Ava Adore/The Missing Bowman

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The Missing Bowman

Having previously run several black ops jobs for a contact associated with those close to the situation, it was an easy decision to involved Archon X in the search for the Liberty Bowman. A clandestine meeting was arranged by SincereAgape between Ava and Shigetaka Kadekawa, the commander of the Shinsengumi 6th Squadron in Bloody Bay.

The news was dire, following a compromised research mission in Bloody Bay, the hero, code named The Liberty Bowman, had gone MIA. His last sighting had been near an Arachnos facility located a short distance from their fortification. Allies of Liberty Bowman in the Peacekeepers Initiative and the JTFHero (Joint Task Force Hero) and other groups including Longbow were now, preparing retaliatory strikes against the Isles. Kadekawa in this first meeting with Ava stressed to her how important it was that they find Bowman before the task force and Longbow receive carte blanche to declare war.

Kadekawa knew as well as she did that outright war would serve no one, mostly certainly not the citizens of the Isles. Ava agreed with him that the situation surrounding Bowman's disappearance was questionable and it seemed far to convenient for Longbow who were already itching for a outright war and UN Sanctions to their currently illegal actions against a sovereign nation.

Event Timeline

Sunday, January 6, 2008 - 0900 EST

Monday, January 7, 2008 - 1600 EST

Tuesday, January 8, 2008 - 1100 EST

Tuesday, January 8, 2008 - 0700-0900 EST

Ava tries to figure how how to deal with Trevin and the impending air strikes and congressional meeting. Iggy (Cobalt Streak) appears in the Isles, mentioning he caught wind something was going down when one of his operations in the Isles was delayed. During their conversation on the details of the Liberty Bowman crisis Ava received a call from a contact in Paragon, they have important and urgent information and they should meet in Striga immediately.
Ava arrives in Striga with Tenarco, and Iggy as support. Her contact informs her that a rogue Longbow agent has gone MIA and longbow is trying to capture him now, and that he may have information regarding Liberty Bowman. They head to Founders Falls and the agent's girlfriend's apartment, only to find the place swarming with Longbow, with luck however they find the rogue agent, James Harscher, unfortunately however he died accidentally. A disk is retrieved from the body before Longbow arrive and they quickly leave the area.
Just as they disappeared towards the Hyperion Force Base an APB goes out for Ava's arrest for questioning. At the Hyperion base Ava makes two copies of the disk, gives a new hard copy to Iggy, sends a digital copy over her Archon X comm to Tron, and has Tenarco hide the original. She then gives Iggy her Archon X comm and gives her a few orders to given Archon X operatives and leaves to turn herself in to Devin Bouredeux.
Ava's processed and her questioning begins, her lawyers arrive shortly after, she is placed in an isolated cell and continues to maintain no knowledge of Trevin's actions or plans and repeats her story on how she came across the rogue Longbow agent, James Harscher, dead.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008 - 1000-1200 EST

Monday, January 9, 2008 - 1230-0200 EST

Monday, January 9, 2008 - 0330-0530 EST

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