United Underworld/Hall of Villainy
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HALL OF VILLAINY [work in progress]
Pardon the dust
Autosaurus Wrecks
Status: Active
Summary: A terrifying example of the Nazis' insane fascist agenda, the Autosaurus Wrecks was the end result of an unsuccessful attempt to directly merge the mind of a human with that of an AI housed inside of an unstoppable war machine. Now, as a hyper-intelligent being with a god-complex, the Autosaurus Wrecks is driven by one goal: to correct the fatal error that is humanity. A truly deranged super villain, Wrecks believes he is saving humanity from the blood of their own hands. He speaks of a prophecy in which humanity's inability to perceive logic and think rationally will result in the extinction of the entire species. He will stop at nothing to fulfill mankind's destiny and restore order to an imperfect world that thrives on chaos.
Abilities:The Autosaurus Wrecks is an unstoppable juggernaut that can level a city in a matter of hours. He has been shown to survive direct impact from nuclear warheads with little to no damage sustained from them. In addition to his incredible strength, the Autosaurus Wrecks is powerhouse of knowledge, displaying hyperintelligence that is nothing short of cosmic.
Status: Active
Rank: Primary Council
Summary: William Carome was once an ordinary citizen before a series of financial troubles tempted him to the wrong side of the law. While present on the scene of an attempted robbery at a local pool hall, an encounter with a hypnotic superhero plunged him into a catatonic state. Upon recovery he gained access to the limitless psychic potential of the human brain. Unfortunately, the experience also left him criminally unhinged. Fixated on the game of billiards, he now threatens Paragon City and all the world as Nine-Ball.
Abilities:Nine-Ball utilizes the destructive side of telekinesis, or simply tears at the minds of his victims in a variety of debilitating ways. His powers of telepathy allow him to read thoughts, transmit messages, or manipulate people's actions. He is fully capable of flight and has been known to teleport himself and others across great distances.
Wild Time
Status: Active
Rank: Primary Council
Summary: Wild Time is the quintessential criminally insane mobster with superpowers and a superiority complex, if such a thing could be quintessentially defined. Born in Sicily, he came to the Isles off of Family connections, who were supposed to be protecting his own family back home. Due to a rare (possibly magical or supernatural) parasitic disease that takes over the minds and bodies of mutants like him, Wild Time is mentally unstable and could snap at any moment, but also has the reigns on time control.
Abilities: He has the ability to warp the time stream that surrounds an object, as well as the ability to alter and destroy synapses of enemies from his own mind at a range.
Status: Active
Rank: Primary Council
Summary: A powerful mutant with the ability to control the earth itself. Seismecca started off as a lowly hero, pressured into hero work by G.I.F.T. due to her abilities. Hero work sickened her, protecting innocents, keeping the streets safe. It all seemed like a waste of time to her. Her real passion was her power. She would regularly rip up and destroy entire streets to apprehend a single crook. As her heroic image shrunk, and her power grew, she became more and more disconnected from doing good deeds. She became violent with the crooks she caught, confining them in stone prisons and binding them to the ground. And the more she did it, the more she liked it. Eventually she reached a tipping point. When confronted by her team about her actions she snapped, encasing them in stone she fled to the Rogue Isles and started her own career.
Abilities:She has telekinetic control over rocks, stone, and dirt. She can encase people in stone prisons, create weapons out of rock, liquefy the ground beneath her into quicksand, and then solidify and fracture it, causing mini earthquakes.
Status: Active
Rank: Primary Council
'Summary: Professional criminal Jack Cowell previously led a crew of 16 until all but 4, including Jack himself, met their demise during the botched Golden Giza Heist in December of 2011. During his escape from the carnage, Cowell came across a rogue Crey scientist, Dr.Abner Asner, working on a new Crey Cryo-Tech Project, a pair of gauntlets capable of projecting ice and freezing targets in the same manner as the Crey Cryo-Armor, sans the bulky suit. Taking vicious initiative, Cowell murdered the doctor [NOTE: Dr. Asner's death is still under private investigation] and stole the gauntlets, adopting the moniker of "Horror-Frost". Since then, he has joined the United Underworld and eventually achieved the rank of Primary Councilman on the Council of Chaos. Reports and observations have shown Frost to be the voice of cowardly reason. He prefers pursuing economic goals over attempts to gain power or cause chaos and tends to make it a point to speak out against plans that puts the Underworld [namely him] in the path of direct conflict with heroes. However, he seems to greatly value loyalty, viewing the Underworld as more of a "crew" than a cadre of super villains. This is possibly due to anxiety and depression over the loss of his own crew and his interaction with fellow PCs Seismecca and Pure Inferno. In addition, he has shown interest in gaining revenge against the Golden Giza casino and its owner Johnny Sonata for the loss of his crew, despite this damage having been undone by Dominatriea.
