my head as we went through. As I fell out of consciousness I felt the pendant around my neck begin to glow lightly and heard a familiar voice. "Don't give up, V..."

True Friends

Prologue (November 18-23)

It all started with a bit of arrogance in Pocket D. A few things happened and it resulted in Xeved being defeated very badly in an Arena match against Giga Gal. After his defeat, Xeved left and went to Croatoa, wanting to get some alone time. He spent a good few hours standing atop a hill, just staring off into the distance before deciding he'd seek some help. He'd heard that powerful adversaries lay beyond the portals of Portal Corps in Peregrine Island, so decided to make his way there -- but only after letting someone know he'd be gone for a while. One of his closest friends, Jim (aka Rooftop Rumbler) was nearby, so the news was passed on to him and Xeved headed off to Peregrine. Once he got there he heard from a group of heroes that beings known as the Praetorians were up to no good again, and joined them on their battle through many worlds to take on various leaders of the Praetorian armies. Three days of none-stop battles occurred, and finally the world was safe once again. Xeved's powers had increased substantially from this voyage, but still he felt that he wasn't good enough. An utter trouncing from Giga Gal will do that to you. While on the Praetorian world he had heard talk of a place known as the Shadow Shard, a realm where the most powerful beings resided. This was where his real training would begin. On November 23rd Xeved made his way to Firebase Zulu...

November 26
Alan Hearson

His name was Alan Hearson. A Tall, well-built man with broad shoulders and a strong face. He had straight, shoulder-length black hair and a light tan. His outfit appeared to be a custom design, taking parts from the Vanguard's uniform and integrated it into his own. This made sense as he claimed to be an ex-member of the Vanguard. Never said why he left, though. Alan met Xeved while in the Chantry doing a routine check to make sure nothing was getting out of hand, and they decided to work together as Xeved wanted to get stronger to help protect people, and Alan job WAS protecting people. Alan had even given Xeved a spare suit, almost identical to his own. Apparantly there used to be a group which Alan led, but now he was the only one left.

Alan and Xeved were in the Chantry. It seemed the Soldiers of Rularuu were grouping together for something. And it seemed like it was going to be something big. "Tell y'what boy, these guys group up from time to time and it's never a good thing when they do." Alan smirked as he spoke, the expertise of two years fighting in the Shadow Shard had given him enough knowledge when it came to these things. "But we do what we must..." Gaze turned to Xeved, "Because we can." Xeved nodded. It hadn't taken Alan long to get used to Xeved's way, how he rarely spoke. Never smiled, and a lot of the time didn't seem to interested in anything, even if that obviously wasn't the case. Alan slapped him lightly on the back before adjusting his gloves and pressing a combination of buttons on the left one which caused a forcefield to surround him and enable him to hover above the ground. "Now, I know you don't like all the Techno-stuff, but unless you want me to carry you on my back like a little girl I think you'll be best using this too." Xeved paused for a moment, before mimicking Alan's button combination and creating his own forcefield. Alan nodded to him before setting off towards the centre of the Chantry. "This guy, Faathim the Kind they call him, is one of the few good guys here. He'll know what's going on." A few hours passed and they were both in the presence of Faathim. He told them that an aspect of Rularuu known as Ruladak The Strong was forming an army to take on the denizens of the Shadow Shard. Apparantly he did this from time to time, but this time it seemed he meant business. Alan and Xeved decided that they would do what they could to help protect the Shard from Ruludak, and set off to find clues.


IC Notes

Creators Notes

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