From Unofficial Handbook of the Virtue Universe
(( Okay, major revamp when I'm not lazy, because this page kinda sucked. Stuff to come! ))
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A bright and lively smile always ready to appear on her face, Nikki is generally a very happy person. She'll never hesitate to lend a listening ear or offer help with a problem to a friend, even if it means putting her own well being at risk. Despite her love of a good brawl, she refuses to kill while heroing, and deeply despises arguments among friends.
Nikki stands fairly tall and slender, with lean and toned muscles hinting at time regularly spent fighting or at a gym. Long, shiny black hair falls to her waist, lightly tinted with dark blue. Her face reveals bright, usually amused blue eyes peering out beneath a pair of very expressive eyebrows, and a white smile that illuminates her face regularly. By looking only at her hands, you would never guess her love of fighting, with long and graceful fingers that look like they ought to belong to a pianist, and surprisingly well-maintained fingernails.

(( Redoing all of these too! Cause stuff changes. Add your name if you know her, aaand I'll get to it. Probably. ))
Radiopath - One of Nikki's oldest and closest friends, she actually looks up to Fen a great deal as far as heroing morals go, and considers him to be one of the best friends she could ask for, despite her constant teasing him. Nikki would easily die for him or anything else without so much as a second thought.
Guard Archer - Tom is one of the first friends Nikki made when she started frequenting the D, and is responsible for a good deal of the pets she owns, including the miniature dragon she always has with her. She named him the first of her adoptive brothers and looks up to him a lot, despite the fact that he's rarely around anymore. She often visits him and his adorable wife, smothering their baby twins with adoration whether they want it or not.
Blasto Bro - Kevin, although not as old a friend as some of the others, is easily one of Nikki's closest friends and another one of her adopted brothers. She has a lot of fun dancing and being goofy with him, along with a good deal of admiration for his morals and kindness.
Robotic Spectre - Brian. Nikki's friendship with him began with a Doctor Who reference, and it only got better from there. She found in him a way to easily cheer up if need be, goof off, and most importantly geek out with about their favorite television show, and their friendship soon blossomed into something more. While she has yet to figure out exactly how one becomes a robotic ghost, her affections for him continue to grow each and every day.
Emily Bianchi Su'cour - Emma is, yet again, one of Nikki's oldest and closest friends. While adorable, an epic cookie baker, and great for snuggles, she has also proved herself to be an incredibly fierce friend and a close confidant. Nikki loves her to death and would do anything for her without hesitation.
Eletrick - Becca, in Nikki's opinion, is awesome. Always great for a laugh, being generally happy and goofy and just a bit random. Nikki has fun with her spastic attitude and can always count on her to cheer her up when she's down, not to mention this fiancee of Fen's happens to have an epic fashion sense.
Dantian - Brad was one of the first people Nikki met in the D. After she challenged him to a spar, he became her fighting instructor at the Sword of Paragon, a heroing school. Nikki has a lot of fun with his goofy attitude and learns a lot from their fights, and so considers him to be a good friend.
Jason Leander - While Nikki hardly knows a thing about Jason, she's come to enjoy his presence a great deal, whether it be because of his general happy attitude and good humor, or just that he seems to have a good heart. She's learned a good deal about compassion from him, and with the addition of his goofy spirit, may consider making him yet another adopted brother!
Warden Mal - Ahh, Mal. While their relationship got off to quite the rocky start, he and Nikki ended up dating for nearly a year, a relationship which ended on (mostly) good terms. While she is far from sure about what to think about him, she most certainly still cares for him a good deal and gets a bit peeved anytime one of her friends expresses relief about the end of the relationship.
Oscine -
Arroan -
Reppu -
Sage -
Nikki doesn't have too many enemies, as she's generally easy to get along with. However, she will get very pissed off if her friends are messed with, and you don't want to know what that entails. Consider yourself warned. ^_^
Stuff goes here. Add it!
• "Haaah. Firs'. Bu' anyway, Nikki's freak'n' awesome. Mhm." - Tom
• "Nikki's lovely really, easy t'ge'on wi'an'she tends t'keep Mikey smilin', which is a bloody 'ard job f'anyone." - Zack
• "Nikki? Ooooh... little boy Mikey's play thing. Yeah... girls a tool to be used by the right workman and far too tasty for him to have to himself" - Zeal
• "Nikkers!! I heart that chick!! Except that she's so into hittin' me...okay, I'm lyin', I -love- when she does that!" - Walter
• "Nikki's one of the best. Period. She does great work as a vet, and is one of the most caring, curious individuals I know. Oh, but ask her about the time she TORE MY ARM OFF. Hearts." - Fen
• "Nike? I fucking hate that company, shitty produ- OH NIKKI! Jesus, why the fuck didn't you say so? Yeah, she's awesome. And hot. And she likes my cookies! That's automatic win right there." - Emily Bianchi Su'cour
• "Typical conversation with Nikki for me goes something like this... Me: 'NIKKI!!!'... Her: 'It's not my fault!'" - Mal
• "I think she should die. And then come back to life so I can fucking kill her again. And again and again and again. Until I get tired or bored." - Matt Rocsin
•"I adore Nikki. Absolutely. She's a wonderful person, sweet, kind, gorgeous, tough. Kickass ice powers. Love of all things nerdy. Honestly I don't know why I didn't ask her out a long time ago, and I'm glad I have now. Cheers love!" - Brian
• "What's that? In here? In this mic, right here? Oh! Right, well, Nikki. What can I say? She's a wonderful person! Even when she can't remember who I am...still a great gal!" - Shelby Wainsford
•"Nikki is a great gal, very caring, very pretty, very nuts. Brian's a lucky bastard. Though we do miss the petting times." - Wolf & Fluffaluffagus
•"I met Nikki in the D and within 30 seconds she suggested that I marry her friend Clara, whom I had never even met. Clara did turn out to be very cool -- she's salty and sarcastic and I dig that -- but I'm proud to call Nikki one of my best friends. Yeah, I know I'm supposed to say something sarcastic here, but nope!" - Jason
•"Th' bitch is on somethin'. I dunno what, but... it's something. Some kinda.. drugs." - Raine Heartfall