Abilities: Frost utilizes a pair of gauntlets that can spray through wrist mounted tubules an experimental cryo-gas that freezes water molecules in the air to form ice and snow. With some careful handwork, Frost can form razor sharp icicles around his fists for slashing, freeze the ground beneath ones feet, or trap a target in a block of ice. He regularly upgrades and tinkers with the gauntlets, crafting a less clunky Mark II pair and a series of rigs utilizing the cryo-gas technology, ranking from a backpack mounted system to a full set of armor. His regular uniform consists of a stylized insulated jumpsuit, a light impact helmet with protective reflective lenses and internal gas mask, and a built in pair of Mk II Cryo-Gauntlets.
Status: Active
Rank: Secondary Council
Summary: Once an apprenticing member of the Vindicators, Spectre currently identifies as "True Nictus," proudly embracing his lineage as a god of dark space and preaching his particular brand of the Path of the Dark. Rather than using coercive force to bring sentient beings under his spell, Spectre prefers philosophical discourse - that said, he is not and has never been above destroying any individual who proves to be a threat to his ideas. Spectre plays a very long-term game with the galaxy, and the loss of one human(or even a thousand) is but a small price to realize his vision.
Abilities:Like all Nictus, Spectre commands an array of innate powers over space, gravity and dark energy. The Nictus can also transform into a number of 'energy forms' based on prior hosts, giving him remarkable versatility. Spectre bolsters himself further with a formidable understanding of magic. Unpredictability is Spectre's strongest asset, in or out of battle.
Vile Toxin
Status: Active
Rank: Secondary Council
Summary: The criminal known as Vile Toxin was born into his line of work, his father the founder and grandmaster of an organization delighting in hiring out super powered agents for various jobs. Though intended to be gifted with controlled metahuman abilities like his sister, an ambush attack from Longbow forces would rattle the confines of the procedure, and twist fate in a different direction through just a quick drop of a vial. Vile Toxin has gained a substantial reputation in being strangely loyal to allies, overly secretive and aloof before most people - even and especially between members of the United Underworld. It is believed that no one with an average intelligence would ever trust their lives to a large collection of broken and twisted beings. At the very least, the green-skinned enigma considers himself the sanest of them all.
Abilities: Vile Toxin's anatomy is fused with a super toxin known as Mortitoxin, in which he can produce indefinitely. He is able to project and afflict others with this toxin through various means, including exhalation of vapour or the installment of this substance into weaponry. Naturally this has bestowed upon him an extremely high tolerance for toxic substances in general. Not regarding this metahuman trait, he is a highly trained marksman, decent hand-to-hand combatant, and currently proficient in the utilization of toxic warfare.
Voice of Dagon
Status: Active
Rank: Secondary Council
Summary: An ancient and eldritch horror older than humanity itself, The Voice acts as High Priest and leader to a malevolent aquatic race of monsters known as the Mal'yr. Xenophobic to the extreme the Mal'yr have remained hidden from the prying eyes of the surface world for thousands of years, engaged in their own private war against the sunken city of Atlantis, yet as the Atlanteans resurfaced to build alliances so too did the Voice and his people. His motives are enigmatic and utterly alien to all but the most long lived of lifeforms, for he is content to play games over the course of centuries, sacrificing one life to utterly devastate its legacy generations removed.
Abilities: Though all Mal'yr are highly psionic, The Voice is a powerhouse unlike anything that has come before or since. His own natural abilities allow him to rip the innermost fears and dreams from other living creatures, twisting them into weapons to blast a target's mindscape with and scour it bare. In addition he is capable of tapping on some of the long forgotten and forbidden magic of Dagon, augmenting his own abilities and turning the stolen mental fragments into unholy nightmares which are very real and very dangerous.
