Menace Force Kappa

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Menace Force Kappa.jpg
Player: Trystan Laryssa
Origin: Magical mutation
Archetype: Corruptor
Threat Level: Classified
Personal Data
Real Name: Kappa Xion
Known Aliases: Menace Force Kappa, CIV
Species: Human/Infernal hybrid
Age: 18
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eye Color: Deep brown
Hair Color: Reddish-brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: Caucasian (human side)
Occupation: Paramilitary group operative
Place of Birth: Classified
Base of Operations: The Rogue Isles
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: See "The Menace X Project"
Known Powers
Fire/Dark Miasma
Known Abilities
Drawing nether energy and setting things on fire
No additional information available.




Kappa is optimistic. He hasn't lost the ability to see work as play, in a way, and enjoys being whatever it is that he is. That being said, finding out WHAT he is has always been a priority, and he is a knowledge sponge, soaking up anything he can, however obscure. He's also something of a rebel, and questions authority. He has to know WHY... He has a tendency to come off as flighty sometimes, but he is actually quite bright, and has been developing a kind of passive empathy, and insight into other people's feelings and motives. He may play the part of a fool, but, like everything else about his feigned innocence, he's only playing...

Character History

(Spoilers... if you are interacting with these characters and don't wish to know the truth just yet, you have been warned)


Kappa was a part of The Menace X Project, originally numbered CIV (104). He is not the first Menace to take the letter Kappa. The original Kappa, nobody knows much about, except that he or she most likely perished in the line of duty.

Past Events

Kappa was the first of his generation to manifest a new mutation after adulthood, namely a set of batlike wings, and a shift to the shape of his ears. Tau was so scared about Beta discovering this and experimenting on him, that she was willing to cut the wings off if it meant sparing Kappa from torment. Kappa stopped her, saying that he believed in who and what he was... they were HIS now... and nobody was going to try and make him be what he wasn't.


Current Story

Kappa had taken off looking for Tau since hearing she ran off with Beta, scared because Alpha had been acting very strange lately... and Alpha had always been the one to fix things. If something was wrong with Alpha, then what could anybody do? Eventually, he found his sister, and in the company of Beta himself, who had somehow managed to revert back to nearly the form he had last taken. Tau assured him that she and Beta were safe, and to report to Alpha that he had, at least, seen them around Oakes... while there he could check on Alpha's current condition.

After giving his report, Alpha flew into a rage... Kappa, for all his supposed diligence, was unaware that Beta had broken back into Menace Base not long ago, and what good was he to the Project if he could not perform such straightforward duties! Acting more typical of Beta than himself, Alpha cornered Kappa and demanded explanations, only withdrawing when he realized Kappa was shaking in fear. Once dismissed, Kappa ran to Tau, absolutely distraught. Some part of him could feel that Alpha was only acting that way because he was hurt, and overwhelmed... and none of them had seen it coming. Alpha, who had been there for everybody, needed help, and there was nobody to give it. Determined, Kappa decided he would return to Menace Base, since he was now sure of his sister's safety, and begin doing everything he could to try to reach Alpha, whether Alpha thought he wanted it or not...

Alphakappabase.jpg Alphakappamish.jpg


FIRE! He loves setting things ablaze. He can also draw on nether energy to revitalize himself and others, or make the sources of his draws very lethargic.


Tau. Nothing had better happen to Tau. Something hurts Tau it has KAPPA to deal with! More recently, Alpha and his failing health have caused Kappa to worry... a lot. If anything happened to Alpha, Kappa would go crazy. Also, his sense of security can be shaken. He now needs to KNOW things.... and that curiosity can lead to trouble. He also has trouble focusing his right eye, and requires the reticle to see straight.

Rogue Gallery

Tanshin. Tanshin hurt Alpha. Tanshin hurt Beta. Tanshin hurt Tau. Tanshin will be attacked on sight.

To contact this character's creator

Global handle: @Trystan Laryssa

Creator Notes and Trivia

@Vheks got me into the Menace X concept and I have loved making my own mark in her fantastic story. Kappa was my first Menace, and I love playing him.


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