Super Rikti
Status: Active
Rank: Secondary Council
Summary: A Rikti "super soldier" bestowed with reverse-engineered superpowers from captured members of Hero 1's famous Omega Team, Ges'Talt was sent as a solo agent to destabilize Earth's governments and pave the way for the Rikti domination of Earth. Possessing the ice control of Glacia, the pyrokinesis of Infernia, the shape shifting capabilities of the Morphling, and the psychic powers of Mister Mental, Ges'Talt commands an arsenal of potent abilities, which he wields with great skill. Ges'Talt was originally a human clone made from the DNA of the four captured heroes and villains, who underwent the same Rikti Conversion process performed on the Lost from Primal Earth. He succeeded in turning the tide of several conflicts between human and Rikti forces following the Second Rikti Invasion, but eventually became disgusted with the Rikti agenda and went rogue, fighting only for himself.
Abilities:The Super Rikti possesses the combined superpowers of four superhumans from the fateful Omega Team, drawn directly from their extracted DNA. From Glacia, he inherited the power to control ice, entombing his opponents in freezing traps and slowing their movements with the icy cold. From Infernia, he gained the power to create and manipulate fire, launching searing blasts of heat and flame to destroy his enemies. From the impish shapeshifter known as the Morphling, he gained the power to change his physical form and that of his equipment, altering both his appearance and physiology. Finally, from the psychic Mister Mental, he gained potent telekinetic and telepathic abilities, even able to manipulate the actions of the weak-minded.
Viscount Von Crey
Status: Active
Rank: Initiate
Summary: Viscount Erik von Crey has shown himself to be, at this point, more of an associate to the Underworld than a full fledged member. The result of a eugenics inspired cloning experiment, Erik is the genetic son of Clarissa van Dorn-Crey and Count Alphonse von Crey and the former heir to Crey Industries. Genetically engineered to be a near perfect human specimen, Erik exhibited an early aptitude with advanced mechanics and sciences, crafting the first Crey Voltiac armor. Upon his arrival in Paragon City at the age of 16, Erik pursued several bouts with local teenage heroes, notably the Statesman clone Stateslad, the super speedster Volo, and the galactic guardian Hyperion Shield. After two disastrous affairs, the rumored death of a love-child [Note: See file 'Norman Morningstar'], and embarrassing himself before Crey Industries and the entirety of Paragon City, Erik disappeared into Europe and Asia for several years before returning in 2012 and founding the technology firm Vulcan Technologies with the corporate goal of diffusing the most advanced technologies to the most amount of people in human history. The von Crey that has emerged in Nerva Archipelago has returned re-invigorated, adopting a humanist philosophy that says heroes and governmental bodies, from the United States Federal Government to Longbow to Arachnos to NATO, curtail human development by labeling certain advanced technologies dangerous and preventing their investment. According to private surveillance, the founding of Vulcan Tech and adoption and vocalization of these ideas is really an attempt to dismantle and discredit super powered heroes and bring human society under his influence. It is believed Erik hopes to use the Underworld's resources to further his economic and philosophical interests through conflicts with heroes, though how he intends to do so is unknown. NOTE: Hacked communications from Mayhew Manor, von Crey's residence, has shown Erik has been in contact with an unknown entity known as "Mr. Charlie" since his return to the Rogue Isles and has increased communications since joining the United Underworld. Currently under investigation.
Abilities:The Viscount utilizes several sets of his custom designed Voltiac Armor composed of nanites that can transform from a few hundred-pound set of armor into a three-piece evening suit. He controls these transformations with a wristwatch, from which he can select several different armor configurations and load outs. Years of training at the Reichenbach Institute and supposed genetic engineering have rendered Erik a prodigy in the fields of advanced prosthetics and exo-frames. He has an innate understanding of the proper processes and methodologies with which one can bond the human mind and body to cybernetics into one functional and efficient unit. In addition, his tutelage in Reichenbach and Crey Industries has exposed him to a staggering amount of “super science”, making him a renaissance man of sorts in various advanced scientific fields. A particular recent focus of his has been Rikti armoring. Despite his falling out with Crey Industries, von Crey has no shortage of cash, having invested secretly in several different technology firms to keep himself afloat and independent from his mother. He is sufficiently wealthy and his a number of resources to call upon within the Isles at any time he would have need of them.
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